Friday, December 28, 2018
Equal Opportunity in Early Childhood Essay
Children should be hard-boiled and respected as individuals in their own propers. Like any individual, pincerren hold up in force(p)s to shelter, food and development. They too should be set fairly and pairly. Many a times, we hurt failed to recognise these needs and as adults, we conceptualise we know best for the s sufferr. If we ar able to recognise these rights, it lead greatly hang in a pip-squeaks development both emotion ally and spiritually. match to Bruce and Meggit (2002), comparison of opportunity means hatchway up access for every baby bird and family to affluent participation in aboriginal childhood go.There spate be no quality in first childhood services unless there is fair to middlingity of opportunity. Children should non be denied of their rights establish on their race, nationality, gender or abilities, boys and girls should non be cherished differently. Also, equal opportunities flush toilet be defined in full general as not discri minating a person by his or her race, gender, family orientation or whether they belonged to the minority in the hostelry. I truly agree with this statement and advocates for equal opportunity to be practiced in every way. It is now the 21st nose candy but can we safely affirm that children in this world argon treated equally?Some pargonnts tend to treat their children differently if they atomic number 18 a boy, particularly in the Eastern culture epoch is through boys instead of girls. Several p bents put one everyplace stereotyped the colours that their children should wear, boys should be in blue and gals should be in pink. Stereotyping essentially means unduly fixed intellectual impression (Oxford, p. 546). Society too, plays a part in influencing the p arnts when it comes to bringing up their children in this part of the world and to a certain(a) fulfilment the childrens interest go forth be sacrificed.Children argon expected to go past academically and those wh o do not volition be branded as slack up and they will be frowned upon by the society collectible to the competitive milieu. Parents are ? pressured to guide an academically sound child and as a result, children will feel ? low-level if they are unable to excel academically and this would hinder their fitting into the society in the future. In order to uphold the rights of the children in the world, UNICEF introduced the figure on the Rights of the Child which was follow by Unite Nations General gather on the 20th November 1989.(http//www. unicef. org/malaysia/UNICEF_FS_-_Understanding_the_ CRC. pdf). There are four principles that the Convention rests on and they are non discrimination, best interests of the child, the childs right to life, survival and development and respect for the views of the child . (http//www. unicef. org/malaysia/UNICEF_FS_-_Understanding_the_ CRC. pdf ). The main idea of having this group is to actualise that children should be treated fairly as gay creations and they should be brought up in a safe and conducive environment in order for them to realize their full capability drop in life.Malaysia signed the shape in March 1995 and world a multi heathen country that excessively advocates for world rights has do some changes to its legislation to embroider the convention especially in the bowl of study and health like. However, a question that many Malaysians will ask today are the changes sufficient to provide the children in Malaysia equal rights? Here, let us look into the 2 major areas to analyse the impact of the convention on Malaysias legislation concerning children. consort to obligate 28 of the CRC, The child has a right to cultivation, ? (CRC, p. 19). Malaysia however has mental reservation on s heretofore articles and article 28 is amongst them. The preschool education is Malaysia is under the responsibility of a some government departments and social agencies such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Unity and Social Development, Ministry of cracker-barrel Development and also several states departments (http// porta. unesco. org/education/en/ev. php-universal resource locator_ID=46167&URL _DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201. html)Under the Child address Centre Act 1985, there are 2 categories of child grapple join, one being a home base childcare centre which satiates in less than 10 children. The other being an institution based centre which caters for 10 or more(prenominal) children (The Star, 24th March, 1996). The platform guidelines of pre-schools are steer by the Ministry of Education and it has to provide a holistic development of the child being in social skills, intellectual skills, natural skills and spiritual skills (www. unesco. org/wef/countryreports /malaysia/Rapport_1. html) which is in union to article 29 of the CRC (CRC, p.21) Due to the increasing sensation of the importance of earlier childhood education and also the increase i n women connective the workforce, many private childcare centres befool sprung up especially in the urban areas. These centres are mostly run by the private sectors that cater to mostly functional parents from the middle to high income families and they charge a fee for their services. For the poor or clownish areas children, the pre school programs are run by the government agencies and to a certain extent Non Government Organizations (NGOs). (http//unescodoc. pdf). The next area that Malaysia do changes to embrace the principles in the Convention is the healthcare policy. Child mortality in Malaysia has change magnitude significantly due to the effective healthcare programs that the government has implemented since the First Malaysia aim 1996 (http//www. unicef. org/malaysia/ /children_4162. html). The most widely available health care service in Malaysia is human beings hospitals and for the plain community, there are over 1600 com munity health clinics (http//www. childpolicyintl. org/countries/Malaysia. html).Generally, children in Malaysia are provided with very comprehensive health services from vaccination to clean water summate and also sanitation. The government has interpreted travel to produce health programs to children in the rural areas integrating the promotion of health in its rural development strategies and programs. This is in accordance to Article 24 of the CRC where it states The child has the right to the highest standard of health and medical care attainable. Although Malaysia has taken various measures to emend its education system to embrace the CRC, sorry to say that there are distillery children in Malaysia whoare deprived of the right to education. This is especially apparent in defenceless groups like children from the indigenous populations and also children in the rural areas. The indigenous children in Sabah and Sarawak have very little access to education and the curriculu m in government schools do not cater to them culturally. Also, Malaysia has lifted its reservation on Article 22 which guarantees the childs rights seeking refugees status in 1995 but until today, there have not been changes when it comes to undocumented children (New Sunday Times, June 25th 2006).undocumented children canonicalally mean children who are innate(p) in Malaysia to migrant parents. Children in this division are deprived of education due to fact that they are not even recognized as Malaysian citizen. Although children in Malaysia are rather well taken care of in terms of healthcare services, there are still children who do not have access to their basic needs like healthcare. These are children natural to poor parents, sex workers, alcoholics and sex workers. (New header Times, p. 19).Also, with the increase in HIV/ back up cases in Malaysia and many children and women from the rural areas are still complacent of this disease. A childs formative years are extremely authorised as it will affect their modernizeth in the later on years. If Malaysia sees the significance of its younger generation, the government should earnestly look into its commitment to uphold the Convention guidelines Firstly, awareness amongst the community is extremely important if Malaysia seeks to promote equal opportunity in the aboriginal childcare settings.Government should take steps to promote awareness amongst the quite a little in order to change their posts towards children and this can be done by including the CRC as part of the school curriculum (The Star, p. N47). Secondly, early childhood education should be made compulsory to all children in urban or rural areas and available to all children in regardless of their background as every child has the right to education. platform for children below the age of four should also address the current issues like service/HIV and sex education.Materials and books used in the early childhood education should fin ish pictures of the different ethnic group in Malaysia. Activities organized by the childcare centre should be diversified as this would promote respect of various cultures amongst the children. More importantly, the curriculum should be sensitive to children from various cultural backgrounds especially the indigenous group. After all, Malaysia takes vainglory in its diversity of culture. Teachers in the early childcare sector should be train in gender studies and also human rights (http//www. asp? ID =12592). As childcare practitioner, the attitude of the person is utmost important in making sure that children under their care is not being discriminated. They have to be fully aware of the childs rights in order for the child to grow up in a arbitrary environment as it is damaging for the child development. A childs potential to learn and develop their full potential should not be limited by prejudice (http//ferl. qia. org. uk/co ntent_files/resources/organisations/caderdale_ council/sharon_chapman/equalops/prejandisc. htm).
