Thursday, February 28, 2019
Definition of Crime
Definition of shame According to the dictionary, evil is an action or an fount of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public well-being or morals or to the interests of the state and that is leg on the wholey prohibited (Lexico publishing, 2012). It is considered to be a abomination when an unlawful act as being perpetrate that society agreed upon penalty for this act that has been handted. Society agreed upon crimes could ikon from littering, jaywalking, motor vehicle violations, skilled crimes, or even the to a greater extent godforsaken crimes.The crime accommodate ride is 1 of the most common sits to stage how society determines which acts argon considered cruel. The crime catch mildew essentially stresses the capacity of arrest and conviction of twist offenders. In the late 1960s a law professor by the name Herbert Packer introduced the crime control exercise to the academic companionship at Stanford University within his state of twist justnes s presentation. The control model is often referred to as the Packers crime control model. The due offshoot model is a nonher common use model to show how society determines which acts argon considered criminal.The due process model basically shows the mortal rights at all stages of the nicety schema processing. The due process model helps to ensure that necessitous multitude ar not convicted of crimes that they did not commit. In America this is one of the essential parts of the evaluator corpse. giving medication Structure of the poisonous referee organisation There be some a(prenominal) different agencies that the criminal judge placement pastures with such as federal, state, and local g everywherenments. With the criminal referee body working with so many agencies many multiplication creates fusss determine whose jurisdiction the crime was committed in.All the agencies that be involved in the criminal nicety agreement are by law required to work unneur otic to ensure that the criminal judge dust is working properly. preference Theories Choice theories are also cognize as rational theories. The extract theories are a type of theory to where an single(a) feels that there is no other choice but to commit a crime. With choice theories the item-by-item after partnot see any other centering around their predicament without committing a crime. The individual is completely un qualified to muster up a solution to the problem at hand on their own.An object lesson of choice theories might be an individual that has lost their job and can no longer depict food for their family sees no other commission to provide food for their family barely for committing a crime by stealth the food to feed their family. Components of the reprehensible Justice System There are many different components that energise up the criminal justice brass which are the police, the judicatures, and corrections. All the agencies that energize up the criminal justice corpse must work together to ensure that the criminal justice system is fire, impartial, professional, and have integrity.The Police Departments are the individuals that are responsible for enforcing laws, investigating crimes, do arrest, maintaining public order, and at times providing emergency services. The court systems are responsible for ensuring that individual receive bring together and impartial trials, determine if the individual is guileless or vile, upload the write all, determine the type of sentence the guilty get out receive, ensuring fairness, and protecting the rights and license of the individual.Corrections are responsible for carrying out the sentences that the court system placed on the individual and provide safety and gracious condition for all offenders. Goals of the Criminal Justice System There are five remnants of the criminal justice system which are deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, rehabilitation, and restoration. Basic ally the criminal justice system is assay to establish the fear of punishment and people in hopes of persuading the individuals from committing any more crimes.The second goal of the criminal justice system is incapacitation which is basically the stem that if an individual is incarcerated for their crime then they will not be able to commit another crime. The third goal is retribution which replies that when retribution for a crime is provided justice will prevail. The poop goal of the criminal justice system is rehabilitation which studys that by correcting the expression by incarcerating an individual and providing the individual with new skills will help with locomote subscribe to society.The fifth and operate goal of the criminal justice system is restoration, which tries to repair the damage that the individual had done and return them back to society. Thoughts on the Criminal Justice System I believe that todays criminal justice system has way in like manner many fl aws in it, but general is a good system to have. Taking a look back in history to the commencement criminal justice system that was put into place there has been a great deal of advancements made to mend the criminal justice system to what we have today. So the flaws in the system we are using directly can only improve over time.I do not believe that there is a flawless system might very anywhere, so the system we are using right off is better than having no system at all. References Demand media, I. (2012). ehow. Retrieved April 5, 2013 from http//www. ehow. com/about_6292484 _choice-related-criminal-justice-system-. html Lexico Publishing, L. (2012). Dictionary. com. Retrieved April 5, 2013 from http//dictionary. reference. com/ grass/crime Schmallager, F. (2011). Criminal justice today an introductory text for the twenty-first century (11th ed. ). Upper excite River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice HallDefinition of CrimeDefinition of Crime According to the dictionary, crime is an act ion or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited (Lexico publishing, 2012). It is considered to be a crime when an unlawful act as being committed that society agreed upon punishment for this act that has been committed. Society agreed upon crimes could range from littering, jaywalking, motor vehicle violations, white-collar crimes, or even the more violent crimes.The crime control model is one of the most common models to show how society determines which acts are considered criminal. The crime control model basically stresses the efficiency of arrest and conviction of criminal offenders. In the late 1960s a law professor by the name Herbert Packer introduced the crime control model to the academic community at Stanford University within his state of criminal justice presentation. The control model is often referred to as the Packers crime control model. The due process model is another common use model to show how society determines which acts are considered criminal.The due process model basically shows the individual rights at all stages of the justice system processing. The due process model helps to ensure that innocent people are not convicted of crimes that they did not commit. In America this is one of the essential parts of the justice system. Government Structure of the Criminal Justice System There are many different agencies that the criminal justice system works with such as federal, state, and local governments. With the criminal justice system working with so many agencies many times creates problems determining whose jurisdiction the crime was committed in.All the agencies that are involved in the criminal justice system are by law required to work together to ensure that the criminal justice system is working properly. Choice Theories Choice theories are also known as rational theories. The choice theories are a type of theory to where an individual feels that there is no other choice but to commit a crime. With choice theories the individual cannot see any other way around their predicament without committing a crime. The individual is completely unable to find a solution to the problem at hand on their own.An example of choice theories might be an individual that has lost their job and can no longer provide food for their family sees no other way to provide food for their family except for committing a crime by stealing the food to feed their family. Components of the Criminal Justice System There are many different components that make up the criminal justice system which are the police, the courts, and corrections. All the agencies that make up the criminal justice system must work together to ensure that the criminal justice system is fire, impartial, professional, and have integrity.The Police Departments are the individuals that are responsible for enforcing laws, investigating crimes, making arrest, maintaini ng public order, and at times providing emergency services. The court systems are responsible for ensuring that individual receive fair and impartial trials, determine if the individual is innocent or guilty, upload the written all, determine the type of sentence the guilty will receive, ensuring fairness, and protecting the rights and freedom of the individual.Corrections are responsible for carrying out the sentences that the court system placed on the individual and provide safety and humane condition for all offenders. Goals of the Criminal Justice System There are five goals of the criminal justice system which are deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, rehabilitation, and restoration. Basically the criminal justice system is trying to put the fear of punishment and people in hopes of persuading the individuals from committing any more crimes.The second goal of the criminal justice system is incapacitation which is basically the idea that if an individual is incarcerated for their crime then they will not be able to commit another crime. The third goal is retribution which replies that when retribution for a crime is provided justice will prevail. The fourth goal of the criminal justice system is rehabilitation which believes that by correcting the behavior by incarcerating an individual and providing the individual with new skills will help with returning back to society.The fifth and last goal of the criminal justice system is restoration, which tries to repair the damage that the individual had done and return them back to society. Thoughts on the Criminal Justice System I believe that todays criminal justice system has way too many flaws in it, but overall is a good system to have. Taking a look back in history to the first criminal justice system that was put into place there has been a great deal of advancements made to improve the criminal justice system to what we have today. So the flaws in the system we are using now can only improve over time .I do not believe that there is a flawless system might very anywhere, so the system we are using now is better than having no system at all. References Demand media, I. (2012). ehow. Retrieved April 5, 2013 from http//www. ehow. com/about_6292484 _choice-related-criminal-justice-system-. html Lexico Publishing, L. (2012). Dictionary. com. Retrieved April 5, 2013 from http//dictionary. reference. com/browse/crime Schmallager, F. (2011). Criminal justice today an introductory text for the 21st century (11th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall
The results of these investigations help to eve beyond common sense acquaintance and individual experience to understanding larger complex social issues and processes. This billet volition introduce students to the various sociological research methods used to explore diverse social processes, as well as methods of inquiry, strategies and tools used by social researchers. Students will also be introduced to the philosophical foundations of research methods and the practical, suppositious and ethical concerns for conducting both quantitative and qualitative social research.Course Objectives By the remainder of the contrast, students will be able to understand . The foundations of sociological research b. miscellaneous methods used in sociological research c. How data is collected and interpret to form theoretical arguments d. The steps involved in designing a sociological research project Required Readings 1 . Research Methods Exploring the complaisant World First Edition by Diane Cymbals. A hardcopy of the textbook or an e-book option is available for purchase at the Brock Campus Store. 2. There may be additional seminar readings available on Assai.These readings will be identified on the seminar schedule posted Assai. Course Evaluation 1. In class mental testing 1 ( cot 2, corporeal covered from Septet 11 to Septet 25) 25% 2. In class test 2 (Novo 6, material covered from Cot 9 to Cot 30) 25% 3. Written Assignment ( out-of-pocket Novo 20) 10%4. prefer home exam (essay format, distributed November 27) 30% 5. Seminar participation Please note little explanations of hightail it evaluation and expectations will be posted on Assai and discussed in class and/or seminar. In addition, brief lecture outlines will be posted On Assai prior to lecture.Seminar Schedule A seminar schedule will be posted on Assai. It will outline he each week seminar expectations, readings, possible discussion questions and assignments. There are 8 seminars in total. prosper ing completion of this course will depend on your engaged movement at all seminars. You are expected to read the assigned material in advance of the corresponding seminar. Accessibility Please notify the professor if you behave accessibility issues and concerns. These concerns will be passed on to emailprotected Ca.Also, for more reading please go to http//www. Brocks. Ca/accessibility. Class changes or cigaretcellations Any changes or cancellations of lectures, miners, and office hours will be posted on Assai and/or announce in class and/or emailed to students. Late Submissions are give in to a penalty of 2% per day, except for the take- home exam which is 5% per day, including weekends, unless arrangements have been made with the course instructor. An assignment, for example, that would have received a grade of 80 % (A-) submitted 2 days late, will receive a grade of 76% (B).The student should be prepared to provide some form of formal documentation, such as a doctors note , to support any request for an extension. Also, it is better(predicate) to keep an extra copy of any written assignment due for this course. Grading (from Brock University Undergraduate Calendar) A+ 90 100 work of great(p) quality that provides clear evidence of a rare talent for the subject and of an original and/or incisive mind A 80 89 excellent, accurate work that demonstrates a certain flair for and comprehension of the subject.B 70-79 capable work that shows a sound grasp of the course goals without being gilded C 60 69 work of adequate quality that suffers from incompleteness or inaccuracy D 50 59 the minimum requirements of a course are barely satisfied F 49 or discredit minimum requirements have not been met, and no credit has been given for the course Academic Misconduct Because schoolman integrity is vital to the well-being of the university community, Brock University takes academic misconduct very seriously.Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, which invo lves presenting the words and ideas of another person as if they were your own, and other forms of cheating such as using crib notes during a test or fabricating data for a seminar assignment. The penalties for academic misconduct can be very severe. A grade of zero may be given for the assignment Or even for the Course, and a second rudeness may result in suspension from the university. Students are urged to read the sectionalization of the Brock University Undergraduate Calendar that pertains to academic misconduct.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The Difference Between Civil Law and Criminal Law
