Saturday, August 31, 2019
Proper Paragraphing
PJgQP. BR PARAGRAPHING V^ 1. Remember to always indent your paragraph. 2. Begin with a topic sentence which makes a general statement about what is to follow in your paragraph. This topic sentence controls and limits what can be discussed in the remainder of the paragraph. 3. After you have chosen a good topic sentence, you need to develop the idea into a well-organized paragraph. One way to do this is to use very specific examples that support whatever statement is made in the topic examples in each paragraph. efoutfxuj te, asJcad -fo use, mofc) 4. Every example needs to be followed with an explanation. f how the example helps illustrate the point of vour paragraph. It is never wise to just list the examples and not provide any explanation. sentence. It is wise for you to use at least three . 5 End the paragraph with a sentence that summarizes and concludes the paragraph or the point you are trying to make in your paragraph. This sentence is referred to as a concluding sentence. It signals to the reader that you have said all you are going to say about the topic you are examining in the paragraph. ^^ 6. 7. Remember that a paragraph deals with one main idea and ne topic – not a series of unrelated events and/or topics. As always, you need to be careful about spelling and grammar. IN REVIEW: †¢ a paragraph should be about one topic only. When you need to change topics, create a new paragraph. †¢ your topic sentence should tell your reader exactly what your paragraph is going to be about †¢ each example you use (and you generally will be asked to use at least three examples per paragraph) needs to be backed up by a clear explanation †¢ you must end your paragraph with a concluding sentence †¢ always indent your paragraph and check your spelling ^J and grammar. > i i ‘t i a r; PARAGRAPH OUTLINE w TOPIC SENTENCE: POINT #1: EVIDENCE (INCLUDE CONTEXT FOR QUOTATION); EXPLANATION (HOW DOES EVIDENCE PROVE POINT? ): ^; POINT#2i EVID ENCE: EXPLANATION: POINT # 3: w EVIDENCE: EXPLANATION: CONCLUDING SENTENCE (RELATE WHAT YOU HAVE PROVEN TO TOPIC SENTENCE): r) o ENGLISH – grade 9 and 10 Rubric ~ PARAGRAPH EVALUATION w LR Absent â€Å"V /3 ~ m ^ k -W,  «Ã¢â‚¬ †¢* LI Limited L2 Some L3 Considerable L4 Thorough †¢ ,-* Knowledge Clear, focused interesting ideas 0-2 2. 5-3 3. 5-4. 5 5-6. 5 7-7. 5 -Ideas support topic entence -Understanding of topic Thinking (Inquiry) 0-3 -Insights, support -Logical coherent argument -Ideas are interrelated -Relevant evidence to 3. 5-4 4. 5-5. 5 6-7. 5 8-9 support ideas w Communication 0-3 3. 5-4 4. 5-5. 5 6-7. 5 8-9 -Style -Coherence – Purpose is clear -Appropriate and effective use of language -Flow of ideas -Precise, clear choice of words Application 0-1. 5 -Unity, organization -Command of paragraph form (topic/conclusion) -Grammar,spelling,punctuation -Smooth transitions w 2. 5-3 3. 5 4-4. 5 -Requires no editing/error-frce
Friday, August 30, 2019
No Taxation Without Repesentation
Explain the meaning of the revolutionary slogan ‘no taxation without representation’. How did that express the core values of the new American political culture? Under American Revolution we understand politic developments in British colonies in North America in 1775-1783, which ended up creating the United States. They were caused by the unwillingness of the colonies to obey to the interests of the metropolis. The slogan that best expressed the cause of the revolution was ‘No taxation without representation’. It was widely used as a main complaint to royalty and colonial administration during the American Revolution.The slogan originated in the 50 – 60 years of the XVIII century, when British colonists in America began to realize that in spite of their large number and business activities, which are taxed, they have no representation in the Parliament and cannot exercise their rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, adopted in 1689. Let’s loo k a little bit closer to the history. In the 1760s British Parliament for the first time started a massive taxation of Americans, violating the fundamental bourgeois legal precept – no taxation without representation.Residents of the province were used to and wanted to continue to pay only the taxes that have been approved by their own elected representatives in local assemblies. Britain took, in addition, a law forbidding Americans to move to the vacant land. This law affected rich landowners, whose entrepreneurial appetites were dramatically reduced; and also small and poor farmers, who had been taken away a cherished dream of their own land. It was followed by political repression: restrictions on freedom of religion, the abolition of jury trials, the privacy of home and property, entry of the British troops in North America.Many of these decrees and laws came from the monarch, but in contrast to earlier times the freedom and rights of Americans have been actively suppress ed and limited also by the British Parliament. Since the 1760s Britain actually began to rule in North America as an absolute monarchy, trying to impose conditions inherent in feudal society. Americans cherish for more than a half century bourgeois social order, were shocked by their attempt to create a new absolutism. The 1760-1770-ies were characterized by the democratization of the political consciousness of Americans and American political culture.An ideological revolution was developing in America, that prepared and made possible a half decade later, the political revolution. Democratization touched a political practice in North America also. Previously unknown forms of political action of the people were developing: mass gatherings, meetings, rallies. Thus was formed the immediate or direct democracy, that started to compete with representative democracy. All sorts of amateur political organizations were created; the most prominent among them was the â€Å"Sons of