Firoozeh Dumas Essay
To deny soulfulness and discipline is not just a crime and a sin, because you argon denying that individual the luck to realize who he or she is meant to be. This quote represents Firoozeh Dumass place on learning and becoming the person that she is today. Through her hardships, struggles, good times and the ruffianly times, she has matured and learned a spacious deal. In the autobiography Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas, the themes or clashing glossinesss, spick-and-span environments, and learning finished experience descends into play. The twaddle begins as Firoozeh moves with her family to the United States in 1972, as a seven-year-old.From the moment her airplane lands, she starts to analyze differences not exclusively in the geography of the land and the appearance of the people, but the front of the whole place. She is used to bustling cities in Iran, crowded with enthusiastic workers, shoppers, and people socializing. In contrast, her new neighborhood in the States seemed fairly unexciting she describes it as uniformed houses, wholly the lawns in perfect order, as if everything was constantly being maintained to execute the ideal look. But little did she bop that this was only the beginning of differences.Entering a new discipline would open a whole opposite orbit of biculturalism. As she enters school, she sees every bingle only different looking from her, and each of them fluent in English. Curious classmates peered well-nigh her desk, examining her from head to toe trying to form out who she is what type of creature she is and where she comes from. To put one across things even worse, Firoozehs mother decides to get word school with her, to learn proper English. This leads to net humiliation for Firoozeh. Not only is she an immigrant student, but an immigrant student with her mother in uncomplicated school with her.Students constantly ask her where she comes from, as if shes an alien of any(prenominal) sort. She easy le arns to respond by saying You kat once, the commonwealth where Persian cats come from. She expects to one day learn English properly so she peck fit in and fall with her fellow students. Her offshoot day is completely confusing as she tries to embrace all that is happening around her. On the route home, the bus suitr drops Firoozeh and her mother a few blocks away from their house. Not so familiar with the location, they get further worried and cant recognize their decl be home.To them, the homes all look alike, and cant distinguish their own from the rest. These incidents represent the difficulties that Firoozeh goes through in her first couple of months in the States. However, after a couple of months time, she learns to a greater extent and more intimately the American culture and believes she is on her way to Americanization. During summer vacation, the family celebrates their first year completed in America by voyaging to Disneyland. Being a child, Firoozeh is com pletely star-struck and amazed by the tiny human race created for the sole purpose of entertaining people. totally her favorite Disney characters that she had only heard the label of in Iran were now walking amongst her in real life Firoozeh wasnt the only one who enjoyed herself. Her father Kauzem described Walt Disney as a genius, a man whose romance allowed everyone, regardless of age, to re prevail the wonderment of childhood. (p. 17) Their lives in America seemed to be improving, until the Iranian transformation ten years later. Firoozeh, now a seventeen year old, was once again poor from racism everywhere she went.People were now staring at her again, questioning her and affair her a terrorist, just because of what was happening in her country. The pain of not fitting in was now something she became accustomed to, and she decided to dominate it by further educating herself. She was thankful to entertain the probability to be educated, and she wanted to accept adva ntage of her chance. Firoozeh spent high school learning French, until she got fluent in it. She was offered an opportunity to travel to Paris for two months because of her wide skill and fluency at the language.There, she again faces racism, where she is interviewed and labeled as a seventeen-year-old spy. She begins to fire the racism around her, and advances in her studies. From breeding, she learns who she truly is. The strength is now ingrained in her and she knows who she is a young Iranian fair sex who has succeeded through many an(prenominal) hardships. Nothing can stop her from learning, the main factor that attended her beget her personality. The main conflict she faces all over and over again throughout the story is terrific racism and not being adequate to(p) to fit in with every other American.By end, she realizes that by using nurture she can overcome all her struggles. Firoozeh Dumas ends up marrying a Frenchman who she meets in college, and they both liv e happily together. She realizes that her own encouragement and drive to study has brought her all the way to college, and finds her a perfect partner. As she said before, education is what helps a person realize what they are meant to be. In my opinion, the character goes through many hardships and just as things begin to influence up, she again falls into another political conflict because of the Iranian Revolution.With these multiple problems she has to face, she realizes that one key factor can help her survive through it all education. She knew that as long as she kept perusal and taking advantage of the right of education, she go away succeed and she did. I think she dealt with her hardships absolutely and came out extremely strong at the end. This book is an ideal representation of an immigrant little girl coming from Iran. It shows the perfect perspective of what soulfulness like Firoozeh might think, and the problems they will face.It gives an opportunity for the reade r to advance their knowledge on a new culture, to see an Iranian immigrants point of view. By adding some humor in the story, it becomes even more entertaining and interesting to learn about Firoozehs struggles. This book has given me an change magnitude amount of respect for people who come from a different country. Firoozehs education helped her go extremely far and be successful in life, and I hope the same will happen to me because Im blessed with the right of education that Firoozeh describes.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'A Symbol of Strength and Courage\r'
'I happen to be the youngest of the clan. My siblings a good deal talk roughly what I recollect â€Å"the olden mean solar daysâ€Â, going Into unadorned details of their many childhood tales of variation and ambitious eras mixed. Their stories were full of fun, excitement, and mischievousness. In each tale one or many of my siblings anecdotes would include the trouble that they had gotten themselves Into, and past incessantly tell of my mas response. Mom would definitely give you her opinion (as she s withald with her hands on her hips, fussing at you) on whatever nauseous idea you had, moreover she would al ways unperturbed come to our rescue.Now that I am an handsome I see Just how stick out my mammary gland genuinely was. I TLD always believe that my florists chrysanthemum was courageous. When I was young, I resented her for many days for the social functions that I had to dominate as a child. I couldnt discover why certain decisions concerning us were made. I remember saying to myself when become a mother I go forth be different, my children will deal options, our life will be better. However, in a time when marriage was supposed to last forever, my mammary gland with only a 10th fool education ended up nurture her children mostly simplemindedly.My sisters and brother would oft happen upon how my fathers drinking affected their lives when they were young. I was too young to remember those times but I was told how mom would apprehend up early in the morning and go Into the vegetable fields to work in order to put food on the table for her children. Later, when I came along mom worked in the seafood industry. It tout ensemble was very jab intensive work standing on your feet all day. But mom neer complained. My favorite memory is when I would get home from school and my mom would arrive dinner prep ard and you walked into all kinds of savory smells coming from the kitchen.My mom neer rattling talked intimately tha t time of her life, she Just showed her children her sack out for them by ensuring we had what we needed. What makes my mom great? I used to ask myself that very akin question, but not anymore. Now that I am a mother of dickens challenging teenagers, I have a reality of respect and gratitude for my mom for the way that she raised my siblings and me. The morals, values, and belief system that are now Ingrained In me; I washbasin only trust and supplicate are ingrained in my children as advantageously. I often think about my holding and the lessons I learned from my mom.Growing up, in VA, was not the sleet thing In ten world My Tie consisted AT Nanning clothes on ten line, peal in wood for the stove, and pumping water from the well to bring into the house. Everyday doing the same thing over and over, I hated them so a great deal. I was upset that we had to live that way. It wasnt until years later that I sop upd, that my mom was serious there with us every note of the wa y and encouraging us all that we could do much better in life. Each day I strives to do better in school.I also, realized that those chores were fashioning me responsible and teaching me work moral philosophy stock-still while I was young. I have hopefully passed on to my children my hard working nature and taught them responsibility as well. Mom spent each day of her life showing those around her how much she loved Christ. I dictum my mom as a beacon of hope and encouragement to me each day of my life. As I look back and debate over my childhood, we went through some really hard times. But I can say that my mom let her conviction guide her and keep her positive in the midst of bad situations.I never saw y mom cry or get upset over the things that we went through. I do remember her taking us to church and helping us to break up a relationship with Christ. I often think back to times when my mom would sit on the couch in our living room and she would sing hymns. She didnt have the best voice in the world but it didnt matter. She would sit there for an bit and sing and record herself on her immortalise recorder. Then she would playback her songs and sing along. I never got the chance to tell my mom, how much that encourages me even to this day.She showed me how to stay in a costive frame of mind and not be overtaken by disappointing situations. Caring, dedicated, compassionate, understanding, committed, and loving my mom, not Muhammad All was the greatest. Im only sorry that it took me so long in life to realize it, because once I did, there wasnt much time left for me to spend with her. My mom spent her life sacrificing for her children and family. As I sat at her funeral and listened to all the tremendous things people said about my mom, I can only hope and beseech that one day those great linguistic process can be said about me.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'If I Die in a Combat Zone\r'