Student Handout 3. 1 The Difference Between civilized Law and Criminal Law When is a legal problem distressing and when is it civil? What difference does it make whether it is evil or civil? hotshot way of looking at criminal rectitude is that it is dealing with something of each overt interest. For example, the public has an interest in seeing that people argon defend from being robbed or assaulted. These are legal problems that fall into the criminal rectitude.Criminal justness involves punishing and rehabilitating offenders, and protecting society. Since the public has an interest in having criminal law, we pass away the government the power to put it in place and enforce it. The practice of law and Crown Prosecutors are hired by the government to put the criminal law into effect. Public funds are used to pay for these services. If you are the victim of a crime, you report it to the police and they obligate the responsibility to investigate. They perk and charge t he suspect.In most parts, if a charge has been properly laid and if there is evidence supporting it, the Crown Prosecutor, not the individual who complains of the incident, pursues it in the courts. This is called a system of public prosecutions. Long ago the person who had been wronged prosecuted the case. The power to prosecute privately remains, but is used rarely now. Even if a person starts a prosecution privately, the Attorney General has the power to take over the prosecution of the case. As a victim, you do not have to be responsible for enforcing the law.The police and Crown Prosecutor do their jobs for the public at large, not for you personally. In a criminal case, the Crown prosecutor mustiness prove the defendants guilt beyond a sensitive doubt. This means that at the end of a trial the judge or jury open fire only find the defendant guilty if they are left without a reasonable doubt about the defendants guilt. In other words, there is no logical or lucid reas on to doubt the defendants guilt. This is not the case in civil law. Civil law is about private disputes etween individuals or amidst individuals and organizations. Civil matters include areas such as contract law, family law, tort law, prop law and labour law. The person suing for a wrong has the burden of proving their case on a balance of probabilities. This means that a judge or jury must believe their story and evidence more than the defendants version. They do not need to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. Civil disputes usually involve some harm, liberation or injury to one party or their property.Unlike criminal law however, civil law is primarily involved with compensating victims. If a civil natural action is successful, the defendant will be responsible for the wrongful action. While a defendant in a criminal case may be found guilty or not guilty, a defendant in a civil case is said to be liable or not liable for damages. If you have a civil law problem, you ha ve to take action yourself if you want to set off a legal remedy. You can hire a private lawyer, and you will have to pay the expenses of engage the matter.For example, if you hire someone to paint your house and they do a unworthy job, it is a dispute between you and the painter. The police do not get involved. If you want to sue the painter for breach of contract, it is your responsibility to do so. sometimes criminal law is referred to as part of our public law because it applies to all Canadians and regulates relationships within our society. Similarly, civil law is sometimes referred to as private law because it regulates private relationships between individuals in our society.
Solving Problems and Making Decisions Essay
BackgroundThe carry of the cervical natural covering programme is to descend the incidence of, and morbidity and mortality from, invasive cervical cancer. This is achieved by suffer eligible women mingled with the ages of 25 and 65 years.In my role as an acting Senior Biomedical Scientist in the cytology department, I riddle and deal negative and inadequate cervical savors in line with thirty protocols as well as facilitating the execute of abnormal cervical samples through to adviser pathologists and ensuring appropriate rec totally management is given to patients. I am as well involved with the supervision of ply and the production and management of in-house standard operational procedures.Description of ProblemAlthough always monitored by XXX, the durationframe from taking a cervical sample to when it was storyed has never been given a strict relapsing measure tar spend a penny, unlike the display programme in England, which since 2010 has had a 14- mean solar d ay throwback magazine target. However, this is to change as XXX want women backed in XXX to contribute an equit adequate service to that of the women in England and with the introduction of new exam alongside the on-going cervical cytology test, testing ground lapse measure film to be under 3 figure outweeks.In whitethorn 2013, the majority of our ca-ca was turned- nigh in 3.5 weeks with only 0.9% of our die hardload cosmos inform in spite of appearance the proposed 3 week successionframe. Being aware that XXX were likely to implement changes in spite of appearance the next 12 calendar months, we wanted to be proactive and ameliorate our execution before XXX enforce gain methods upon us or worse the service was moved from XXX.Therefore, the problem was identified as How can we abridge our relapsing multiplication to under 3 weeks (from date received in science lab to date drop deadd)?Analysis of the ProblemWe were aware as a service that our turn just about periods had increased over the last jibe of years imputable to the loss of stave through retirement and centralization and due to the transportation of start to an off-site laboratory for outgrowthing and thus its transport to our department for binding and reporting. However, to identify the areas that we could improve, we ca-cad a operate-stream to understand the flow of work through the laboratory ferment.A simplified version of the work-stream is appoint below(Removed for confidentiality reasons)The days in the green ovals are average additive working days it would take to achieve a reported sample from arrival at the laboratory. These are working days and do non include weekends, hence it is realistic a kick upstairs 2 to 4 days could be added to the actual turnaround clock, making a workable estimated laboratory turnaround time of between 4 and 10 days. These days are calculated with no pile up, and therefore the next step would be to identify were backlo gs or embarrasss were occurring.The processing of work at XXX was beyond our control. As was the transport to and from XXX, which occurs on alternative days and is governed by XXX. Therefore, the cardinal areas we could concentrate on were the booking in and the exhibit of slides.In May 2013, the administration supply based in XXX had a gauzy backlog of samples to book in, this equated to 1 to 2 days delay. The main serve of this delay was lack of faculty and it wasnt something we could address without delay as recruitment of new supply would take time and cover charge module could non help as the backlog and delay in slides universe screened was even greater. In the same month, the backlog of slides waiting to be screened was estimated at 2 to 3 weeks, this equated to around ccc0 slides waiting to be screened.The backlog of check work was non only affecting swift results to the patients it was likewise having an ensnare upon the screening provide morale as they h ad to butt against large meter of slides waiting to be screened, whichcould affect the turnaround further. We were also notified at this time that a extremity of the screening team would be leaving and therefore the urgency in reducing our turnaround times became more close at hand(predicate) as we would claim less module in a month or two. If no performance was taken now the turnaround times would increase further once the fragment of staff left hand.As a result, the area we remove to concentrate on and identify possible solutions to was the discipline of reducing screening times of slides, by attacking this element of the laboratory process we should be fitting to reduce our overall laboratory turnaround times.Identification of Possible SolutionsThe Cytology senior staff members, including myself, started with a brain-storming exercise of seek to identify possible solutions. Due to constraints and safe-practices put in place by the NHS cervical Screening Programme (NH SCSP) and XXX it is not possible to solicit screening staff to screen each(prenominal) slide faster, as mis acquired positives and false negative results would increase and the quality would be affected. And we could not call for staff to screen for a longer length of time in the day, as screeners can only elementary screen slides for a maximum of 5 hours a day, again due to the quality risk. However, staff could work overtime by coming in at weekends.To try and improve the workflow pathway within the screening room I firm to re-read the Cytology onward motion guide achieving a 14 day turnaround time in cytology produced by the NHSCSP when England was undergoing changes to its screening programme turnaround times. This guide is a collection of evidence-based ideas for improving workflow and turnaround times in the laboratory and administration departments of the cervical programme.We had already adopted unmatchable suggestion from the guide in 2010 regarding batching sizes of work, whereby we seduce reduced the depend of slides in a tray from 20 to 8 slides. Although each slide was still being screened for the same time length, a tray of slides were being finished quicker and therefore the screening staff felt happier and kept the work flowing throughthe laboratory. However, on critical refreshen the work wasnt flowing, as by and byward primary screening, trays were being displace into the rapid analyze box and only taken out for review twice a day (first thing in tidy morning and after lunch), with some staff only reviewing slides once per day. This was cause the first bottleneck and it was also having a knock-on performance on the authorising of samples by senior staff as large chunks of authorising was occurring first thing in the morning or after lunch, which due to the monotony of checking details and results was ca development errors to occur in reporting. We therefore needed to undertake a Lean transformation.Lean is an improvemen t approach to enhance flow and eliminate waste that was developed by Toyota. Lean is basically about getting the right things to the right place, at the right time, in the right quantities, while minimising waste and being negotiable and open to change. Lean thinking focuses on what the customer take to bes, whatsoever natural action that is not valued is waste. If you remove the waste, the customer receives a more value-added service. In our department this mover reducing our turnaround times, so that the customer (XXX women) get their cervical results in 3 weeks. We therefore had to remove processes that were not adding value to the end result. By investigating further it was celebrated that some screening staff were writing on the front and the back of the sample orison forms if the samples were negative. There was no benefit in duplicating the result on the back of the form and therefore as part of Lean it is considered waste.Distraction was also a large issue in the scre ening room. To screen and report slides, it requires concentration to process and distinguish abnormal cells from normal samples. However, staff were on a regular basis stopping screening to chat or employees from other departments were coming in to contract words, make a cup of tea or to eat biscuits causing distractions of up to 30 minutes at times. The teleph superstar was also a regular distraction, with service users phoning up for advice and results and the XXX administration department phoning up regularly to change and update patient managements.Summary of OptionsWe eventually opinionated the options available to us were1. Screening staff to work overtime.If every member of the screening team and senior team (Senior Biomedical Scientist and Cytology Manager) were to partake in overtime work on one day of the weekend and managed to screen an average of 30 slides per day the backlog could be cleared in 9 to 10 weekends. However, partaking in overtime is a voluntary last a nd not all staff members would want to or be able to work overtime. This means that if we were to only adopt overtime as an option a minimum of 9 weekends would need to be worked, and as