Libertyâ₠¬ .The most prominent representative of the moderate stage and course of the anti-colonial movement was James Otis. He was most famously associated with the phrase, â€Å"taxation without representation is tyranny†. In the 1760s he became a political oracle of American patriots. In 1761 in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, Otis condemned the English decree, empowers customs colonies search procedure without judicial authorization of any dwelling to retrieve contraband. Otis argued that the famous English Bill of Rights and Habeas Corpus Act, which guaranteed inviolability of the person, property and housing, equally apply to Americans.No law or decree can be accepted that contradicts these basic acts which Otis after Blackstone called the Constitution. Otis turned the English Constitution and natural law in two main pillars to protect the interests of Americans. Demonstrating brilliant erudition and perseverance, he drew from the English constitution provisions that guaran tee citizens the security of property, and the right to representative government and trial by jury, and freedom of religion, and many other rights, which were based on liberal bourgeois world order.Otis has worked hard to prove the importance of the struggle for representation of North American provinces in Parliament. But his tenacity has not conceived a significant impact on his compatriots. Common sense told patriots, that a small group of colonial deputies in parliament cannot change its policy. Samuel Adams, who was established in the late 1760-1770's at the leading position in the patriotic movement of Massachusetts, states that the colonies cannot be fully represented in Parliament and that their representation at Westminster will turn against provinces itself.That would legitimize parliamentary tyranny for North America, and that therefore, a struggle of patriots for seats in the English legislature leads them astray. American political culture contains a number of core ide als, values and standards that define the relationship between citizens and government, and citizens to one another. Different societies view politics differently, and have different approaches to the view of society. In America, the views of society are liberty, equality, democracy, and individualism.Liberty as right to be free; equality as equality of opportunity; democracy as elected officials from the people; and individualism as the individual's rights are valued above those of the state (government). The American system creates in people a confidence that each and every person have to play by the same rules, and the role of the government is to protect these rules; confidence in the will of the people to support enterprise and entrepreneurship, to persistent work anywhere. And even if at some point people are unsuccessful, they will be making efforts to achieve success again and again.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Comparison of two Nursing Education System Essay
Comparison of two Nursing Education System - Essay Example After entering into China, the Western missionaries reportedly took many native Chinese nationals into the missionary hospitals and nursing schools for training. By 1923, about 32% of all nurses in China were those from missionaries. The influence of the Chinese nursing profession by America was also profound. In fact, many people believe that the American influence of the Chinese nursing profession is more or less the same as the influence it has had on the Chinese medical education. Miss Gage, a renowned registered nurse, is one such American whose influence on the nursing profession in China is exceedingly profound. After arriving in China in 1908, she embarked on establishing a nurse-training program as part of her mission in Changsha to help educate native Chinese people. Her nursing training program enabled many Chinese nationals to enroll in nursing (Xu, Xu, and Zhang, 2000). Unlike in China where nursing education was introduced in 1888, nursing education in Ireland was intro duced in the mid 20the century. This follows the introduction of a new model of nursing education as an alternative to the apprenticeship model. At the same time, unlike the Chinese nursing education system that was influenced mainly by the Western missionaries, the Irish nursing education was influenced mainly by the European Economic Community (EEC) following its entry as a member of the community in 1973. For instance, the EEC’s 1979 order for general nursing required mutual recognition of qualifications in all European member states. In addition, the 1989 EEC directive that required 4,600 hours of practical and theoretical training in all European member states had an enormous impact on the nursing education system in Ireland (O'dwyer, 2007). The Irish nurses, unlike the Chinese nurses, also played a pivotal role in reforming the nursing education in Ireland. This follows their clamor for reforms in which the Irish nurses took to the street in 1999. This compelled the Iri sh government to consider nursing education appropriate for the development of the country. This led to the establishment of nursing training schools in the country. (O'dwyer, 2007). Government and Nursing Organizations Influencing Nursing Education: Comparison of China and Ireland In china, nursing training was influenced by a number of organizations and government agency. Among the organizations that influenced nursing training in China include the Perking Union Medical College (PUMC), which was the first collegiate nursing programme in the country. It influenced nursing training by developing an elite education and service programme similar to those of the West. The State Planning Commission and Ministry of Education also influenced the nursing education system in China (Hong and Yatsushiro, 2001). The Irish nursing education, on the other hand, was influenced by government agencies such as Irish Nursing Board, which stimulated the establishment of a university to train nurses in Ireland. The Irish Matrons’ Association also played a pivotal role in influencing nursing training in Ireland. It did this by commissioning a report that highlighted the need for a nurse training institution in Ireland. The Commission of Nursing created by the Ministry of Health in 1997 also brought significant transformation in