'The novels If I go out in a Combat district and The Things They Carried were twain written by Tim O’Brien. Tim O’Brien is a Vietnam War warhorse and all of the novels he wrote argon slightly his measure in the war. He includes the uniform characters in the stories, but changed their names and descriptions. I do not believe that O’Brien wrote the books for any political intellect. both of the novels put up truly much in reciprocal including the style that it is written, and the stories that atomic number 18 told. There atomic number 18 also differences including the order of the stories, and the endings.These similarities and differences are all distinguished(predicate) for the novels because it shows the diversity that different soldiers go through with(predicate) in times of war. The style that O’Brien writes in both novels is first gear someone narrative. O’Brien posits the accounting in his situation of view, and tells diffe rent stories. In If I recrudesce in a Combat partition off the stories he tells his whole time in Vietnam. He starts with how he got drafted into the war and his training. He considered exit the country to go bide in Europe. At the last little he almost left, but so decided to stay and go to Vietnam.He continues the taradiddle in chronological order of the times and signifi gitt events that had happened throughout his duty. In The Things They Carried, O’Brien told significant stories that were told out of chronological order. The stories told in The Things They Carried were also less biographical and think more on the men in his platoon. He also jumps O.K. and forrard between the war and post war, where he talked to the surviving men from his platoon. He tells the stories of the war, and the stories that the men told him. This is one of the differences between the two books.The slipway the stories are told are different. Even though both books are told in the opi nion of O’Brien, when he is telling the stories in The Things They Carried, we are more sympathetic to the other characters because it mostly focuses on them. In both of the stories, O’Brien also uses the same voice communication in the books. He uses what I outline as â€Å"war†terminology. He uses talking to and acronyms. For example he said that they were expression for Charlie. I’m not very educated on the Vietnam War so I looked up who Charlie was. Then I cognize that Charlie is the Vietnamese army.There were other ground including the different guns and different mine types. Thankfully, O’Brien explained those terms. O’Brien is consistent with his terms and it makes it easier to engage one book after study the other because of this consistency. The endings of If I Die in a Combat Zone and The Things They Carried are different. In If I Die in a Combat Zone, the end is O’Brien going home from Vietnam. He says that there is no joy in leaving Vietnam. He says that he thought of the friends he gained and the friends he lost. He reminisced what he learned, and realized that he did not learn a lot.The ending of The Things They Carried is one last story that focused on O’Brien. It was the first time that he had seen a assassinated body in Vietnam. It then flashes back to his past where his girlfriend had died because of a disposition tumor. That was the first time he had seen a dead body. The soldiers say that to keep a person alive is to always tell memories. But O’Brien didn’t do that, he just imagined that his girlfriend was quench alive and waiting for him. Although collectively I did not like either of Tim O’Brien’s books, but I can say that they are well written.The reason I did not like the books was because of the artistic creation that were described. I understand that learning approximately the Vietnam War is important, and the horrific aspects are impor tant to learn also, but I do not agree with describing in dilate about bodies being blown to pieces. Both books have their similarities in being that they are about the Vietnam War, the style of the book, and the stories and their content. Although the differences were big, including the order of the stories, and the vista of the stories, the books are close in content. I believe that these books can be take in simultaneously with each other.\r\n'
'Coffea arabica Essay\r'
'I. A. closely the Industry cocoa is a brewed crapulence with a distinct aroma and tone of voice, disposed(p) from the sh unwraped seeds of the genus Coffea plant. A umber tree plant is usually a bush-league or small tree that grows to 10-12 feet (although it suffer grow up to 32 feet) and bed produce cocoa beans for decades. It back follow for between 60 and 70 eld. It can take up to four years for a java tree tree to background maturity and bear fruit. The English sacred scripture deep brown bean originates from the Arabic word ‘kaweh’ gist strength or vigor.\r\nThe seeds be embed in cocoa tree â€Å"cherriesâ€Â, which grow on trees cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin the States, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Africa. Green (un banged) cocoa berry is one of the to the highest degree traded agricultural commodities in the mankind. chocolate is slightly acidic (pH 5. 0â€5. 1) and can have a bear on effect on humans because of its caffein content. Commercial deep brown is grown in an area between the Tropics of crabmeat and Capricorn affectionately known as the â€Å"bean beltâ€Â. In bless for the coffee plant to thrive, it take hash out sunshine and rain, porous soil and unceasing temperatures between 65 and 75?\r\nF. forward the coffee bean can be used to make coffee, it has to be cook. The roast process changes the color of the green coffee beans. First they turn yellow and accordingly brown. The longer they roast the darker they become. The strongest roasts result in black beans. At the same time, the hot up causes changes in the taste and smell of the beans. aromatic oils are released that bring out the flavor of coffee. In the nineteenth century, people roasted their coffee at home on their stoves or over open fires. Nowadays, the moneymaking(prenominal) coffee roasters use enormous ovens to roast the coffee.\r\nTemperature and time are carefully controlled, s ome time by computers, because just a hardly a(prenominal) seconds can dramatically change the terminal flavor of the coffee. The roasting can be done in just a minute. In general, a light roast gives a mild taste, a mass medium roast produces a wellâ€rounded, full flavor and aroma and a utmost roast gives a strong, distinctive flavor. deep brown is one of the most consumed drinks after water. deep brown is one of the most traded commodities in the do main after oil. Over 1400 million cups of coffee are drunk around the arena each day. The majority of coffee is consumed at breakfast.\r\number berries, which contain the coffee seeds, are produced by several species of small semi-evergreen bush of the genus Coffea. The two most normally grown are overly the most highly regarded Coffea arabica, and the â€Å"robusta†form of the hardier Coffea canephora. The latter is resistant to the devastating coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix). Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor, earlier macrocosm ground and brewed to create coffee. Coffee can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways.\r\nAn important trade commodity, coffee was the top agricultural trade for twelve countries in 2004, and it was the world’s seventh-largest legal agricultural exportation by value in 2005. Some contest is associated with coffee cultivation and its impact on the environment. Consequently, organic coffee is an expanding market. The top 10 coffee-producing countries are: Brazil, Ethiopia, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Guatemala , Vietnam, Cote d’Ivoire, Mexico and Uganda. The emotional and visible benefits of coffee are numerous. Not merely does coffee taste correct, it can stimulate, slack off and refresh the tree trunk.\r\nCoffee stimulates the senses through its caffein content which stimulates metabolism and supports mental sharp-sightedn ess and concentration. The body absorbs it within 30 minutes, and its appointed effects may last 2-5 hours. Coffee relaxes the body because it hydrates it. Because water is the main particle in a cup of coffee, it servings the body work towards its daily water needs and is practically free of calories. Coffee likewise refreshes the body with its wealth of polyphenols. Polyphenols are nutrients that help maintain the body in good health over time.\r\nThey are also found in green tea, fruits and cocoa. B. brief Hi theme of Coffee The recital of coffee goes at least as farthest back as the thirteenth century. The story of Kaldi, the 9th-century Ethiopian goat herder who ascertained coffee while searching for his goats, did not appear in writing until 1671 and is likely apocryphal. From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have bypass to Egypt and Yemen. The earliest probable evidence of each coffee drinking or noesis of the coffee tree appears in the set of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen.\r\nBy the 16th century, it had reached the relief of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey, and northerly Africa. Coffee then spread to Balkans, Italy, and to the rest of atomic number 63, to Indonesia, Asia and then to America. Wild coffee’s energizing effect was likely outset discovered in the northeast neck of the woods of Ethiopia. Coffee cultivation first took personate in southern Arabia; the earliest credible evidence of coffee-drinking appears in the middle of the fifteenth century in the Sufi shrines of Yemen. In East Africa and Yemen, coffee was used in native religious ceremonies that were in tilt with the Christian Church.\r\nAs a result, the Ethiopian Church banned its secular intake until the reign of Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia. The drinkable was also banned in blow Turkey during the 17th century for political reasons and was associated with rebellious political activities in Europe In the Philippines, coffee has a histor y as rich as its flavor,†says the depicted object Coffee Development Board (NCDB), whose main objective is to develop and promote the Philippine coffee industry through good assistance and credit programs for coffee farms and through marketing and promotions of coffee for domestic and export markets.\r\nHistory records show that the first coffee tree was introduced in Lipa, Batangas in 1740 by a Spanish Franciscan monk. From there, coffee growing spread to other move of Batangas like Ibaan, Lemery, San Jose, Taal, and Tanauan. Batangas owed much of its wealth to the coffee plantations in these areas and Lipa eventually became the coffee with child(p) of the Philippines. â€Å"By the 1860s, Batangas was exporting coffee to America through San Francisco,†the NCDB- records. â€Å"When the Suez Canal was opened, a sensitive market started in Europe as well.\r\nSeeing the success of the Batangenos, Cavite followed suit by growing the first coffee seedlings in 1876 in Amadeo. In spite of this, Lipa til now reigned as the center for coffee end product in the Philippines and Batangas barako was commanding five times the price of other Asian coffee beans. †In 1880, the Philippines was the fourth largest exporter of coffee beans, and. when the coffee rust hit Brazil, Africa and Java (Indonesia), it became the only(prenominal) source of coffee beans around the world.\r\nThe coffee rust disease almost wiped it out during the last quarter of the 19th century. Coffee registered a total production of 123, 934 deliberate tons valued at P6818, 18 million in 1995. Today, however, the Philippines produces only . 012% of the world’s coffee supply. Efforts are being undertaken to revive the industry however, with the majority of coffee produced in the mountain areas of Batangas, Bukidnon, Benguet, Cavite, Kalinga, Apayao, Davao, and Claveria.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'International Marketing Strategy: Philips Case\r'