we were not changing the day-to-day workflow process a further menstruation of overtime whitethorn be needed in the future to understate either further backlogs. Working overtime also had a court execution of instrument, as staff would need reimbursing for their time given. As overtime would be over a weekend this would be calculated at time and a half pay.2. One tray of primary screening followed by one tray of rapid reviews. To overcome the current bottleneck of work after primary screening, it would be more advantageous to rapid review slides little and a good deal instead of first thing in the morning or after lunch. The preferred scenario would be to primary screen a tray of slides and then screen a tray of rapid review slides and alternate like this throughout the day. This means the thr oughput of work is more constant and turnaround is less. These examples explain this option furtherCurrent example As you can see this example of current working practice means the slides take approximately 22 hours from being initially primary screened to being authorised.Proposed example This example shows that by vary between primary and rapid review screening the whole process up to authorising should take approximately 75 minutes. A saving in time of 20 hours and 45 minutes for those 8 slides to be reported and authorised. Some work primary screened at the end of the day go away have to wait until the next day for rapid review, but on the whole mostwork will be turned around at a much faster pace. This could be implemented immediately with no cost implications or changes to staffs working pattern.3. Authorising work little and often.The examples apply above also outline how this can improve the bottleneck between rapid review and authorising. Currently authorising is carried out in large batches after rapid review has been completed mainly at lunchtime and casual first thing in the morning. These large batches of work are monotone and transcription errors can ascend due to this. By having rapid review completed in small batches of 8, it is possible for senior staff to authorise in these small batches as soon as rapid reviews have been completed. This means authorisation can be achieved much sooner and promising reduce the risk of mistakes occurring.4. Reduce waste.A Lean approach was considered and some(prenominal) process that didnt add value was removed. The first wasteful process identified was writing on both front and back of betoken forms, writing on the back was considered worthless. This process approximately in any casek 10 seconds to function out. Therefore if this was stopped each screening staff member screening 30 slides a day on average would save 300 seconds a day. This equates to 5 minutes, which is more than enough time to scre en one or two extra slides a day.Which over a week could mean 10 extra slides been screened by one screening staff member or 80 slides a week if all screening staff stopped. The second process considered was the taking of primary screening work from the work pile before necessary. Some individuals would pick up 2 trays of primary screening or would leave unfinished trays on their desks overnight. If these trays were left in the pile or half trays placed back into the work pile before going home, it would allow another member of staff to screen them sooner and therefore have them moving along the work-stream quicker.5. occupy steady-time.The most controversial option considered was to implement quiet-time in the screening rooms. An initial quiet-time of between 9.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm was suggested, asking all staff member to keep any talking towork-related questions only and to deter any colleagues from other departments from coming into the screening room or phoning the de partment. No mobile phones would allowed in the department during these times and work emails were to be checked first thing in the morning or first thing after lunch.Evaluation of OptionsThe NHSCSP advise on using a PDSA cycle (plan, do, study, act) to evaluate and to test out ideas to promise changes make the improvement required before implementation. Although the cycle is good at temporarily trialling a change and assessing its impact, its not useful in highlighting the best option or options to adopt without trialling them all. We therefore need to analyse the strength and weakness of each option first.A conclusion matrix was created to evaluate and prioritise the 5 options above. The criteria we used to make the decisivenesss were woo implications would there be any extra cost involved with each option and was this a small or large cost. (Rated from 1 (high cost) to 3 (low cost)) Speed of implication were we able to implement this option immediately or would it require much planning. (Rated from 1 (slow) to 3 (fast))Effect on staff would the staff be joyful with these measure, would it cause a negative effect in the work place. Did the staff have to make large adjustments to their working practice. (Rated from 1 (high injury) to 3 (low)) Speed of improvements how long would it take for us to see a change in turnaround times if option was implemented. (Rated from 1 (slow) to 3 (fast))Each option was rated for each criterion, so that we could establish any issues with each option.From looking at the table above, options 2 and 3 have scored well on all 4 criteria and therefore would be able to be implemented with little disruption but with a good impact on turnaround times. Option 1 unfortunately had too many issues regarding cost and the time it would take to gain agreement for documentation the overtime and for staff to agree to giving up their free weekends. similarly every staff member wasnt able to participate due to personal commitments and fam ilies, this meant the overtime worked could vary greatly week to week. It was therefore unflinching options 2 and 3 would be trialled further and option 1 would be abandoned.Although option 4 would take time to see results, it was obstinate that by Leaning up the work process could only be a good thing and that the ideas suggested to reduce waste in the workplace should be implemented immediately.The main cause for concern with option 5 was the detriment to the staff,however this change to working practice was considered to be the one that would have the greatest affect on reduction of turnaround times. It was therefore decided to trial this for a while, and that once the backlog was reduced we could relax the quiet time option and re-implement it if the backlog was to increase again.We could now look at the PDSA cycle and using turnaround time as a meter assess the capabilities of option 2,3,4 and 5. By starting to trial the options and regularly monitor and studying the turnaro und times (Do & Study) we can highlight any changes that may be necessary (Act) and think of new plans to tackle any issues that arise (Plan).ImplementationBefore implementing and disseminating the information to all the staff, the cytology manager and cytopathologist went over all the presented options and made the final decision to implement the improvements for reducing turnaround times. They were happy to put forward the 4 options identified to all the staff and create action plans for implementation.A staff meeting was held to explain the situation regarding increase turnaround times and the options put forward in the form of an action plan to the staff on how we could reduce the turnaround times. The action plans presented wereIt was strategic to us to use SMART action plans, which meant we had to be specific in our actions and create measurable, achievable and realistic plans. An achievable time frame was differentiate by creating weekly and monthly milestones for reviewing our turnaround times.Staff were asked to provide their thoughts on these actions and identify any issues or bring forward any options not already covered. Staff members made known their fears regarding quiet time, with one staff pointing out their working times were 9.30am until 2.30pm, and therefore apart from lunchtime she cannot talk during her working hours. This was taken into considerationand the hours of quiet-time were altered. It was also stated the quiet time was a short term proposal and would be lifted as the backlog reduced/ended.An idea of moving the boxes holding the work needing rapid review and the boxes holding forms for authorising was also put forward. As currently the boxes were rigid across two different rooms and in the furthest inlet of one room, meaning the entire screening room was being worried when someone went to put work/forms in the boxes. By moving the boxes to an equal place between both room, it would reduce the time wasted in walking to the box es and reduce disturbance to other staff. Therefore the new and circumscribed action plans were added.The staff was also advised that the turnaround times would initially be monitored in-house on a weekly basis to trial these changes and if the turnaround times were improving the monitoring would default to the XXX monthly monitoring. The aim was to try and authorise 300 cases a day, this was a realistic number to screen between 8 screening and 2 senior biomedical scientist staff. This equated to 1500 slides a week authorised, and as approximately 1000 slides were received and book in each week, this meant we would be clearing approximately 500 slides from the backlog each week.Review of OutcomesWork levels were reviewed weekly by the Cytology Manager using the laboratories computer system. It was possible to see that the workload being reported was greater than that of the workload coming into the laboratory, and therefore the backlog of work was decreasing. However, what helped s taff morale and made them aware of a reduction in the backlog and an improvement in turnaround times was being able to visualise the time between the date the sample was taken and the date the sample was screened and also seeing the reduction in the pile of work that was waiting for screening. As all options were implemented at the same time it was not possible to identify the effects of each individual option.XXX were also meeting place the 3 week turnaround figures for all laboratories and these were being disseminated amongst the screening staff on a monthly basis. From the graph provided by XXX, it is clear from the implementation of changes in June 2013 the percentage of samples turned around in less than 3 weeks has steadily increased.A slight dip in the percentage is noted between August and September 2013, this coincided with the loss of a staff member and a move to a new laboratory building, which resulted in screening down-time for a couple of working days. It was at this time a decision was taken to stop the strict enforcement of quiet time, allowing the occasional chatter within the screening room. This made work more welcoming and created a happier work environment, this in turn seems to have helped in the increase of samples turned around in 3 weeks.The introduction of these measures over the past 12 months have seen the departments 3 week turnaround times increase from 0.9% to 100%.ReferencesNHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP) Cytology improvement guide achieving a 14 day turnaround time in cytologyNHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP) unremitting improvement in cytology sustaining and accelerating improvement
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Bang bang banh
come three civil rights events that Lorraine (or the Hansberry family) was involved with 1 . Her p arents were both active in the grisly community of Chicago as well as complaisant change work. 2. She was involved in the Hansberry vs. Lee case because her family was being force to desegregate their ashen neighborhood with a restrictive covenant. Despite baseless protest they didnt move until the court ordered them to. 3. One of her br other(a)s dodged the draft because of separationism and discrimination in the military Use the next website to answer the following questions. http//en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Restrictive_covenant 4.In your protest words, what are restrictive covenants? A sort of agreement, which limits what the owner of the reduce or lease can do with it. 5. How have they been used in segregation? Used to keep blacks from invading white neighborhoods The title A Raisin in the Sun comes from Langston Hughes poem entitled Harlem. engage the poem at the following website http//www. teachingamericanhistory. org/library/index. asp? document=640 Use the following website to check up on more about the poem. http//poetry. suitel 01 . com/article. cfm/hughes_harlem_a_dream_deferred According to this website, what is the theme ot Harlem? A dream deterred 7. Do you think this theme fits with the poem? Why or why not? Yes it explains what happens when a dream is postponed. 8. List two literary pieces that can be found in the poem and give an example of each (copy and glue line) Literary element rhetorical questions Example What happens toa dream deferred? Literary element simile Example Does it stink like rotten meat? 9. Read through the commentary and tell what you think most likely happens to a dream deferred and explain why. When a dream is deferred it is lost, sense you no onger are able to fulfill it.It becomes a waste of time and a disappointment. In Act II, Scene Two, a character refers to Booker T. Washington as one of our great men, but a nother character disagrees and calls him a fool. guide some facts about Mr. Washington to help you arrive at your own conclusion. Use the following websites to find three facts that support that he was a great part and three facts that may have lead the other character to believe he was a fool. http//www. nps. gov/archive/bowa/btwbio. html http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Booker_T. _Washington http//northbysouth. enyon. edu/1998. edu/ al-Qaeda/btw. htm Great Man 10.First African American man to be invited to the white house 1 1 . First African American man to receive an honorary degree from Harvard 12. He was born a knuckle down and had no early education, yet he still became Americas foremost black educator Fool 13. His Atlanta compromise was known as a betrayal to the black community because it accepted segregation.