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Will Bruder, At least two works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Will Bruder, At least two works - Essay Example Aesthetics, pragmatism and innovation in a very modern setting are the predominant aspects of Will Bruder’s works. All of these aspects can be seen in two of his works, namely the Phoenix Central Library and the Byrne Residence. The aesthetics of the Phoenix Central Library solely focused on earthly beauty of steel architecture which took advantage of the sunlight through optical designs of the entire structure. The optical illusion created by the light which is ever predominant throughout the structure illuminates the modern design of the library. Even in the simplest shade sails of the northern windows are patterned after the seafarers of Maine. Even the Crystal Canyon, the library’s five-storey atrium, possesses nine skylights to track the sunlight’s movement. These skylights, covered by clear lenses, are suspended upon the ceiling which is 32 feet in the air. Such was designed by Bruder to create an illusion of flames at noon during the summer solstice (Seal, 1996). By the small details and the unique characteristics of the building’s interior and exterior portions, it can be clearly seen that the entirety of the Phoenix Central Library is inspired by a distinct theme which utilized a dark tone of steel to recreate the concept of earth. With the help of the architect’s play of mirrors and window panes, the concept of a fresh sunlight is recreated within the structure. The earthly theme in the aesthetic factor of Will Bruder’s works is also present in his work in the Byrne Residence. It is obvious in the external characteristics of the residence was comparably the same as that of the Phoenix Central Library. Simple shades of brown and gray fill the atmosphere of the walls. Also, the use of extensive glass panes was present in order to accommodate the sunlight. The Byrne Residence is located in the North Scottsdale desert area which makes the external
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
QI strategies in performance measurements Essay
QI strategies in performance measurements - Essay Example The other methodology necessary for integrating QI strategies and performance measures is the use of a framework. The framework should contain various guidelines on how the two above can be integrated effectively and even the dangers involved if the process and guidelines presented are not stipulated. The framework is the most effective and requires less technical expertise. This is however too simple to yield a good integration since some issues are not incorporated. The third methodology is having a combination of different methodologies. Since different methodologies have their own pros and cons when used on their own and may prove ineffective in integrating QI strategies and performance measures, a combination of several methodologies (for example the use of framework and information technology) will ensure that the pros of the methodologies are more than the cons and hence integration will be more successful. The disadvantage of this is that it will take more time for the combin ation to occur and also will require more technical expertise compared to just using a single methodology (Lighter and Fair, 2007). The use of information technology is most effective in the recreational facilities plan. This is because it requires less health care staff hovering around the patients and reminding them of their health conditions. It will also ensure that patients have freedom to enjoy the facilities without constant monitoring and also constantly being taken to their rooms for medication.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Globalisation of Logistics & SCM 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Globalisation of Logistics & SCM 2 - Coursework Example Jasper (2003) defined performance as the process of accomplishing given tasks that are measured against stipulated standards of completeness, accuracy, speed, and cost. Performance is considered to be fulfillment of various obligations in ways that release performers from all the liabilities under business contracts. In my journey of development, learning has played a major role in what I am today as I have been able to acquire knowledge in school and the society hence ensuring better performance in my general activities. Covey (2004) observed that anything human beings do depend partly or wholly on what they learnt either in educational institutions or the society and partly how they put the learning in their actions. People skills are the capabilities of individuals to understand themselves and ability to moderate their responses. Learning people skills has enabled me to empathize accurately, to talk effectively, and to build relationships of respect, trust and very productive interactions in my journey of development. Redmond (2004) noted that good people skills are considered as an asset in business and our daily lives as they enable us to relate and communicate to other individuals on both professional and personal levels hence the ability solve problems effectively and work together to achieve common goals and objectives. Emotional intelligence is the ability of recognizing our emotions and other individual’s feelings and discriminating between various sensations and labeling them appropriately hence enabling individuals to apply that information in thinking and changing behaviors (Redmond, 2004). Emotional intelligence has enabled me to interact with individuals of different characte rs effectively as I have been able to identify, understand, use, and manage sensations in positive ways in order to communicate efficiently, relieve stress, overcome challenges, defuse conflicts, and to empathize with other society members. I am