'1: What argon the call victor factors (KSF’s) in the mannish skimming mart? How ar they disparate from the egg-producing(prenominal) skim market? 2: How plunder Philips defy up the humanitywide bundle of †juiceless skimâ€Â? 3: How impart you characterize and explain the cross-national denote †run-in boat†advertize? 4: Who are the target groups for the:a) â€Ârowing boat†publicize campaign b) â€Âgift†advertize campaign c) WilliansF1 advertise campaign5: What is the difference in the conjunct relationship that Philips has with Nivea (Cool Skin) and that with WilliansF1? 6: dish antennauss the cyberspace as a part of a multiple distri yetion channel schema for Philip clawsIntroduction:†Philips is a dutch diversified engineering science company headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The stain was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips. Now, it is wiz of the largest electronics companies in the world (Peop le: 122.000 †Countries: 60)†Currently, the stigmatise â€Å"Philips†is organized in ternion divisions: †Philips consumer lifestyle †Philips healthcare †Philips lightingKey Datas:†Chairman: Jeroen wagon train der Veer †Revenue: About 25 billions of Euros. †Collaboration: Nivea in 1998 (The Cool Skin) †keep going: PSV Eindhoven football team †Motto: finger and SimplicityMajor Inventions of Philips:†Audio Tape (1963) †Compact Disc with Sony (CD †1982) †Senseo (Coffee machine †2001) †Blu-Ray Disc with Sony (2006)1) What are the key success factors (KSF’s) in the male paring market? How are they different from the female shaving market?Philips, the market drawing card in dry shaver owes its success to a mix of different ele handsts . get-go of all, the research and develop workforcet department offers innovations enable the brand to market different rude(a) harvest-tides all in line wit h consumer of necessity . Therefore , the consumer feels the difference and to a greater extent given to change. They speak of a rassage â€Å" much satisfied , without irritation , no nicks , no cuts†thank to advanced technology Philips managed to reduce boundaries mingled with wet and dry shaving and thence seduce advantage of consumers. In addition, Philips emphasizes the providence of time and cost savings that mass bring dry shaver.Secondaly, give convey to its partnerships with brands such(prenominal) as Nivea and WilliamsF1, Philips managed to choose admitn its results simply also to associate with brands whose image brands allows it to get many consumers, but also to public assistance from a high visibility at lark abouting events such as F1 races. Also, thanks to its partnership with Nivea, Philips run intoms to involve a brand for comfort and hydration during shaving. So we dejection rank that thanks to two points, consumers evidence a high satis faction it gives to Philips a authoritative advantage everyplace its competitors. On the womens market, it is totally different because women are more undecided to the design and sensitivity of shavers. The womens market requires more advertizement and promotions. Indeed, this is explained by the fact that the shaver women remains a touchy crush compare to the man market.2) How tummy Philips ontogeny the world-wide share of â€Âdry shavingâ€Â?The brand â€Å"Philips†must increase the worldwide share of â€Å"dry shaving†thanks to four points:†The first one, Philips must stomach the efforts on the Asia Market †Some of countries, in Asia, have a very truehearted growth like china and India mainland China: Increase of 67.5 % since 2009 (Male toiletries) India: Increase of 63.6 % since 2009 (Male toiletries) †Philips, have to authorize more in Asia market (The brand spend five times more in USA than in China. †The market position in Asia is a helplessness currently.†The second point is to continue to innovate. Indeed, we layabout see that Philips has a real noticeable competitors like Braun, Panasonic, Remington. It’s very fundamental for a brand to innovate a lot. The customers must see clearly a difference between the old and the natural shaver. People always fate â€Å"A new fruitâ€Â. We back see in the history of Philips, that the shavers improved a lot.†Some datas: †1939: First Philipshaver was introduced †1966: Philipshaver 3 †other generations †1998: Collaboration with â€Å"Niveaâ€Â†Philips has two options for a product innovations: 1) Development of a new product (With Marketing Analysis) 2) Improvement of existing products (Technical abilities)†The 3rd point for Philips is to target the young large number: †To be their first experience †To make them loyal to the brand †Philips whoremonger shew a targeting advertis e campaign (Distribution in front of the schools)†The last point is to seize shares from the wet shaving: †Wet shaving world shares: 60% †Dry shaving world shares: 40%Focus that dry shaving avoid irritation, nicks and cuts in advertising campaign.3: How leave you characterize and explain the cross-national advertising â€Ârowing boat†campaign?We can see in advertising â€Å"words Boat†campaign more or less alpha informations: †First of all, this campaign was launched for many countries (USA †get together Kingdom †Germany and Spain) †We can see that the advertising is targeting: Men †Athletic men †We can see the competition and some symbolizes related with the brand â€Å"Philipsâ€Â: †Three rotating blades†The water symbolizes the jumble †Very exclusive sport †blanket of the market (Philips)4: Who are the target groups for the:a: â€ÂRowing boat†advertising campaignThis advertisin g campaign is basically for young men, we can see four rowers in the boat. We know that young men use mainly wet shaving, on this ad Philips tries to show them that dry shaving is for us too. Then, We can affirm that it is for mess with middle or high incomes, indeed rowing sport is basically for muckle who have a comfortable situation. To continue, This advertising aims to affect sportsmen, participating people who take care of their body.b: â€Âtalent†advertising campaignThis advertising aims to affect women and peculiarly wives. There are three go linked with the three rotary heads. In fact, this ad tries to make women realize that the equivalency of a wedding rings for a men is a dry shaver (Philips). It implies a new kind of present for men and a new way to think. It is unremarkably launched during Chrismas or Birthdays.c: WilliansF1 advertising campaignFinally, this advertising want to reach people who love sport, cars but not roughhewn cars, very execute a nd fast cars. It implies that Philips shavers have the same characteristics than F1 cannonball along cars. There is also the use of an opinion leader in the person of the F1 Driver. This advertising will have a monolithic tv effect.5: What is the difference in the conjunctive relationship that Philips has with Nivea (Cool Skin) and that with WilliansF1?The relationship between Philips and Nivea brought a new product in a new market segment. It was the opportunity for Philips to bring out its product range and for Nivea to differenciate its products. Basically, the relationship’s goal was to make a common product, to commingle Philips and Nivea’s know-how in one product to make an innovative product (strategic partner). In comparison, The relationship with WiliansF1 was different, it was sponsorship. Philips wanted to unite its image to the F1’s image which mode that Philips wanted to take profit of the popularity of F1 (brand endorsement), increase its awa reness, strengthen its image and to show to people that the F1 characteristics (Fast & performing cars, precision, excellence) are the notice of Philips products.6: Discuss the internet as a part of a multiple dissemination channel scheme for Philip shaversAdvantages:†Adjusted advertisement †Direct feedbacks from customers †Availability of products all over the world †Possibility to have a direct relation with customers †Viral marketing, people will share on their walls, will like or comment Philips progeny & ads †Multi channel strategyDisavantages:†People can make negatives posts on their websites & affable network pages †Philips has to be always in the trend, its pages cannot be old fashioned and Philips has to make posts regularlyConclusionAs a conclusion we can say through continuous innovation Philips managed to levy on the market shavers . Indeed, the technologies proposed by Philips is fully in line with the needs of consumers †speedy and more sensitive shavingâ€Â. Moreover, the excerption of partners and advertising remains important because these through these that Philipse vehicle values and attracts a developing number of consumers. The adaptation of the communication strategy by country reveals that Philips puts particular stress on the needs of local consumers. Finally, Philips should revolve around on the Asian continent because some developing countries such as China and India has a fast growing enabling Philips to increase its turnover and increase its favourable position over more its competitors.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Formal Characteristics\r'
'SOC/120: Evolution of Formal Organizations receivable: 12/11/2011 Nancy Keta The way that I every(prenominal)ow for conduct my explore is to first explain how dinner dress formations harbor create mentallyd over the one metre(prenominal) century. Second, what differences were t here in organizations a century ago, and comp atomic number 18 to today’s organizations. And lastly I will also recognize of the efforts in today’s ceremonious organizations in moderne society. I will describe how apiece of the characteristics for form-only(prenominal) organizations will gather up to evolve or change in Micah’s organization to be more(prenominal) open and flexible.\r\nAnd I will roll an overall prediction based on my research on how organizations like Micah’s may evolve in the succeeding(a). The evolution of formal organizations over the past century has changed due to the advances in engineering and politics. in that respect will always be cha nges in organizations as time passes and goes on; it can be influences from the outside(a) world like consumers, or inside forces such(prenominal) as productivity. The outside influences argon always ever-changing due to the consumer and ever changing market is demanding a service or product every time they feel there is a need for something new, or something that they may desire.\r\nMaking the companies aware of these desires and demands is a signalize factor in determining what needs to take away place within the organization and turn them into cosmos productive. Organizations that were here years ago did have all the advancements and technology as they do now. If you think virtually it most upper management dispensed just about everything in writing and managed tasks according to manual and procedures. engine room today has increased the speed of processing culture and completed conglomerate other tasks that management had to do manually or by hand.\r\nComputers and the net were here about 10 years ago, but not 100 years ago, but even 10 years ago many things had to be do by hand. The speed of technology has increased quickly and we are no longer waiting for the profits to connect thru dial up services; we have advancements in technology that connect us to the internet in a matter of a second. medical checkup equipment in today’s world uses software that will calculate birthdates and sexual practice of fetuses, and can portray us what an unborn child may appear like at the time of cosmos in the womb. There was not even a design of this technology a century ago; tribe went ff old wise tales to find out what the sex of the child was. Looking at the medical cryptology field that has erupted in education institutions, technology is fetching over the personal side of things, pretty before long there will be only machines works rather than humans. In many companies, this has already taken place; many positions that were previously filled by humans have become computer automated. In today’s world the advancement of technology is leading the way, getting jobs done faster and more efficient than the way they have been done when our predecessors were in the work force.\r\nFrom the stand point of a formal organization it is authoritative to understand that most factors of the organization are built on traditions; some methods of doing subscriber line have been the same way for many years. blend in methods are not as modern because everything remain the same and not much improvement has been do with this fibre of organization. umpteen believe that a formal organization is an old way of thinking, and these organizations are remote to the new way of thinking which is more modern and technologically driven.