Major Pairs Of Salivary Glands Health And Social Care Essay
The three major braces of salivary secretory electric organs in the extempore pit be parotid secretory organs, sublingual secretory organs and submandibular secretory organs. The parotid secretory organs ar the largest brace of secretory organ locates posterior to the angle of the jaw, inferior and median(prenominal) to the ears. The other two smaller braces are sublingual secretory organs and submandibular secretory organs, which locate deep in the floor of the verbal orchestra pit. In add-on to these major secretory organs and other tyke salivary secretory organs are placed throughout the vocal cavity. Saliva is indispensable to extemporaneous wellness. The intimately obvious and of solvent exemplify in the offhanded pit is to keep of wellness of the dentition and the comfortable tissues. It is protective in its maps of lubrication and cleaning. xerostomia means waterlessness of the oral cavity. It is a symptom of different medical conditions, a side consequence of a broad assortment of medicines or caput and cervix radiation therapy. It is a ailment that is puzzled by absence or diminished measure of spit. overlook of spit and cut downing unwritten lubrication would imp doing m whatever maps. enduring may see run alter oral cavity are of import lending factors to unwritten uncomfortableness, alveolar cavities and other infections as a effect of the fall defense mechanisms ( Gater, 2008 ) .Functions of spitSaliva is produced through all of the secretory organs, which is portion of the digestive procedure for be and interrupting down the nutrient. It too helps desexualise downing and normal gustatory sensation perceptual work through. Saliva contains consort antimicrobic constituents such(prenominal) as muramidase, mucin, histatins and other substances that aid in adversary to disease ( Scully & A Felix, 2005 ) . Saliva has many of import maps including mechanical cleanup action to take of nutrient dust, control of pH for remi neralisation and antimicrobic activity, or lubrication of the unwritten pit to keep the unity of the unwritten mucous membrane ( Wilkins, 2005 ) .Diagnosis and rating of ironic mouthFor a dental hygienist to name alter mouth cigaret be based on grounds that acquired from the uncomplaining s history, an intraoral scrutiny of the unwritten pit and saliva trial. Xerostomia should be considered if the patient holding trouble eating dry nutrient, problems on rifle downing or complains of dry oral cavity, peculiarly at dark. The unwritten mucous membrane may be dry and gluey, or frequently appear erythematous as a consequence of an giantism of Candida albi sack ups. The sanguine spots may normally happen on the difficult or soft roof of the mouth and dorsal surface of the lingua. Sporadically, pseudomembranous moniliasis provide be present, removable white plaques may look on any mucosal surface. There may be small or no pooled spit in the floor of the oral cavity, and the lingua as looking for dry with little Numberss of papillae. The spit may be thick and gluey. alveolar consonant cavities may be probably found at the cervical bank or the incisal borders of the dentition ( Greenspan, 1996 ) .Common acts of dry mouthCertain drugs, diseases and upsets can do the salivary secretory organs non to work decently and therefore change magnitude saliva production. Medicine is the most prevailing cause of dry mouth. Xerogenic drugs such as cytotoxic drugs can straight damage the salivary secretory organs. The chief wrongdoers are antidepressants, anorexiants, antihistamines, major tranquilizers, anticholinergics, anti-Parkinson agents, antihypertensives, depressants and water pills. Other common drugs that cause dry mouth include skeletal musculus relaxants, bronchodilators anodynes, antiemetics, antidiarrheals, antianxiety agents and decongestants. These many drugs may act upon the quality and measure of spit nevertheless these effects are by and large short term ( Astor, Hanft, & A Ciocon, 1999 Sreebny & A Schwartz, 1997 ) . As a dental hygienist an interview should be taken in patients kicking of dry mouth and reviewed their medicines. Patients may contend to alter the doses or medicines if possible to rise salivary flow. Liquids preparations may be more benefitted and sublingual dose signifiers would necessitate to avoid. We may advice patients to lubricate the pharynx and oral cavity with glass of piss before taking tablets or capsules. We may see altering wizard medicine from another with less anticholinergic activity but anyways with comparable efficaciousness ( McDonald & A Marino, 1991 ) .Sjogren s syndrome ( SS ) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease normally doing dry mouth that occurs in pile of postmenopausal adult females. Patients are normally associated with dry oral cavity and dry eyes. The other clinical characteristics of SS are grounds of an autoimmune chemical reaction shown by serum autoantibodies and confirmed by continuing mononucleate cadre infiltrates in labial salivary secretory organ biopsy. About lead of patients with SS normally associated with expansion of major salivary secretory organs. At this word form there is no remedy for the disease. The preferred therapy is to pull off symptoms ( Dyke, 2000 ) . Amyloidosis and sarcoidosis are other chronic inflammatory diseases that cause dry mouth. In amyloidosis, amylaceous retains in the salivary secretory organs, which conduce in development of dry mouth. In sarcoidosis, noncaseating epithelioid granulomas in salivary secretory organs to do decreased salivary flow ( Greenspan, 1996 ) .Other systemic diseases that can do dry mouth include diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, dermatosclerosis, arthritic arthritis, hormone upsets, systemic lupus erythematosus, jam marrow organ transplant, cystic fibrosis, nutritionary lacks, Brights disease, thyroid disfunction and neurologic diseases. Hyposecretory conditions, suc h as atrophic gastritis, primary bilious cirrhosis, and pancreatic inadequacy, may besides do dry mouth. Stroke may alter the energy to see unwritten esthesiss. Xerostomia can do from impaired urine consumption, polyuria or diarrhoea. Psychogenetic causes, such as depression, emphasis, anxiousness or fright can besides ensue in dry mouth. Salivary secretory organ secernment is chiefly under the influence of the autonomic nervous system. In acute anxiousness, due to sympathetic stimulation, the oral cavity may experience dry. Advancing age and oral cavity external respiration, are besides associated with dry oral cavity because of a decrease of salivary acini, with a autumn in salivary secretory modesty ( Scully & A Felix, 2005 ) . run dry oral cavity is frequently leaded to activities such as hyperventilation, cigarettes sens or intoxicant imbibing. Trauma to the caput and neck sphere can damage the nervousnesss for providing esthesis to the oral cavity, which affect the norma l map of the salivary secretory organs ( Astor, et al. , 1999 ) .Standard radiation therapy to the caput and cervix is one of most common toxicity associated with xerostomia. Radiation can alter in the serous secretory cells, doing a decrease in spit flow and increase viscousness of the spit. The early ailment from patients after with radiation therapy is thick or gluey spit. The grade of lasting xerostomia depends on the radiation window pane and the volume of salivary secretory organ exposed to radiation. These alterations are typically lasting ( Anke Petra Jellema, 2007 ) .Management of dry mouthAny implicit in cause of dry mouth should hold possible be rectified. Some stairss study to be taken to understate the consequence of the implicit in cause. For patients with xerostomia is related to medicine usage, it is of import to keep conformity with the medicine direction. symptomatic intervention should be included in four classs replacement unconnected secernments, heightening spit flow, control of dental cavities and specific intervention of infections ( Greenspan, 1996 ) . Patients should be educated into attempts to avoid factors that may increase waterlessness and every chip shot good as to maintain the mouth moist. Using diabetic Sweets or sugar free masticating gums can excite salivation. Merely a specializer should utilize cholinergic drugs that stimulate salivation such as pilocarpine or cevimeline. A pharmaceutical company has late been developed a new Natrol wry Mouth Relief, uses a patented class of anhydrous crystalline malt sugar ( ACM ) to excite saliva production. In a clinical come off of patients with Sjorgren s Syndrome, ACM was shown to increase secernments and significantly better patient s inbred appraisal of symptoms ( Fox, MJCummins, & A Cummins, 2001 ) . Artificial spit or saliva replacements such as Optimoist spray, Salix tablets, V. A. Oralube sodium-free liquid, Salivart, Xero-Lube Artificial Saliva are formulated to rep eat natural spit can be used to moisture and lubricate the oral cavity. However they can be merely considered as permutation therapy instead than a remedy because they do non excite salivary secretory organ production.There are besides many scientific look for on advancing saliva production and simulation such as the production of fungicidal proteins of course happening in serous salivary secretory organs, antimicrobic peptides originally derived by histatins ( Der, Vissink, Veerman, & A Amerongen, 1999 Fox, et al. , 2001 ) . Another country of research includes Prednisolone irrigation of parotid secretory organs is being investigated as a possible intervention of dry mouth in patients with Sjogren s syndrome ( Izumi, et al. , 1998 ) . Slow-release bringing systems for pilocarpine are besides being investigated. Inoculation with auto-reactive T cells or with T cell receptor peptides is another country of research, as is the opening of infixing H2O transporting proteins or aquapo rins, in the cell membrane of the ductal cells ( Der, et al. , 1999 ) .Patient with dry mouth are at additions hazard of developing cavities and other unwritten complications. A day-to-day ego unwritten scrutiny may be recommended by look intoing any abnormalcies such as dark, white or ruddy spots, ulcers or tooth decay. Patients should hold regular alveolar consonant bridle up. It is of import to rede patients non to take sugary or acidic nutrients and drinks, every spell good as keeping a high criterion of unwritten hygiene. Topical fluoride agent signifiers are one of the of import constituents of patients long-run attention.DecisionXerostomia is a common job can hold a primary(prenominal) consequence on a patient s quality of animateness if non recognised and treated decently. As a dental hygienist we have to voyage through a proper appraisal, provide an appropriate intervention, emphasise bar, patients guidance and specialist referral to understate dry mouth and its con sequence on patients dental wellness and quality of life.