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Ending life ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ending life ethics - Essay Example The two principles are related because beneficence requires patients to make informed decisions and physicians to respect the decisions. It also requires physicians to guide patients against making decisions that are contrary to their best interest. The principle of autonomy can help the two doctors to respond to John’s condition. Doctors should guide patients in making their decisions by informing them about the consequences of their decisions. The two doctors failed to honor this principle by failing to inform John about the consequences of administering no treatment on him. The patient has the right to access relevant information from doctors to guide him in making his decisions. However, the two doctors should use this principle and communicate with John about the consequences of his decision. A mentally fit patient has the right to withhold his earlier decision. Dr. W. respects John’s will that he should not receive any additional treatment. This conflicts with the principle of beneficence, which requires that their actions be directed towards the best interest of John. The best interest in this case is saving his life. Furthermore, John had withheld his previous decision and requested the doctors to do something. The doctors should respect this not because it is demand of the principle of beneficence but because it is the wish of the patient. However, this will raise another question on whether the decision of a patient who is under the influence of health conditions should replace his original decision or preference. John’s second decision is as a result of despair due to his health condition. It is common for circumstances and other... This essay focuses on ethical issues and principles of life ending. Biomedical ethics refers to the principles that govern the morals, judgment and values in medicine. There are many principles that govern the behavior and action of doctors and other medical staff in the profession. Ethical dilemma arises when, for example, the values of the hospital (medical profession) conflict with the values of the patient or his family members. Such cases require the use of the key principles that will assist one in understanding and responding to the cases. Doctors choose the best course of action to take on patient with the help of these principles. Doctors and other medical staff should observe the principles behind these ethics to help them in solving ethical dilemma. Application of these principles requires clear communication channels between all the parties involved. It is clear that patients make decisions out of some influences that are beyond their control. Physicians should guide the patients in making their decisions. Patients have the right to use medical information to make their decisions but doctors should make sure that the decisions made acknowledge all consequences. Improving the welfare of patients should be the motive of all doctors. Physicians should be able to gauge the conditions that influence the decision of a patient and use their knowledge in determining the viability of decisions made. They should guide patients in making decisions regarding their health conditions and preferences.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Occupational health nursing Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Occupational health nursing - Personal Statement Example This exposure renewed my interest in this field and since then I have never looked back. In the realm of nursing, I have contributed significantly to the development of health in acute settings. I am patriotic, and I have been in the forefront to help the government realise equitable health for all. I have a whopping seven years of experience in this field. My director is very pleased with my work and wants me to further my education in the same field so that by the time he will be leaving I will be fully equipped to take over. Putting this challenge aside, nursing is something that I loved and had plans to study this same course to the end. Due to this desire, I have chosen to go for my masters in the University of Pennsylvania. Owing to its good reputation and best world rankings in health nursing, I want to get the best quality of education for a career that is so dear to me. In addition to the mentioned reasons, here is why the University of Pennsylvania looked attractive to me. It has the best lecturers in the world with world-renowned health specialists and facilities, has the best library with thousands and thousands of updated learning materials for my utilisation, Lastly the university has the best laboratories in the world with all kinds of recent technology you can imagine in the medical field. The university has also contributed much in research and development in nursing and the medical field, in general, such as the Smell Identification Test (Doty et al., 1984). I chose to study a master in nursing because being a field that I love and with the relevant experience along these lines; I felt it was more relevant. In addition to this, I have loved to be a nurse since high school, and nothing will ever change this. I intend to graduate in two years and later do my Ph.D. in the same field. After graduation, I believe that this master will help me be promoted at work as well as update me as far as my profession is concerned.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Stockwell Street, The Business Case for Sustainability Research Paper