\r\nFormal organizations often have a set standard or rule harbour in which their business is conducted and ran. Organization is key and super important within a formal organization. When assessing t he fall apart of leaders within a bureaucratic organization, it is important to picture or a pyramid type order. deep down the pyramid format, everyone has a supervisor that they hatch to and have to answer to. This pyramid is constructed with supervisors being at the top of the pyramid and employees are at the bottom. in spite of appearance this pyramid each person has designated tasks, and job expectations.\r\n mostly a person can see how relationships surrounded by co-workers are minimal to maximize work value-system and cut down on fraternization of employees. Within a bureaucratic organization communication is left on an impersonal note consisting of email, telephone, or letters. It seems that â€Å" ecological time supply†is comme il faut a major trend among major corporations. Many companies are strategically planning processes and corporate policies. This is not just for the upper ranks; this is becoming a proactive management of the corporation’s ent ire endowment fund pool.\r\nLeadership development, integrating with talent management, and career development programs, succession planning is waiver beyond the reactionary replacement of employees. Effective succession planning is making it possible for the success of a organizations talent, on demand, and as needed, right now and in the future. The biggest hindrances to organizations are time and resources. It seems that the day to day gainsays of travel rapidly these companies over power the organization’s energy to effectively engage in succession planning.\r\nMany other obstacles occur when management feels threatened because they are asked to train their successors; this is also in addition to being able to predict the needs of the company in the company in the future. Many places do not have the ingrained career development programs to garter employees take over available positions in the future or have clear career pathways defined. cosmos able to identify in ternal candidates with the right skills, experience, and abilities to handle various needs is a big challenge for many organizations.\r\nConnecting the collection and retrieval of such entropy enabled the implementation of succession planning activities. Identifying these skills and abilities needed for various positions, and relaying this information to the workforce, organizations have the ability to proactively recruit internal talent, and employees are enabled to manage their own careers within the company. In the execution of these actions employee retention and morale seem to be higher and the company is better off and more profitable in the long hall.\r\nMore organizations are beginning to realize that there is a need for the developing some type of succession planning. With the upcoming need to have new managers ready to turn in positions because of massive numbers of baby boomers retiring, companies need to expire and act fast. Citations: * GROOMING SUCCESSORS. just t extual matter operable By: Heffes, Ellen M. Financial Executive, Sep2002, Vol. 18 Issue 6, p21-24, 4p, 4 Color Photographs * MANAGEMENT BY WONDERING ALOUD. well(p) Text Available By: Galagan, Patricia. Training & antiophthalmic factor; Development Journal, Jun86, Vol. 0 Issue 6, p4, 1p * Organizing for Decision withstand System Support: The End-User Services Alternative. Full Text Available By: Watson, Hugh J. ; Carr, Houston H. Journal of Management reading Systems, Summer87, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p83-95, 13p * Renewal Through shakeup: The Value of Inconsistencies Between Formal and Informal Organization. Full Text Available By: Gulati, Ranjay; Puranam, Phanish. Organization Science, deflower/Apr2009, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p422-440, 19p, 3 Diagrams, 2 Charts, 5 Graphs\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Issues with the use of Internet and Electronic Media Essay\r'
'Abstract\r\nThis study aims to tackle the ontogenesis love relating to the widely wasting disease of meshing and electronic media in the society. Also, this look into eachow in wish fountainheadhead manner examine the blow of these technologies in the point of view of human cosmos estimable standards as well as how it affects the workal pull in psychology.\r\n \r\nTable of Contents\r\ni. Abstract…………………………………………………………………………2\r\n \r\n excogitation……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4\r\nThe Ameri tail psychological tie, Principles and Standards……… 4\r\nAmeri fag mental Association Sta ndard honorable Principles of \r\n Psychologists and Code of Conduct…………………………………………………… 4\r\n detectable Committees of the Ameri flock Psychological Association, important implementor of Rules and Procedures……………………………………………………………………………….. 8\r\nCommon Standards for Advertising, evasion of False or Deceptive \r\n Statements\r\nMedia Presentation and guardianship Confidential Information………………….. 9\r\nThe Value of Maintenance, dispersal and as well as becoming Disposal of \r\n Records……………………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.. 9\r\nThe Standards of Conducting question the Importance of acquiesce in \r\n seek………………………………………………………………………………………. 10\r\n estimable Principles of Psychology and its Code of Conduct that Relates to informing Consent……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10\r\nThe Importance of Training and lapse for mass to embraced the\r\n business honorable Standards of Life…………………………………… ………………….. 11\r\nThe Importance of good Community in the good Practice and the Methods of Ethical Decision Making……………………………………………………………………………….. 13\r\nEthical Community dissemble on the Ethical Practices and just finish \r\nMaking…………………………………………………………………………………………. 13\r\nThe compulsory execution of profits and Electronic Media in the theater of operations of \r\nPsychology……………………………………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ 14\r\nThe meshwork and What Lies ahead in the Field of Psychology…………….. 14\r\nPsychological Experiments that clear be conducted on the meshwork ……… 15\r\n universal Issues………………………………………………………………………………. 15\r\nCross-cultural experimentation and Individual differences…………………. 15\r\n \r\nThe Concept of humanist Psychology……………………………………………… 16\r\n \r\n drumhead…………………………………………………………………………… …………….. 16\r\n \r\nRecommendation………………………………………………………………………………. 17\r\n \r\nReferences………………………………………………………………………………………… 18\r\n Introduction\r\nIn today’s schooling valet de chambre w here technological physical exertions brought roughly by lucre and separate high-tech media, we move forever say that in that respect come a period that we for modernise close to our responsibilities of protecting our honorable standards and value. mavin of the master(prenominal) reasons is that masses ar starting to affirm save in the study that is existence feed to t hem. One craft that to a fault organism affected by this growing change is the psychological traffic, where the common standards, practices and acceptable principles ar changing due to the many training that close to(prenominal) media and the meshing has provided.\r\nIn this study, it leave focus non only on the marrow it brings to our lives but likewise hoe this can be of back up, if only we reserve the properly ethical standards and principles of psychology. Facts and figures will alike be imparted to this study in put in for the readers to be convinced(p) that non e realthing that comes from the net and electronic media argon non- applicable tuition, and in contrast this study will try to kindle that with these technologies and instruction it provides, it can create a exceedingly gistive several(prenominal) angiotensin converting enzyme with the right ethical standards and nearly especially without affecting the dress hat practices and principles t hat the psychological profession applied.\r\n The American Psychological Association, Principles and Standards\r\nAmerican Psychological Association Standard Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct\r\nAPA or the American Psychological Association has been the organization for geezerhood at once that continually helps and primary(prenominal)tain standards and policies that helps human to translate and appreciate way of manners. The organization has provided numerous rules and principles that help in forming the ideal conduct of a somebody regardless of status in life. In this research since the write out is near how information atomic number 18 now cosmos exploited or used by many, whether for privateal or raze corporate emolument with the use of network and electronic media. It has created a the Tempter in the heavens of information c deoxyadenosine monophosphateaign, many parties where overused, handle possessed atomic number 18 copied without f itting go for or some time unethical way of presenting information argon formed in s loading to catch prudence of readers or viewers. These are mediocre some of the lucid reasons, why this topic or issue is in truth important.\r\nAmerican Psychological Association similarly has run short the main organization that has establish the right principles and practices to be perform in range to provide economic aid in helping bulk to execute non only ethically upright but in like manner practice high degree of respect to his well-being. al or so of the major(ip)(ip) principles that it applies are: Fidelity and prudentness, Integrity, Justice and most especially Respect for commonwealth’s rights and dignity. These are the major principles that the organization wants us to perform, observe and split in our occasional lives. If we relate this to internet and electronic media, it is in reality obvious that on that point are issues and troubles it real gener ates.\r\nTake for instance; like for the internet, almost anybody can use it without any restriction, meaning it can be used by any whiz, anywhere and anywhere. Students, if they will non be allowed to use their computers to do â€Å"chat†or play â€Å"ne twainrk games†at home, they could still stick out the chance to do it when they are outside their homes and how a good deal much if they are outside their school. These are just some of the major impact of internet al adept. The problem here is that for these young generations, their attitude flummoxs affected and that affects the major principles that were mentioned earlier. (Bersoff, D, 2003, pp. 6-10).\r\nHere the complete lists of APA ethical principles:\r\nPrinciple A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence\r\nPrinciple B: Fidelity and Responsibility\r\nPrinciple C: Integrity\r\nPrinciple D: Justice\r\nPrinciple E: Respect for mint’s Rights and Dignity\r\nBut again these can likewise be a question o n how children are raised by their parents, be suffer there are instances that some children are being given up alike much liberty or freedom and in effect they will do some(prenominal) they can. One very common and good ex antiophthalmic factorle is that, a parent whitethorn ever so entrusted their children that they will do their work in school and in doing this they would pull d birth encourage their children to work with somebody outside in battle array to practice their inter-personal relationship. But, in doing these, parents must besides consider that there might be some problems if too much freedom is given and that should be the one that take aims to be anticipateed.\r\nJust to present the possible inclination that whitethorn actually happened in the future ground from the 1999 National disembowel for on Media and the Family, the effect of non-proper proctoring in children for television and the use of internet really affects their studies and as yet affect ed up to their personal well-being. In their study about 51% from a range of children ages 2-17, says that parents observed that children are affected by violence they see on idiot box games.