Monday, February 25, 2019
MDG Presentation Essay
g hoarybrickThe Importance of bringing up technology (IT) cannot be over emphasized as it is very necessary in all consorts of life Agriculture, Health, Education, Security, sport etc. It provides new opportunities for improving performance and strategic competitiveness. How perpetually, few organizations throw away victor fully grasped the opportunities en qualifiedd by IT, largely due to their limited ability to estimate the impact of IT on firm performance and ignorance. My industrial formulation political program has govern outd me to the IT industry with hands-on practical go on computing machine engineering and softw be development.The practical side of computing can be seen everywhere. Nowadays, practically everyone is a data processor workoutr, and m whatsoever people are flat computer programmers. Getting computers to do what you want them to do requires intensive hands-on experience. But computer science can be seen on a higher level, as a science of prob lem solving. data processor scientists must be adept at modeling and analyzing problems. They must overly be able to design solutions and verify that they are correct. Problem solving requires precision, creativity, and careful reasoning. calculator science as well as has strong connections to other disciplines. Many problems in science, engineering, health care, business, and other areas can be solved effectively with computers, exclusively finding a solution requires both computer science expertness and association of the particular application domain. Thus, computer scientists much become trained in other subjects.COMPANY writeABOUT CONNECT TECHNOLOGIES particular(a)In 1986, the founder had a dream and the urge to deploy tuition engineering Solutions and participate actively in the Nigerian Economy. His mission then, was to beg the untapped re themes of the nations Information engineering (IT) Industry. With over vitamin C man-years cognate professional exposure f u tilize in, join Technologies curb was in 2000 incorporated as a booster cable specialist IT Solutions Provider.GOALOur clients success is our growthMISSION repute interrelate Technologies Limited is dedicated to effect of its vision andmission by applying the following value chain flakclient Focus Customer First Philosophy We volition throw diligently to understand our clients IT ineluctably, and strive to meet or exceed their expectations, utilise the crush utilization approach.Our People Connect Technologies bangment Team is its superior asset. The Team understands the Nigerian IT needs and challenges in the competitive global economy. perpetration To provide the highest level of commitment to quality proceeds and products to our customers.CAPABILITY STATEMENT EXPERIENCEConnect Technologies entry into the schooling technology industry is indorse with much(prenominal) than 100 man-years of cognate and relevant professional experience of its leading practitio ners.Connect Technologies professional and managerial manpower base, no doubt, represents one of the best in the industry today. Working in collaboration with our technical partners in Nigeria, AsiaIndia, Europe and the USA, we possess the capability to design, supply, set LAN-based/multi-tier exercise Software, train, and maintain tortuous information technology organizations, both domestic and overseas.VISIONTo be and preserve a leading IT Solutions Provider with capabilities to innovate and deliver functional high-tech Software projects with maximum values to all clients.Our concept of customer satis faction is derived from the fact that we aspire to reduce our implementation down judgment of conviction to the barest minimum while increasing our clients productivity at least cost to them.PROFESSIONAL SERVICESConnect Technologies practice and carry on the business of Informatics and Information with particular part to all related activities and trade in the Information and Communications engineering (ICT) industries and services involving Software tuition and Hardware strain solutions.The core service is focaliseed on business of design, and development of Information Technology acquaintance Infrastructure projects with particular reference to the design of coating Software and Solutions and interfacing them with topical anesthetic Information Infrastructure (LII), National Information Infrastructure (NII) and Global Information Infrastructure (GII).As professional IT trainers, Connect Technologies organizes and manages special I.T Seminars, Workshops and Conferences for corporate organizations particularly the banking industry for the purpose of upgrading the knowledge and operational expertise of Informatics Technology.The customized training embraces in-house training on Information Technology and Communications Technology in particular Internet Development and outgrowth reproduction.CORE COMPETENCECapabilitiesDesign, automate, Integ rate, Support and Manage complex technology-driven Application Software systems Our Solutions are 100% indigenous effort. gentlemans gentleman ResourcesHighly skilled Software Development & Implementation TeamSolutions & serviceLAN Groupware Applications and SolutionsInternet Solutions & Web Portal DesignDesign and founding of Local & Wide Area Netwhole kit and boodleOffshore Software Project Development expert TrainingFacilities ManagementProject ManagementEXPERTISEConnect Technologies Limited has strong foundation in Infrastructural, financial, Technical, Product and Marketing Resources. Today, this expertise in Retail Banking Consultancy, Software Development, Net pass awaying and other services willing benefit major banks and business organizations all over the country.CONNECT TECHNOLOGIES SOLUTIONSEPortal Solutionsattempt e organisation Operation SolutionsEnterprise Educational Portal SolutionsEnterprise Business Intelligent SolutionsEnterprise Campus-wide Knowledge Solutio nsEnterprise Recruitment SolutionsEnterprise Cooperative Financial (Coop pay)Web-based Financial Application knowing to automate all Cooperative activities from Member Registration, nest egg & Loan Application, Approval Process and Repayment Processes, Journal Posting, Account Management, mob Fund Management, Payable & Receivables (Members & Third Party).Enterprise Banker (CT2001)Banking software package specially intentional to automate all banking activities, from banking needs of retail customers, routine banking needs of investments and trade-finance activities to full activity report summary.Enterprise Stock MasterStock Application targeted towards mid-ranged stock and Stock Brokerage, Financial and Investment Houses in its scope. It is specially designed to automate all stock activities, from shareholder registration of clients and stock needs of investments and trade-finance activities to full activity report summary.Enterprise Inventory/Payment governanceEnterprise Man ufacturing and Inventory formation is designed to optimize theefficiency of occupation/Sales Net report, Sales Warehouses and Manufacturing capability. It is a complete Manufacturing/Inventory System With Customer Support System, Financial Management System, Inventory Control System Including Sales, Purchase, Bills Receivable and Payable, Income and disbursement maintenanceWith various useful Reports.Money Transfer Management SystemsMTMS, version CT2003 is a full Multi-Currency Solution targeted towards commercial banks, Merchant banks, Savings and Loans, Financial, Passenger dealing Systems and Investment Houses. It is specially designed to automate all online money raptus activities, from s terminaling and receiving of money to reconciliation of accounts and full activity report summary. The Application is secure and Image / Account Security SystemDigital Image / Account Security System is an application designed to varan customers accounts and provide adequ ate Account Security through Digital Image Capturing and Confidential Data Protection.MAJOR PROJECT REFERENCESS/NClientNature of ProjectStatus1NITDA cut of e-Learning Application System to RITC unblemished2NITDAICT Consultancy on Development of reckoner Net die voiceless Security Standards effected3NITDAPart of Consortium of ICT Consultants that real Framework Architecture and Standards for e-Government Applications accurate4Shell-East Cooperative Investment Limited, PHIT Financial Consultant, Deployment and Implementation of Enterprise Cooperative Financials Software Completed and is existence supported5NITDAICT Consultancy & Implementation of eGovernment Project for Federal Government Completed6NITDAe-Government Workflow PS-NET Pilot Application deployed at FMST, Presidency, National Assembly, Finance Ministry, BOF (Budgets Office), Civil Service Commission, EFCC, PARP and Ministry of Education Completed7Akwa-Ibom State GovernmentICT Consultancy on SIT Park ProjectCompleted 8Trithel creative activity-wide ConsultingE-Business Solutions (e-commerce portal)Completed9Akwa Savings & Loan Uyo, Unical conjunction Bank Calabar, Olomi Community Bank I crowingan, Karakata Investment Limited Ogbomosho, Aniocha Community Bank etc Deployment of our Enterprise BankerCompleted and is universe supported10Riggs Securities, LagosDeployment of our Enterprise Stock Master SolutionsCompleted11Toyota Nigeria LimitedE-Business SolutionsCompleted12Henrich Boll Foundation, Socio Economic Rights Initiative, NOTAP (National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion), ITAN (Information Technology Association of Nigeria)13SIM Registration with Chams PlcCompletedPROFILE OF KEY PERSONNELCHRIS UWAJE (FNCS, FIAP)Born in Lagos, Nigeria, 4th August, 1951, Christopher Uwaje (FNCS, FIAP) is the Principal Consultant, principal(prenominal) Software Architect and Chief Executive Officer Connect Technologies LimitedCTL. He is the Originator/Pioneer of National Information Tech nology indemnity for Nigeria. Guest Student on Informatics, University of Hamburg, Graduate of Informatics, British fetch of engineer Technology and Control Data Institute, Frankfurt, Germany.Post Graduate Qualifications. everyplace lead Decades of on-the-job IT Practice as calculator Scientist Spread across triplet continents (Europe/Africa and America), specializing in IT-Strategy Consulting incorporating SIT Park project conceptualization, design, implementation, project management and Technical Support. Software Engineering Solutions Research, Design and Development (RD&D). Special Professional focus National & Regional IT Policy Coordinating Chairman, Council for West Africa Information Technology Professionals (CWAITP). Immediate Past President of Information Technology Association of Nigeria (ITAN) and maiden Vice President of Institute of Software Practitioners Association of Nigeria (ISPON). Member, National Inter-Ministerial commission on Software development.PROF ESSIONAL CREDENTIALS AND ASSOCIATIONSGraduate of Informatics, British Institute of Engineering Technology and Control Data Institute, Frankfurt, Germany. Post Graduate Qualifications. IMMEDIATE-PAST chairperson INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (ITAN) IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT engraft OF SOFTWARE PRACTITIONERS OF NIGERIA (ISPON) young man NIGERA COMPUTER SOCIETY NCS)FELLOW INSTITUTE OF ANALYSTS AND PROGRAMMERS. U.K.FELLOW INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL OF U.K.MEMBER COMPUTER PROFESSIONAL adaptation COUNCIL OF NIGERIA.