Stockwell Street, The Business Case for Sustainability - Research Paper Example Environmental concerns relate to aspects of ecology and physical surrounding (Vallero 2008, p. 98). In sustainability, the project should enable the current entities to achieve their objectives without compromising on the quality of lives of future users of the given structures. Environmental conservation, social well being and intergenerational equity are possible objectives as a country achieves economic potential within the resource base. The most essential aspect of environment, as pertains to the construction industry, is the resource base for construction. Construction involves employment of natural elements such as timber and soil. In the end, uncontrolled use of timber would lead to the depletion of forests. It is vital to exercise control or seek for alternatives of timber in construction. A sustainable construction project would seek for a strategy that minimizes on the use of timber. A related environmental concern relates to water use. The new structure should incorporate a construction strategy that aids water harvesting and preservation. The project has constructive options that could lead to sustainability. To begin with, the project has initiated strategies of managing thermal performance. The structure should have proper control of heat and cold in order that it protects the given buildings from destruction by expansion and contraction of a building’s components (Clark 2010, p. 76). In addition, the proposal has indicated plans of incorporating rain water recycling and harvesting systems. This strategy is beneficial in the sense of cutting down on the schools’ cost of water. Rain water is a free resource that only leads to incurring of costs in its harvesting. In the end, the initial costs would be spread in the subsequent years until they become significant. In close relation to this, the sustainability options would involve use of bio-fuels. It is notable it is less costly to construct bio-fuel energy systems in the particular s tructures. However, they cut down on the general costs of energy in the school. However, this proposal has its constraining aspects. To begin with, it consumes significant time and labor to put up a bio-fuel system. In addition, the system has several hitches that drag a project for a substantial time. Other strategies entailed building monitoring and management. Additionally, there were proposals of evaluating buildings on evacuation of occupants. It is not a feasible strategy to wholly use bio-fuels in the energy system of a school. However, bio-fuel energy system is feasible for the lighting system of school since it utilizes low energy (Brebbia 2012, p. 102). An additional strategy relates to use of solar power systems. CPV systems will be strategies of providing clean power that does not require use of oil fuels in their generators. However, such systems have to possess high ability for generation of power. In addition, the plan would involve the employment of readymade concret e that do not consume higher amounts of cement and sand. In addition, glass fibers are strong are robust support systems that replace the use of timber. The core place of consideration, as pertains to energy use, would relate to the schools’ IT systems. The advent of a technological revolution has triggered substantial use of electricity and other forms of energy. However, electricity would be of critical concern because it is a convenient form of energy
Womens career vs. marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Womens career vs. marriage - Research Paper Example It is possible to reduce the social gap between men and women, by creating an environment that makes it possible to pursue their careers. The traditional society had norms and cultures that discriminated against women (Walsh, 41). It defined their roles as house wives, with the capability of doing less paying jobs as cleaners, or even secretaries. This made this group of people to depend on their families, and marriage for social upward mobility. Career development also reduces the level of male domination over women. According to the traditional set up, women and men had different jobs. The responsibility of women was to care for the family, and look after their husbands. The responsibility of men was to feed the family, and provide protection. These roles have not changed, even though women progress in their careers. This is because it is deeply entrenched on the mindset of the two genders, and it would require a lot of time, and efforts to change this particular mindset. It is true, that in certain communities, men are frightened of career women. This is because they threaten their dominion, and authority (Walsh, 51). However it is advantageous for women to work, because they are able to supplement the earnings of their husbands, or the men in their lives. In all cases, financial freedom presents an opportunity to women to gain social freedom. They are able to care for themselves, they are able to resist abuse, and they have the capability of supporting their cause and visions of life. Despite the freedom that comes with financial security, men will still lay a claim over their lives, and try to influence them. However, career development leads to a better livelihood and shelter. It is wrong to assume that because of poor financial abilities of women, majority of them are homeless. This assumption is wrong, because the current global
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Cell phones how have they changed us socially Essay Example for Free