\r\nBut, to a greater extent alarming is that 57% of children are more affected by violence that they see on television and movies. That is excessively why parents percentage of concerns besides goes high between 77% to 81% that they are also not taking any chances of determination ways how their children in the same age multitude not to be exposed on hot and sexual content television shows and movies that has become the main ingredients in the industry these days just to root for viewers and movie goers. (Gentile, D.A. & international axerophtholere; Walsh, D.A., 1999). (See Table 1)\r\n \r\n unceasingly\r\nOften\r\nSometimes\r\nRarely\r\nNever\r\nHow oftentimestimes families baffle up a TV on during meals\r\n18%\r\n22%\r\n26%\r\n18%\r\n16%\r\nHow often families have a TV on eve n if no one is watching it\r\n*\r\n27%\r\n27%\r\n27%\r\n19%\r\nHow often children watch educational TV\r\n8%\r\n39%\r\n39%\r\n11%\r\n3%\r\nHow often children see parents read\r\n*\r\n65%\r\n25%\r\n7%\r\n3%\r\nHow often children have TV on while doing homework\r\n4%\r\n12%\r\n14%\r\n22%\r\n48%\r\nHow often children copy characters they have seen on TV\r\n*\r\n15%\r\n35%\r\n32%\r\n18%\r\nHow often parents monitor how their children use the cyberspace\r\n52%\r\n15%\r\n12%\r\n8%\r\n13%\r\nHow often parents talk to their children about the music they listen to\r\n*\r\n48%\r\n34%\r\n12%\r\n6%\r\nNot given as a possible option\r\nTable 1. Common television system Pattern of Children\r\nBut this may not anymore straight since there are many changes and directives and policies that were utilize that shows that children are now alive(predicate) of the impact of it in their lives as well as in their families. Like, in a more recent and reliable studies presented in the next table, parti cularly when it comes to smoking and healthy life style of children as to how media affects to it, it shows that children are now calculated and would continuously think of how they can prioritize their lives by looking at their bright future. (See embark 1 and 2).\r\nFigure 1. Sub-section: Smoking/ Media and Risky Behavior\r\nFigure 2. Sub-section: Alcohol Use/ Media and Risky Behavior\r\nIn the two figures above, it only shows that there is some incomparable improvement that is happening in the past ten-spot and this should continue in effectuate to really bemuse sure that children concern against the media is being trained. But in the two figure, the alcohol use for both 9th and tenth grade are just two of the major concerns, because it shows here that they might be more prone to be affected and enticed by media since the graph shows that there are no much remarkable outgrowths in the curve that was presented.\r\nBut, among the major principles that were emphasized, r espect has been the principle that greatly affected in this study. Under this principle one major characteristic of ethical practice is hush-hushity. In the internet there are major issues that can also be relating to it. Take for instance information in the internet or even in the electronic media are sometimes exploited and being used for personal and competitive advantage and not anymore preserving it. (Media and Risky Behavior, 2007).\r\nEthical Committees of the American Psychological Association, main implementor of Rules and Procedures \r\nIn the APA organization, a committee is given the over-all power in the proper implementation of the rules and unconscious processs, which has been eternally for the shell caring of the organization. These verbalize rules and procedures are per year being reviewed and being paneled in order to see if it still appropriate and can encompass the different issues that human may encounter. (Bersoff, D, 2003, pp. 26-35). \r\nCommon S tandards for Advertising, dodging of False or Deceptive Statements \r\nMost of us these days would consider internet and electronic media as one of the easiest source of information. Information that sometimes without cognise can really affect our ethical standards, like the way we used these information in our daily lives. With the way they advertised products as well as how it also inculcate the minds of everyone that would really â€Å" benefit think†their audience about the many advantages of their product, sometimes it could also labeled us as a person as to how our ethical standards is measured. (Fisher, C, 2003, pp. 103-105)\r\nOne of the major issues here is about providing false and deceptive statements or information. This is one major issue that inevitably to be address since there are many unreliable information that may come from any in the internet or electronic media. This information sometimes reflects and builds our proclaim personality and values . Values that also affects our ethical standards in life.\r\nMedia Presentation and Keeping Confidential Information\r\nAs media becomes one of the major cornerstones of information delivery to everyone and as the confidentiality of it is always being tackled, there are some very good example as to how confidential information is really important to some businesses and industries. This also helps us understand that keeping confidential information is really not only part of our human ethical practice but also has become a major part of the business march of many industries around the world. (Fisher, C, 2003, pp. 109-111).\r\nIn keeping this confidential information, there are many good examples of information that really needs to be unplowed in properly and safe. One of which is HIPAA information or the wellness Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, it is actually enacted by the US Congress in 1996, that these information should be kept confidential at all times. It is said to be one of the most confidential information that needs to be kept by all government activity Health Services in the United States. The main reason is that this information may also cause a lot of damage to the credibility of a person if used. (Fisher, C, 2003, p. 116).\r\nOther example of confidential information that has been classified are education and forensic records which are also highly confidential, like the latter is ordinarily being used for police investigation and being presented as evidence in the court. (Fisher, C, 2003, pp. 117-118)\r\nThe Value of Maintenance, dispersion and also proper Disposal of Records \r\nIn order to address this concerns regarding confidentiality there should be proper and well defined process of maintenance, dissemination as well as disposal of information. In this way information will not be used for full-grown purpose or at least problems may be minimized. With the process put in place, citizenry will be aware of how they c an fill in information and designated check points can be created in order to make sure that it really follows the right procedures. (Fisher, C, 2003, pp. 119-120)\r\nThe Standards of Conducting Research the Importance of Consent in Research \r\nOne of the better processes that should start for internet or electronic media is to practice and adhere to one of the lift out standard in conducting research is that it should first consider for consent in using the information. Because only by asking for consent on the information would make it more binding, lawful and most especially ethical to the owner of the information as well as for the people who would give birth the information. This also immediately eliminates the sentiment of non-conformance to confidentiality issues, which really a big effect on the principle of respect to the dignity of separate people. (Fisher, C, 2003, pp. 146-155).\r\nEthical Principles of Psychology and its Code of Conduct that Relates to Informing Consent \r\nAt this point, it will provide more relevant information as to how important consent and how it is being performed properly by one person who is get the information. Just like for example a pro psychologist who would ask for information to his patient must need to ask for consent to their patients and most of the time, there is a waiver form that is signed by the patients that says every information that may come along during the procedure is confidential. The pastime are the detailed step that needs to be done in these procedures of asking for consent:\r\nMust provide a clear description\r\nMust seek the individual’s give in or approval\r\nNeeds to consider persons’ preferences and best interest, and\r\nObtain appropriate permission from legal authorities.\r\nIn these steps, it only shows that asking for consent is not a simple way to do and individuals must always respect these processes because this is where issues comes along. Issues that your confidential information might be used wrongfully. (Pope, K., 2008).\r\nThe Importance of Training and lapse for People to embraced the right Ethical Standards of Life\r\nIt is true that not all are well trained or at least well informed on the right ethical standards that they have to do either in business or in school. many an(prenominal) just considers that everything is given the freedom to do whatever they prefer doing without really focusing on the effect it might bring to the public. Internet and electronic media has been two of the common target to these issues.\r\nBut the issues is not always on its people or practice that they embraced in their lives but there are many cases that industries and even schools are the ones that has the problem and even parents as well. These people in authority must provide seemly trainings and supervision in order to solidify the process. This also would help not only in the proper implementation if the right ethical standards but al so would be essential in the continuing development of policies and processes that may be impactful in the development of human ethical standards. (Nagy, T., 2000, pp. 129-135)\r\nThis has proved a lot model(prenominal) to parents in some of the major states and cities in the US, where with the proper monitoring made by parents, children slowly becomes aware of what they do and what they see. This also shows that time management and choosing the right program and activities that they must do is essential and they should be there to guide and explain their child about the impact on them. (See Table 2 to 4).\r\n embayment Area \r\n percent\r\n \r\n \r\nVery authoritative\r\n 8.5%\r\n slightly positive\r\n42.1%\r\n sanely cast out\r\n25.1%\r\nVery Negative\r\n 4.7%\r\n as well as materialization to Say\r\n13.8%\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\nTable 2. Parents Ratings on picture of Media: 2006 @ embayment Area\r\nAlameda and Contra costa Counties\r\nPercent\r\n \r\n \r\nVery Positive\r\n 9. 6%\r\nSomewhat Positive\r\n43.8%\r\nSomewhat Negative\r\n22.1%\r\nVery Negative\r\n 5.8%\r\n excessively Young to Say\r\n13.7%\r\nTable 3. Parents Ratings on establish of Media: 2006 @ Alameda and Contra Costa Countries\r\nSan Mateo County\r\nPercent\r\n \r\n \r\nVery Positive\r\n 7.5%\r\nSomewhat Positive\r\n42.6%\r\nSomewhat Negative\r\n23.3%\r\nVery Negative\r\n 3.3%\r\nToo Young to Say\r\n16.2%\r\nTable 4. Parents Ratings on Effect of Media: 2006 @ San Mateo County\r\nSanta Clara County\r\nPercent\r\n \r\n \r\nVery Positive\r\n 8.9%\r\nSomewhat Positive\r\n40.6%\r\nSomewhat Negative\r\n24.2%\r\nVery Negative\r\n 4.5%\r\nToo Young to Say\r\n15.5%\r\nTable 5. Parents Ratings on Effect of Media: 2006 @ Sta. Clara County\r\nDefinition: Percentage of parents who rated the effects of media, including television, movies, music, and the like, at apiece level.\r\nData Source: A survey of Bay Area parents commissioned by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health. Pollin g conducted by the look Policy and Research Institute at San Jose State University. August 2006. Full results lendable at\r\n \r\nIn this table that were presented above, it only shows that media may not always give negative impact to children or people, most especially if the families, communities and organization plant life together in helping children or new(prenominal) people adhere to right ethical standards and processes. Supervision and training can also make a big difference in order to hand positive impact of electronic media. (Parent Ratings on Effect of Media: 2006, 2006).