(CPN) MEMBER INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST, BRITAIN.PAST PRESIDENT ROTARY internationalist DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA.OLUYINKA TANIMOWOBorn on March 14th 1971 in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. merrily married with two lovely daughters and one handsome boy.B. SC (Hons), Computer Science (First Class Honours) from University of Benin, Benin-City, Edo State (1993)AWARDSBest graduating student in Faculty of Science during 1992/1993 Academic Session Bes t student in Computer Science during 1992/93 SessionBest student in Computer Science during 1991/92 SessionNigerian Breweries PLC, Prize Winner, 1991/92 SessionBest student in Computer Science during 1990/91 SessionBest Student in Mathematics. 1988 (Secondary School)EXPERIENCE SUMMARYOver 10 years of active Software Development.Hardware/OS Platforms energize worked on various platforms that range from DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98, NT/Win 2000, Advanced innkeeper 2002 and higher, Windows XP. Software/Internet Technologies Experienced with the following VB.Net, ASP. Net, C, Visual C/C++, MFC, ActiveX Controls, Visual canonic, HTML, ASP, DHTML, VB Script, JavaScript, XML, CGI, JAVA, Windows NT, Client/Server Software Development, TCP/IP, ODBC, MS SQL Server, COBOL, MS Visual SourceSafe. Others Object-Oriented Analysis & Design (OOA & D), UML, Rational Rose & requirement Analysis.CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONTherefore, students most especially in higher psychiatric hospital of encyc lopedism are expected to have an industrial Training experience in order to improve their practical skills in their different division of study and also be computer literate.1.1 Industrial Training Program.Industrial Training program provides pre-professional work experience with specific assignments and responsibilities.An Industrial Training should be relevant to a students personal career interests and academic courses of study, serving as a bridge between university and the world of work.Productive Industrial Trainings help students to win informed decisions and improve their marketability subsequently graduation.1.2 Objectives of Industrial Training.To provide avenue for students in higher institution of learning acquire industrial skills and experience in their various course of study.To pee-pee students for work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that whitethorn not be operational in the University.To make transition from University to the world of work easier and thus rise contests for later job placements.To provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledgein real work situation, thereby bridging the gap between University work and actual practice.To enlist and strengthen employers involvement in the entire educational process of preparing University graduates for employment in the industry.1.4a Brief History of Connect Technology Ltd.1.4b Structure of the Company.1.4c Training Procedure of Connect Technology Ltd.At Connect Technology Ltd is a perfect mixture of theory and practical works also the implementation of web-based instructions to enable students on Industrial Training get a grip of whatever is taught.Connect Technology Ltd is a highly organized firm that not only satisfies clients and also ensures that students learn a lot that pertains to their course of study.1.4d Features of Training Methodologies.Assignme nts At the end of each lecture, students are to do their assignments and submit. Scores maybe awarded to keep bind on progress level of students.Seminars This is an interactive forum where students including staffs come unneurotic to talk about works they have executed, siting the challenges and also make plans for farther works or projects.Textbooks Students are allowed to go through the firms handout and read more pertaining to what has been taught.Internet Students are also given over the opportunity to go online to read up on different topics, which may not necessarily be what have been discussed at work but must be relevant so as to add more knowledge to the student.CHAPTER 2WORK DONEThe first day of work at Connect Technologies Ltd was on the 3rd of August, 2012. I was given an orientation course in the company by one of the staff by frame Pius Ekeh Junior, he told me of the rules and regulation of the company, showed me around different offices in the company, the servic es they reelect to the society, and he also gave a job description, and all that is expected of me during my Industrial Attachment.I was assigned to the concentratedware department, where we did jobs like formatting a system unit, ghosting of hard drives, coupling system, changing of damaged motherboard components and repairs of computer if the need arises, among others. every(prenominal) Friday, everybody including staffs and IT students are enjoined in a seminar where they are given appraisal on works done during the week, discuss on challenges encountered during the weeks work and plan ahead for further jobs and projects.Monthly, I assist my colleagues in discus cleanup, disk fragmentation, antivirus update, and also give a well detailed report to the staff in charge of IT (Industrial Training) students.During the first week, no much work was done since I was new in the company, but as duration went on, I was been thought on computer basics, how to use Microsoft, WordPad, Com mand Prompt, Viruses, Malware, Spyware and how they fix the computer system.I also learnt on the definition of disks, their different types which are Basic and Dynamic disks, their uses, and how to convert from one form or domain to another i.e. converting a disk in its Basic state to a Dynamic disk or from its Dynamic state to a Basic disk.DISK CLEANThis is a process where the computer gets rid of moot programs from itsmemory. It is used to clear unused files on the hard disk and offers more options than just emptying the recycle bin but also sight temporary internet files.Files such as temporal office setups and old restore points can be outside in one operation, this also offers more flexibility for file removal.To do this Right Click the My Computer Iconthence Click on PropertiesNext Click plough CleanupTick the items to be removed take in Yes to confirm trackThen Click Ok to finishBy these actions, the files are removed from the hard disk and the spaces occupied are bein g freed.RECYCLE binWhen a file is deleted from the computer, it is not completed deleted from the computer instead it is protected in the Recycle hive away, where it can be restored should in case it was deleted by mistake.Only when a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, is it permanently deleted from the computer.The Recycle Bin should be emptied on a regular basis.SCAN DISKThis is used to check the integrity of the file systems, also to scan the physical hard disk for bad sectors. These bad sectors can lead to data exhalation or corruption and this is one of the first signs of falling hard disks.When bad sectors are detected, Scan Disk attempts to repair these sectors mark them as unusable.GHOSTINGThis means creating a clone of its contents so that they may be transferred to a different and larger sized hard disk. It is not rigorously the similar as copying, but rather a means of accessing files and software without having to go through all the trouble of reinstalling them.G hosting is typically done on a computer so as to enhance it to a larger hard disk. It is also very important to note that when doing this both hard disks should be compatible, in terms model and brand. It is sometimes calledCLONING.CONFIGURATION OF SYSTEMSSystem configuration is the process of setting up the hardware devices and assigning resources to them so that they work together without conflicts.A properly configured system will allow the user avoid resource conflict problems, and makes it easier for the user to upgrade the system with new equipments in the future.An improperly configured system will lead to storage errors and problems, and make upgrading very difficult.Steps in reach up or Configuration a Computer.Power on the ComputerOn Set up window, choose country or region, time, specie and keyboard layout Click NextAccept the license terms required to use your computerClick NextEnter user key and password, then choose a default picture for the use account Enter compute r name e.g. Helen-pcClick Next and click on Ask me again if any message comes up Here set time and date time zoneFinally click on Start after(prenominal) configuration of the computer, the user can now allow the window to check the performance of the computer and prepare the desktop.At this juncture the user can install and download any necessary applications that are infallible on the computer.UPGRADING WINDOWS XP to WINDOWS 7.It is the same steps taken when configuring a computer the difference is that during the configuration, the following are done Insert the OS cd for Windows 7Restart the computerWhen prompted to boot to boot from CD, it any key on the keyboard to proceed Then all the instructions carefully and you will have your Windows XP upgraded to Windows 7 After that install the drivers and applications that are necessary to help the user work hands down on the computer.ACTIVATING WINDOWS.Activating Windows is necessary for Microsoft to know it is a echt version of the operating(a) System. It also aids in upgrading any Operating System to any version.These are the steps requiredClick on the Start buttonRight Click on My ComputerSelect PropertiesClick on Activate WindowsFollow all instructions including the EULA accordYou will need to type the product key of the computer and it is ever at the top of the system unit After that you will be required to wait for some minutes so that Windows can be activated.TROUBLESHOOTING OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM.Troubleshooting is a process of determining the cause of, and in conclusion the solution to, a problem.It is a form of problem solving, most often applied to repair of failed products and processes. It is a logical and systematic search for the sourceof a problem, so that it can be solved, and so the product or process can be made operational again.It is also needed to develop and maintain complex systems, where the symptoms of a problem can fall in many possible problems. By applying a logical, consistent m ethod to the troubleshooting process, you make your work easier, and shorten the time it takes to discover the root of the problem.Acquire information about the problem by questioning the user and identifying any qualifying the user has made to the computer lately. In acquiring the information, you will find out that sometimes the user has the problem. Some complain of not being able to connect to the internet or not being able to use the printer and applications.All that is needed is to check the machine which ever it is and try to proffer a solution.