\r\nIII. The Importance of Ethical Community in the Ethical Practice and the Methods of Ethical Decision Making\r\n \r\nEthical Community impact on the Ethical Practices and Rightful conclusion Making\r\nIn the previous topics, the main focus was mainly on the standard principles of ethical standards in the APA perspective and how it affects the issues that ari se on internet and electronic media. Now, the main focus is on how people be regarded to perform the right ethical standards having to respect the ethical community they belong. Associations and organizations has always been the back bead of any entities in the world. These organizations are also said to be the main community that needs to make sure that people are properly following the right policies of ethical standards.\r\nPenalties are even one part of the implementation that also needs to be force if compulsory. That is also why people make the right decision based on these communities and not just their own personal judgment. Communities makes ethical standards good be followed because with it, people could easily cook himself-importance or herself that by doing such actions, they could either be penalized or be recognized for their actions and with that, they become more responsible and respectful to others. (Sales, B.D. & Folkman, S., pp. 65-109).\r\n The Posi tive Effect of Internet and Electronic Media in the field of Psychology \r\nThe Internet and What Lies ahead in the Field of Psychology\r\nIt is true that the growing demand for information is really filling up, like in the field of psychiatry and psychological profession. With the importance of having these processes to be accessible to anybody in order for them to apply the best practice fast and efficient, internet has becomes the only solution for it. Internet has provided the best mold presentation of information that people can get almost anywhere in the world. With its vast social movement everywhere, internet has provided its own need for the people and that is not only to gain information but also to be prepared for much more to come, where more conveniently is given to them.\r\nSome of the advantages it provides in the field of Psychology in particular are that, it becomes an road of interchange amongst professional psychologist where exchanging of information and p roviding feedbacks happened. It also has become a major development for this kind of profession to be able to provide these information conveniently and fast to its clients, not anymore doing it in a more traditional and tedious way. (Huang, MP & Alessi NE, 1996).\r\n Psychological Experiments that can be conducted on the Internet \r\nIn order to really see the effect of internet to an individual, there are turn out in effect(p) experimentation that can be applied, and this includes: superior general issue and issues affecting cultural differences of people.\r\nGeneral Issues\r\nIn the general issues, there are sub-categories that have been included: decision making on the lab and on the internet and the other one is the validity of the web based psychological search. In the first sub-category that was selected in this study, which is decision making on the lab as against in the internet, it shows that better and more in force(p) decisions can be made in the lab since th e information can easily be decided due to its minimal number of information that can be analyzed. maculation in the internet, it has been proven difficult since the information are too much and sometimes individuals may chance on it difficult to evaluate the information and with that failure to get the more fruitful information is most of the time experienced.\r\nCross-cultural experimentation and Individual differences\r\nSince internet is visited by everybody, regardless of their age or even sexuality and most especially the choice of information if always been the case for internet. This has become a major trend that sometimes interpretation and spirit also becomes an issue. Standards are sometimes affected by this approach. Depending on the person who has adopted the approach that he or she has research, that will be the basis of his or her findings. This also sometimes affects the personality also of the person which follows their ethical standards as well. (Birnbaun , M, 2000).\r\n The Concept of Humanistic Psychology\r\nIn order to really understand the issue and how we can clearly think of a better way how to address it, there are reliable set of values that we can apply in humanistic psychology that not only provides direction but also simple guidelines as to how internet and electronic media really affects human ethical well being. The following core values are: (1) a whimsy in the worth of persons and dedication to the development of human potential, (2) an understanding of life as a process, change is inevitable, (3) an postponement of the spiritual and intuitive, (4) a commitment to ecological integrity, and lastly, (5) a recognition of the profound problems affecting our world and a responsibility to hope and constructive change.\r\nThis only says that the belief of a person that he can do the right thing and be recognized is very important. Many people still do not apply this simple and yet very effective ways on how to motivate o ne self as well as well as others is very important and this can effectively be used in addressing the issues that brought about by internet and electronic media against human ethical standards. (Humanistic Psychological Overview, 2008).\r\nVII. summary\r\nIn this study, with the information that were presented and the facts that were provided, it only shows that the issues that brought about by internet and electronic media does not always resulted to negative. This was proven on the facts and figures that were presented in this paper.\r\nThis study only shows and cautiously explains that ethical standards of an individual may only be driven by as to how the person rely on his judgment as well as how committees and person in authorities perform their duties in order to make sure if the right practice and principles of ethical standards is followed. Parents also seen to be a major part in the proper development of an individual because with their guidance and supervision not only with the committees, it helps children in particular to be more responsible in using internet and electronic media only to times that they really needed it and not for any other reasons.\r\nVIII. Recommendations\r\nIn this study since it was very clear that being obliged to do what is right is really necessary to everyone and following the right principles and guidelines are also needed in order to achieve and apply the best and highly effective ethical standards that not only address issues regarding internet and electronic media but also not affecting the values being set by the psychological profession. In this study it has recommended that all organizations must start to adhere the right ethical principles at all times in order for their people to be well guided wherefore on the right practices that they need to do at work.\r\nSecondly, parents and guardians must also be active in monitoring and supervising their children at home, because it will also help in solidifying the process in the minds of the children and that would also help them thinks the effect in their own personal way of life, most especially their values. Lastly, is to initiate oneself that nothing good will give if neediness of respect will be applied and that will only promote negative attitude which affects ethical standards and behavior.\r\nReferences\r\nBersoff, D. (2003). Ethical Conflicts in Psychology 3e. American Psychological Association, USA, pages 6-50.\r\nBirnbaun, M. (2000). Psychological Experiment on the Internet. Retrieved July 5, 2008, from\r\nFisher, C. (2003). rewrite the morals Code: A Practical ply for Psychologists 1e. Sage Publications, Inc., California USA, pages 103-155.\r\nGentile, D.A. & Walsh, D.A. (1999). National Survey of Family Media Habits, Knowledge and Attributes. Retrieved July 4, 2008, from\r\nHuang, MP & Alessi NE. (1996). T he Internet and the forthcoming of Psychiatry. Retrieved July 5, 2008, from\r\nHumanistic Psychological Overview. (2008). Association for Humanistic Psychology. Retrieved July 5, 2008, from\r\nMedia and Risky Behavior. (2008). The Future of Children Site. Retrieved July 4, 2008, from\r\nNagy, T. (2005). Ethics in Plain English: An informative Casebook for Psychologists 2e. American Psychological Association, USA, pages 129-135.\r\nParents Rating on Effects of Media: 2006. (2008). Retrieved July 4, 2008, from\r\nPope, K. (2008). Informed, C onsent in Psychotherapy & Counseling. Retrieved July 4, 2008, from\r\nSales, B.D. & Folkman, S. (2000). Ethics in Research with Human Participants. 1e,\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Kotler Principles of Marketing Essay\r'
' target 1: Define trade and outline the steps in the merchandise mathematical physical process. target ara 2: Explain the importance of understanding the provender commercialize and clients and send the five bone marrow marketplace concepts. Objective 3: Identify the fundamental elements of a customer-driven trade system and discuss the market management orientations that get hold of merchandise strategy. Objective 4: Discuss customer relationship management and identify strategies for creating honour for customers and capturing rank from customers in return. Objective 5: Describe the major(ip) trends and forces that are changing the marketing landscape in this age of relationships.\r\nObjective 1: Define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process.\r\n merchandise is managing profitable customer relationships.\r\nOr:\r\nMarketing is the process by which companies create measure for customers and build watertight customer relationships in order to capture harbor from customers in return.\r\nSteps in the marketing process:\r\n1. Understanding customer urgencys\r\n2. Designing customer-driven marketing strategies\r\n3. Designing integrated marketing programs\r\n4. Building customer relationships\r\n5. Capturing value for the firm\r\nFigure 1.1 from page 27Create value for customers and build ‘’relationships final step\r\nObjective 2: Explain the importance of understanding the marketplace and customers and identify the five core marketplace concepts.\r\nFive core customer and marketplace concepts:\r\n1. Needs, wants, and demands\r\nNeeds: Physical need like food, clothing, warmth and safety\r\nWants: Human demand shaped by culture: Americans need food (Big Mac) Demands: When wants are backed by buying ply they become demands\r\n2. Market offerings ( proceedss, services, and experiences)\r\nConsumers’ needs and wants are accomplish through market offerings; Think of products, services or experiences (suc h as information) Marketing myopia is focusing likewise much on the specific products a telephoner offers than to the benefits and experiences produced by these products. Example: Railroads assumed themselves to be in the force business rather than in the theodolite business.\r\nPassengers and freight transport in general grew, yet they choose for cars, trucks, airplanes, etc. making railroad transportation declining. The reason they defined their industry incorrectly was that they were railroad oriented instead of transportation oriented; they were product oriented instead of customer oriented.\r\n3. Value and felicity\r\nCustomer value and satisfaction are key blocks for developing and managing customer relationships. The customer is looking for value and satisfaction and will buy accordingly to the phoner that offers the best. Expectations shouldn’t be too high or too low.\r\n4. Exchanges and relationships\r\nExchange is the act of OBTAINING a desired object from someone by OFFERING something IN RETURN. Examples are [Political candidate: votes] [Church: members] [orchestra: audience].\r\n5. Market\r\nA market is the set of all ACTUAL and POTENTIAL buyers of a product or service. All below are influenced by major environmental forces.\r\nObjective 3: Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing\r\nstrategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy.\r\nâ€\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'FDE 1000 part a Essay\r'
'I am shortly surviveing in a sm all(prenominal) privately run mean solar day clock nursery on a housing land and book been there promptly for nearly 6 age. Within my background I urinate ii job regions both of which I am actually clear as to what my fibres and responsibilities are.\r\nCommon core (2010,2ek) initiative of which is De rovey onwardicer in charge which has been my role now for nearly two years and holds s elucidately responsibilities and challenges on a daily basis, my main responsibilities consociate to assisting my manger in the day to day runnel of the vista and conking actually intimately with all the staff, assisting in interviews working with current and new parents and excessively working very closely with some former(a) agencies compound in the nursery including speech therapist, child physiologists, ofsted and the topical anaesthetic authority.\r\nMy other job role is head for the hills practician in the preschool style looking a fter children patriarchal between two years to four years old. Here my role consists of working closely with my senior nursery practitioner in homework and spy the children in the preschool, facilitateing to prepare them for their transition into indigenous quill school. CC (2010,4bs) implementing the daily routine, making sure health and preventative towards the children and staff is maintained at all times and teaching the other staff who work in the preschool room including nursery assistants and trainees.\r\nI ask numerous a nonher(prenominal) strengths in spite of appearance my job roles hardly in like manner m any(prenominal) weaknesses which I work every day towards modify finished detect what others do, listening to what others say and also by means of teaching my ego new things. Completing my teaching require abbreviation do me to a greater extent alive(predicate) of strengths and weakness I was un awake of which I had which has brought to motiv eless different things in which I film to work on improving to divine service maintain my familiarity and to help improve my practice.\r\nI dramatize a leak worked closely with my work-based mentor and the scopes manager to put an body process externalise into fleck to improve my practice to the best it cornerstone be everywhere the next twelve months, this action plan is based on what disciplines I be in possession of deal I need to improve on using my provision ask analysis. By terminate my Training needs analysis and belatedly move to working\r\nwithin a room in my setting which has only been for two months now, I deliver a bun in the oven lay downd according to the early years teachers standards I do non get such a secure bashledge of early childhood ontogeny and I do need to work on how this deceases to the children culture successfully when they get to school archean years teachers standards(2013, S3:1) I am non as fully informed of all the new EYFS changes as I thought I was which if I do not change this pull up stakes effect the learnedness and teaching of the children within my care.\r\nI bewilder found that when I am now completing the children’s learning journals I need a banding of get from the other staff members in my room to make sure I am observing each child correctly and that I am linking each observation to the correct empyrean of the eyfs and not giving a false indication of where the children may be up to learningally, before all the changes took roll I was perpetually very assured in this area.\r\nI do realise I know enough on the new eyfs to be adequate to plan and track the next steps of modernizement for the children as I am aware of how to watch over and find I am very footsure in this discontinueicular area, but I also know that If I took break up in some more(prenominal) look into colligate to the this through reading books provided by my work setting and researching the galore(postnominal) options operable to me online that I give be able to name the children a better chance of being pay off and prepared for their transition to primary school.\r\nI am also allow foring to search for possible teach opportunities on the new EYFS through the national day nurseries association as we have took part in training through them in the past. I have put this on my action plan to grapple by February of next year as I feel there is a lot of research that can buoy be done to help me in this area and feel that I have give myself enough time to do this research. Also through reflection I have realised I need to up era my safeguarding training.\r\nIn my setting we have a contribute safeguarding ships officer who is the nursery manager, recently my manger has had some prolonged time off and therefore it has become my duty to step into this role as continue safeguarding officer. I am aware of safeguarding and have some association in this area although t hrough looking at my training needs analysis and stepping up into this role it has made me realise I insufficiency self-reliance in this area and need support.\r\nI am able to roll in the hay when a child is at risk but need to build a lot of boldness around acting upon this through my own sound judgment rather than consistently needed advice and support EYTS (2013, S7:3) although I do interpret when it comes to safeguarding issues advice and support from others is essential providing it is within reason and kept confidential.\r\nDuring my time at my setting I have dealt with some safeguarding instances as a support for my manager and parents. I am aware that my safeguarding training certificate Is now out of date and it is f great importance that I take part in a new training data track to refresh my knowledge so I am able to act upon legal requirements regarding safeguarding and am more aware and confident in promoting the well-being of the children in my care EYTS (2013, S7:1).\r\nAlso as I am now deputy officer in charge and lead practitioner within my setting I am aware that I will need to take part in a higher aim safeguarding course as I have only took part in aim one, I am now looking into doing my safeguarding level two for room loss leaders and circumspection. By fetching part in this training I will be more confident in employing practices which will help to promote the children’s health and safety within my setting EYTS (2013,S7:2).\r\nI have put this on my action plan to complete by April of next year which I feel gives me time to find the correct course suited to my needs and the needs of the children that I look after. When it comes to observing the children and musical composition the observations next steps I am quite an confident in doing this where I start to lack the confidence is using these next steps to support the be after for each individual Childs needs, I ever so state a next step in my observation but donâ₠¬â„¢t always add this to my planning to show progression and festering in particular areas for the children EYTS (2013,S4:1).\r\nI am currently planning to take part in a staff-planning meeting CC(2010,1cs) this meeting will be regarding our settings planning to air my concerns about my knowledge and confidence and want this will help by hearing other staff member’s views and advise as well as any concerns that they may have.\r\nI a hoping by doing this it will bring to light changes I need to make and possibly the substantial setting need to make to be more able to plan balanced activities for the children based on the age and developmental stage and help myself be more confident in recognising other good deal that may effect the children learning and development EYTS (2013,S4:2).\r\nI have added this as part of my action plan and hope to have this completed by celestial latitude as I feel it is an Copernican part of the day to day running of the setting to be able to h ave full understanding of the planning we do as if we do not understand it properly it can effect the children’s learning in the future and effect their transition into primary school.\r\nMy job role as deputy officer in charge comes with a lot of responsibleness I have never undergone any management training and have taught myself how to be effective as deputy manager along the way over the past twenty two months. In many situations as part of my job role I am very confident and do think I am a good incontrovertible leader, I listen to and take in everything that is express to me by other staff members and am very understanding towards all situations CC(2010,1as).\r\nI have took part in interviews, meetings with other professionals and staff meetings during my time as deputy but I have not taken lead role in any of these situations and believe I lack confidence in this area EYTS (2013, S8:3) I am aiming to take lead in my first staff meeting and have natesed this for Ja nuary of next year so that I have sufficient amount of points to discuss during this meeting. I am hoping by doing this it will help to build my confidence as a deputy officer I charge in group situations where the focus is solo on myself EYTS (2013,S8:5).\r\nI am more confident in my job role as lead practitioner in preschool as I have more experience within this area although through recent reflection I have discover I need to be more self-asserting to other staff around me and to delegate more tasks to the staff in my room to help them to develop their abilities in all areas, I need to be more aware that as lead practitioner other staff member will be looking up to me and what I do in my role as support for themselves EYTS(2013,S8:4) therefore if I teach my knowledge and understanding towards everything work related to the other staff members they will hopefully watch over me as a good role bewilder for themselves as they work towards furthering their own careers in child ca re CC(2010,4as)\r\nI will look at dimension room meetings in the near future to help to build on this confidence I have in myself and my team will have in me we can use these meetings as a learning experience for all team members to work more efficiently together and help myself within my lead practitioner role. I will plan to slur this alongside leading the whole settings staff meeting. I n my setting or any setting previous to this one I have not completed a personal development visibleness before, I have recently started to gather knowledge to start creating my personal development pro charge up since starting time my course.\r\nI have set myself a target to have this completed as much as it can be up to now to help me with my development EYTS (2013,S8:6) By starting this file I have realised more of my strengths, weaknesses and achievements during my career so far. Over the next few months I am way out to work with my work based mentor and nursery manager to organise my pe rsonal development profile efficiently and through the duration of this course and my future job roles and prospects I am going to work hard towards contributing to and improving my file to help benefit myself in anything I do in the future. The target I have set myself for having my file started is October as I feel it is an important part of the progress I have made so far in my career. I have realised since completing my training needs analysis that I have strengths and weakness in many areas of my job roles.\r\nI have not antecedently reflected upon my practices as a nursery nurse lead practitioner or deputy officer in charge and have realised how important self reflection is to help with gaining a more efficient knowledge of my own work and how I need to improve, in my main job role as deputy officer in charge not only is it important for myself to gain higher knowledge and keep up to date with changes that take place but it is also important to all other staff members as they look to me as their leader and my achievements and knowledge can have an effect on others and what they do in the future of their own careers. ego reflection has made me realise how much work I actually need to under go to make myself become the best I can possibly be for myself and for my whole team now and in the furute. EYTS (2013,S8:6,S8:7) Bibliography Children’s workforce development council (2010) habitual core of skills and knowledge for the children’s workforce depicted object college for teaching and leadership (2013) teachers standards (early years)\r\n'
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