Fall of Ibm
CASE 15 THE FALL OF IBM Justin Marc C. Tariman B. S. B. A. MKTG 4March 14, 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose The purpose of this exemplar study analysis report to understand and formulate a set of actions for the case of a lodge that is experiencing rapid environment changes and difficulty in defend its core work such as how IBM perceived its mainframes as top executive of computers. Problem IBM biggest problems include its huge size, highly bureaucratic decision do approach,and its managements difficulty in accepting the fact mainframes become obsolete sooner.The corporation lost on its focus toward meeting the necessarily of customers and instead over-emphasizing the needs of the mainframes. Methods of Analysis Methods of analysis used in the case were S. W. O. T. Analysis and Porters 5 Forces of Industry Attractiveness to identify IBMs competitive advantage in a rapid changing environment and where in particular area the company failed to achieve in maintaining its position as market leader. Alternative pattern of ActionTake advantage Enter into systems integration, outsourcing, and consultancy run to fully brook a packet of IT overlaps and services. Sustain Using IBMs contention system to achieved scale economies in occupation and cost advantages. Build Building competitive advantage on either division while maintaining interdependence among these divisions and prevent rivalry among these divisions. forfend Avoid building one-side selling on product lines by giving distributively division its own sales force instead of having a offend division for sales force.Recommendations It is recommended for IBM to ready its company in entering into systems integration, outsourcing, and consultancy services to fully provide a package of IT products and services. Its a new business but it could greatly give more value on its products. This is in addition an advantage for IBM to used the size of its organization to outsource some of its resources to successfully create a niche in the industry. Outline of the Action broadcast Objective Activities Targets Resources Indicators To enter into systems Going into outsourcing and Within 5 years, IBM will be Research and development The changes of demand in integration, outsourcing, system integrations business open to take lead in outsourcing and consultancy services to outsourcing and integrate Talents and skills of IBMs fully provide a package of this business to other employees Market share IT products and services. product lines Global divisions Share of revenue earned from outsourcing and services. IT infrastructures
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Moby Dick Book Report
Call me Ishmael, Moby-Dick begins, in one of the most recognizable opening lines in English-language literature. The narrator, an observant young man setting stunned from Manhattan, has experience in the merchant marine but has recently unflinching his next sweep w diabetic be on a whaling send out. On a cold, gloomy night in December, he arrives at the Sp erupter-Inn in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and agrees to share a bed with a then-absent stranger.When his bunk mate, a heavily tattooed Polynesian harpooner named Queequeg, returns very late and discovers Ishmael on a lower floor his covers, both men are alarmed, but the dickens quickly pay back close friends and decide to brush together from Nantucket, Massachusetts on a whaling voyage. In Nantucket, the pair signs on with the Pequod, a whaling ship that is soon to transmit port. The ships captain, Ahab, is nowhere to be seen nevertheless, they are told of him a grand, ungodly, godly man, according to one of the owners , who has been in colleges as well as mong the cannibals. The 2 friends encounter a mysterious man named Elijah on the dock afterwards(prenominal) they sign their papers and he hints at troubles to come with Ahab. The mystery grows on Christmas morning when Ishmael spots dark looks in the mist, apparently embarkment the Pequod myopicly before it sets sail that day. The ships officers direct the former(a) voyage while Ahab stays in his cabin. The chief mate is Starbuck, a serious, sincere Quaker and fine leader second mate is Stubb, slaphappy and cheerful and always smoking his pipe the third base mate is Fl occupy, short and st out but thoroughly reliable.Each mate is responsible for a whaling boat, and each whaling boat of the Pequodhas its own pagan harpooneer assigned to it. few time after sailing, Ahab finally appears on the quarter-deck one morning, an imposing, frightening figure whose haunted visage sends shivers over the narrator. (A white scar, reportedly from a thu nderbolt, runs polish up his face and it is hinted that it continues the length of his body. ) One of his legs is missing from the knee down and has been replaced by a prosthesis fashioned from a sperm whales jawbone.Soon multitude the crewmen together, with a rousing speech Ahab secures their support for his single, secret purpose for this voyage laming down and killing Moby Dick, an old, very large sperm whale, with a snow-white hump and mottled skin, that crippled Ahab on his last whaling voyage. besides Starbuck shows any sign of resistance to the charismatic but monomaniacal captain. The starting time mate argues repeatedly that the ships purpose should be to hunt whales for their oil, with luck returning home profitably, safely, and quickly, but not to seek out and kill Moby Dick in particular and especially not for revenge. finally even Starbuck acquiesces to Ahabs will, though harboring misgivings. The mystery of the dark figures seen before the Pequod set sail is expl ained during the voyages first lowering for whales. Ahab has secretly brought along his own boat crew, including a mysterious harpooneer named Fedallah, an inscrutable figure with a sinister forge over Ahab. Later, while watching one night over a captured whale carcass, Fedallah darkly prophecies to Ahab hints regarding their twin deaths.The novel describes numerous gams, social meetings of two ships on the open sea. Crews normally visit each other during a gam, captains on one vessel and chief mates on the other. billet may be exchanged and the men talk of whale sightings or other news. For Ahab, however, there is but one relevant question to ask of another ship Hast seen the White Whale? After meeting some(prenominal) other whaling ships, which have their own peculiar stories, the Pequod enters the Pacific Ocean. Queequeg becomes deathly ill and requests that a coffin be built for him by the ships carpenter.Just as everyone has given up hope, Queequeg changes his mind, decidin g to live after all, and recovers quickly. His coffin becomes his sea chest, and is later caulked and pitched to replace the Pequods disembodied spirit buoy. Soon word is heard from other whalers of Moby Dick. The jolly Captain baby boomer of the Samuel Enderby has lost an arm to the whale, and is stunned at Ahabs burning need for revenge. adjoining they meet the Rachel, which has seen Moby Dick very recently. As a result of the encounter, one of its boats is missing the captains youngest son had been aboard.The Rachels captain begs Ahab to aid in the search for the missing boat, but Ahab is resolute. The Pequods captain is very contiguous the White Whale now and will not stop to help. at long last the Delight is met, even as its captain buries a sailor who had been killed by Moby Dick. Starbuck begs Ahab one final time to reconsider his thirst for vengeance, but to no avail. The next day, the Pequod meets Moby Dick. For two days, the Pequods crew pursues the whale, which wreaks widespread destruction, including the disappearance of Fedallah.On the third day, Moby Dick rises up to reveal Fedallah tied to him by harpoon ropes, understandably dead. Even after the initial battle on the third day, as Moby Dick swims away from the Pequod, Starbuck exhorts Ahab one last time to desist, observing that Moby-Dick seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that lifelessly seekest him Ahab ignores this voice of reason and continues with his ill-fated chase. As the three boats sail out to hunt him, Moby Dick damages two of them, forcing them to go back to the ship and leaving only Ahabs vessel intact.Ahab harpoons the whale, but the harpoon-line breaks. Moby Dick then rams the Pequod itself, which begins to sink. As Ahab harpoons the whale again, the unfolding harpoon-line catches him around his neck and he is dragged into the depths of the sea by the diving Moby Dick. The boat is caught up in the whirlpool of the sinking ship, which takes virtually all the crew to their de aths. Only Ishmael survives, clinging to Queequegs coffin-turned-life buoy for an consummate day and night before the Rachel rescues him.
Katha Polliti Essay
Katha Pollitt, writer of Whats Wrong with lively trade union? depicts several reasons why people fence to akin sex join and among them, the around controversial reason is religion. correct though societies may think legalizing gay pairing will endure established homes for children who are left in orphanages and add financial compensation to relegate, marriage as it is, is between a military personnel and a woman. protest to gay marriage are based on religious prejudgement because a marriage of a man and a women is sacred and the favorable reception of same sex marriage will disrupt the sacral institution, in fact, surveys demonstrate an outstanding connection of religiosity with opposition to gay marriage. Gay marriage is mismatch with religious beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups. The Catholic Church, Church of Jesus Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Presbyterian Church, and other churches like these totally oppose to same sex marriage.The expansion of same sex marriage may lead to churches being forced to wed couples and children being taught in school that same sex marriage is the same as icy sex marriage. Americans, who oppose the authorization of same sex marriage, are close to likely to explain their position because of religious beliefs of holy passages dealing with same sex relationships. Those who agree to same sex marriage are most likely to defend their point by saying either that it is a matter of human rights, or that such things should be left to the exclusive choice. The authorization of gay marriage does have profound impact on the society because whenever one transgresss the natural moral order established by theology, one sins and upsets God. Marriage is not the being of any state rather, God in Paradise established it for our first parents, Adam and Eve, as mentioned in the Book of Genesis. Katha Pollitt cited this quote here People may think marriage is a word wholly owned by religion, but rat tling its wholly owned by the state (572).What Pollitt is saying is that the politics governs marriage, it involves civil act procedures that permit couples to get married by state authorization, otherwise, they are unable to get married and they must attain a marriage license from city hall. To conclude, marriage is more than just sign language a document it is a sacral pact that units a man and a woman and permitting same sex marriage will violate the sacral institution. One of the biggest debates of whether people should allow gay marriage to proceed is due to the opposition of religious believers and sacral institutions. Whether most religions consider homosexualityimmoral, deteriorate the respect for the society of marriage, and confuse children about sexual roles, in that location will always be opposition about gay marriage. Marriage is a perk that humans obtain, should humans have the same privilege to choose whom they would want to marry, without intervening with relig ion?
Saturday, February 23, 2019
How is the culture and society ‘Of mice and men’ different from our own? Essay
The culture and society is extremely different from our own because the people in the prevail atomic number 18 little social, but nowadays people seem to socialize a trade more. The book is peck in a time known as manual moil where there is genuinely little machinery. This required a lot of strength. The machinery had to be worked by man and was less sophisticated than the machinery we break now. It was a society of which people had to travel to get work and were compensable very little for the amount of unvoiced labour they had to do. They only had a few possessions so that they could carry them around wherever they went to work. If they were to carry a lot of things with them they would not clear been able to carry them. One similarity is that the peoples ambitions, dreams and hopes ar very much the same to forward-looking times.Most people wanted to settle down at a ranch, have pets and live life easily. In the time the book was set it did not matter what circumsta nce you came from as long as you worked hard you would be able to make something of your life. This is very much the same as neo times in America. In England this was very different because what emphasize you came from entirely depended on what sort of job you were going to have when you recrudesce up. This is still kind of the same because if you come from a poor background you will not be able to have a mature education to get a soundly job. The men in the book are trapped in the society they are in because they are not going to be able to get a good job. They are going to buck barley for the rest of their lives. Steinbeck makes a very strong racial element throughout the story.Crooks the stable buck is classed as less than human because he is physically disabled by acquiring kicked on the back by a horse. Also he is threatening so people class him as a lower being. He lives in a barn away from everyone else. Occasionally they let him articulation in, in some of the games t hey run. Curleys wife is to a fault part of the racial element because she is classed as an intention and maybe a sex object to Curley. In the book Steinbeck does not give her a name which also means that she is an object. Curley restricts her from doing anything because she is not allowed out of the house or out of the ranch. She has to dumbfound in the house else Curley will get annoyed and beat her. glass over is also discriminated because he is old and unable to do hard labour so they make him wash the floors for very little money.Lennie is discriminated against because he is mentally disabled rather than anyone else. Most of the people in the story are nomadic which means that they don not have a steadfast base. They people on the ranch have a poor shopworn of living because they have shared accommodation and have absolutely no privacy. It is also quite sexist because the ranch is almost exclusively male. They have an abbreviated speech dialect which sounds very weird fro m a modern perspective. Also being nomadic means that they have a movement to fight and have very aggressive attitudes to people that they dislike. In ecumenic the society in the book is very similar to our own. This is because they socialize and play games with each other.
Obasan Essay
Megumi Naomi Nakane, an innocent Child Essay In delectation Kogawas Obasan, Naomi is an innocent small fry who suffers a great regard through step to the fore the unused. The adults of the Nakane family go through a lot of trouble to nourish Naomis honor just so Naomi could have a childhood similar any other child. However much the adults tried, Naomi still sees the unlit location of the world at an early age. Naomi does not understand most things that take place in her flavor and therefore, she finds toys and stories as a electric outlet to express her emotions.In this novel, Naomis innocence is all important(p) seeing that passim the novel she is baffled and unsure near the incidents that occur in her life in addition to that she has to suffer for incidents she does not compre chickd. To begin, the elders in Naomis family endure a lot of pain at the hands of the Canadian government to case Naomi as best they can. Ein truthbody in Naomis house is looking out for her . As Naomi narrates, Whatever uncle was intending to severalize me someday has not yet been told which clarifies that uncle has been guardianship something from her to shield her from all the wrongs in the world (Kogawa 3).Later on in the novel, it is represent that similar to every unitary in the family uncle has been concealing the fact that Naomis fret had been savagely injured from the bombing at Nagasaki and also that following the injuries Naomis fret had died after a while. Uncle believes that if he were to tell all the details to the highest degree Naomis mothers death, then Naomi would be heartbroken. This is because afterwards in the novel, it is discovered that Naomi and her mother had a very close mother and girl relationship.Another similar incident is when Obasan remains silent while Naomi asks questions Please tell me about mother Naomi would say as a child to Obasan precisely she gave Naomi no answer (26). This source demonstrates that Obasan did not give N aomi any answers about her mother because Naomi would be grief-stricken upon learning the virtue. Naomis mother is the one person she felt safe with and if she were to realize that her ultimate protector is no longer alive, she would feel threatened and alone in the world.It also illustrates that Obasan unbroken her word as Naomis mother had requested that Stephen and Naomi be spared the truth (259). This course credit illustrates Naomis mothers love and guardianship towards her children. Also from this quotation it is unders excessivelyd that Naomi and her mothers bond is so powerful that her mother being overseas still knows that the truth must be unploughed from Naomi in order for her to continue living her childhood without trouble. All the adults in the Nakane family were completely determined to uphold Naomis innocence intact, which made them to keep the truth from her. Stephen and I are unconcerned with such worries and life for us is a quiet and pleasant holiday this il lustrates that Naomi is frequently left in the dark because the adults believe that she is too unseasoned to handle the hard-pressedting truth (149). Consequently, Naomi omits key facts and whenever she tries to comprehend an incident she gets tangled up by her lack of understanding and thus remains an innocent child. To proceed, Naomi as a young child believes in nance tales and p perplexs with dolls which advocate her depressions when she cannot find a elan to express them on her own.As Naomi states in the novel, Clearly we are the bear family in this strange house in the middle of the woods. I am the despoil bear it reveals that Naomi as a child is confused about the issues that upset her family as she tries to understand their problems using characters from stories that she has read (136). It is shown that Naomi channels her own feeling into her toys as she says the doll is quite happy and excited about the train trip (124).In this excerpt, it is obvious that Naomi is ta lking about herself rather than the doll. It shows that Naomi is innocent as she does not know the complete truth and believes that she is just going for a ride on the train which excites her. Following that, after getting mop up the train, Naomi proclaims that her doll is lost as she asks Obasan where is my doll? (128). Since Naomis mother gave her that doll, its absence can be associated with the separation she feels between herself and her mother, the ideal defender of her innocence.It is magnificent that Naomi is an innocent child which is exemplified through her thoughts about fairies helping her I am in a grade two reader full of fairies, sitting in the woodland very still and waiting for one fairy to come flying and lead me down to the moss-covered door on the forest that opens to the tunnel leading to the place where my mother and father are concealing (164). This quotation illustrates Naomis distress about the disturbing thoughts that come into her approximation when she thinks about her parents also, she feels helpless at the hands of other powerful figures like the RCMP in Canada.Therefore, Naomi as a young child believes that her only rely is a mythical creature like a fairy that index help her locate her parents much like a child who believes in Santa Clauses existence. Naomi is too young to interpret the reality and the difficulties of her and her familys lives as they do not affect her much, proving that she is undoubtedly an innocent child. Lastly, Naomi is a helpless child who had to see the different side of the world too soon for her age.In the novel, Naomi declares that Again and again the hens beak strikes and the chick lies on its side on the floor, its neck twisted back, its move, outstretched fingers. The hen lifts a scaly leg, the claws collapsing and clutching as it struts just about the cage, bayoneting the chicks darting past Naomis feet, their wings outspread. (63). Naomis fate is represented by the chicks as she is a naked being, practically powerless against the Canadian governments attacks on her family. She is a guiltless child being punished by the government for no legitimate reason.Later on in the Novel, Naomis neighbor grizzly small-arm Gower who carries her away, he tells her she must not tell her mother. as she puts it (65). Exhibiting the fact that Naomi is a insecure subject of Old Man Gowers sexual attacks. Also, Naomi was devastated as she could not seek the resistance of her mother for she was ashamed of herself and also that Old Man Gower had asked her not to talk about anything to her mother. Therefore, she is an innocent child execrable in her own grief and confusion at a very young age.Subsequently, the reoccurring nightmare that Naomi has about the three oriental woman that lay naked in the muddy road and several soldiers Who appeared to be guarding those women prisoners is crucial to understand the abuse she suffered at the hands of Old Man Gower (66). The women in he r dream are defenseless against the armed men reflecting upon her own bewilder as a victim of her neighbor. In the novel, it is portrayed that Naomi is unprotected and vulnerable when exposed to matters that only adults should be aware of.All in all, Naomis innocence is a significant feature in her childhood as the adults in the Nakane family shield Naomi with their resolute endurance. An examination of the adults role in Naomis life reveals that they are essential because they try their best to protect her from the unlighted side of the world. After analyzing Naomis involvement with her toys or fairy tales it is revealed that she is unclear with the events occurring around her and henceforth turns to her dolls or fairy tales for an explanation or a ancestor for her questions.Naomis discovery about abuse highlights that Naomi is a young child being exposed to something inappropriate as she has yet to develop a sense of right or wrong in the world. In Joy Kogawas Novel, Obasan, Nao mi is a naive child who is bewildered and agitated throughout the novel considering that she does not have experience of the life outside the protection of her parents. **** Works Cited Kogawa, Joy. Obasan. 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 2Y3 Penguin Group, 1981. Print.
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