Cell phones how have they changed us socially Essay Some people might find it hard to believe that there was once a time when cell phones weren’t around. Having to recall a time when letters were used to get messages back and forth from one person to another. Then slowly we added the addition of phones. In the beginning phones were just a way to contact people if they happend to be home when called. Then we invented cell phones. With them we can make and receive calls in almost any location and we can send text messages . Cell phone use has increased in the past years because is really easy and economic to have one. Year into year cell phones become better and better. Today , except making and receiveing calls and also texting messages, we can do a lot of interesting things with them. For example we can listen to music, record voice notes, make video clips, play games, take pictures, access the internet and many other things. But there is also a bad side of cell phones. They affected the way we socialize these days; if you notice people are starting to text their friends and family instead if actually speaking verbally. Many adolescents and also older generations spend more time sending text messages or chatting on Facebook than speaking You go out to dinner and look around and see people out with family but there is no conversations going on at the table mostly just huh†¦ yeah†¦ mmhm.., because they are busy texting someone not there on their phones. I feel human communicant is slowly disappearing among friends and family. You even see parent’s texting their kids when in the same house to discuss something with them. Our communication between each other is depending on a little electronic device. People use cell phones in public places, and during church. I have even seen ten-year olds walking across the street texting their friends instead of paying attention to the cars.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Various Positioning Errors Marketing Essay
The Various Positioning Errors Marketing Essay For instance: kotak-mahindra positions itself in the customers mind as one entity-kotak,which provide customized solutions to all the financial services needs.The positioning of the brand will be influenced by the competitive stance one wants to adopt. Various Positioning Errors; UNDER POSITIONING: Here the customers have a blurred and unclear idea of the brand. OVER POSITIONING: Here the customers have too limited awareness of the brand. CONFUSED POSITIONING: Here the customers have confused opinion of the brand. DOUBLE POSITIONING: Here the customers do not accept the claims of the brand. POSITIONING BY PRICE/COST LEADERSIP When it comes to marketing the business, there are three generic strategies you can use: focus, differentiation and cost leadership.  This means that you need to minimize your costs and pass the savings on to your customers. WAL-MART Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has been successful using its strategy of everyday low prices to attract customers. The idea of everyday low prices is to offer products at a cheaper rate than competitors on a consistent basis, rather than relying on sales. Wal-Mart is able to achieve this due to its large scale and efficient supply chain. They source products from cheap domestic suppliers and from low-wage foreign markets. This allows the company to sell their items at low prices and to profit off thin margins at a high volume. MCDONALDS The restaurant industry is known for yielding low margins that can make it difficult to compete with a cost leadership marketing strategy. McDonalds has been extremely successful with this strategy by offering basic fast-food meals at low prices. They are able to keep prices low through a division of labor that allows it to hire and train inexperienced employees rather than trained cooks. It also relies on few managers who typically earn higher wages. These staff savings allow the company to offer its foods for bargain prices. POSITIONING BY LIFESTYLE Brand position in car-MAZDA MAZDAs Brand Positioning Strategy There are similar products throughout the automotive industry. Mazda considers it vitally important to strengthen its emotional bonds with consumers. In order to create an excellent brand image through strong emotional ties with consumers, Mazda did not initially concentrate on brand strategy schemes, but rather sought to define a brand DNA. Target customers Mazdas target customers are those individuals who stay young, have a good capability to express themselves, are always passionate and are self-confident in their choices. Mazdas Brand DNA Mazdas brand DNA is divided into two concepts of Personality and Product. In order to gain pathos from the target customers, Mazda tried to create an image where Personality is defined as Stylish, Insightful and Spirited, and to guide Mazdas craftsmanship, Product is defined as Distinctive Design, and Responsive Drive. POSITIONING BY ATTRIBUTES Brand positioning is designed to develop a sustainable competitive edge on product attributes in the minds of the consumers. The consumer choice depends upon the attributes of the brand and the utility thus derived.brand attributes also known as core values,represent the essence of the brand. FEW STRONG BRAND ATTRIBUTES: Sustainability: A strong brand makes business competitive.A sustainable brand drives an organization towards innovation and success.Example:Marks and spencers. Inspirational: A strong brand should transcend/inspire the cateogary it is famous for.Example: NIKE transcendent jersey. Appealing: A strong brand should be attractive. Customers should be attracted by the promise one makes and by the value one delivers. Example:life insurance companies. Sometimes a product can be positioned in terms of two or more attributes simultaneously. The price and quality attribute dimension is commonly used for positioning the products. The product is associated with attributes it possess. Ariel offers a specific benefit of cleaning even the dirtiest of clothes because of the micro cleaning system in the product. Colgate offers benefits of preventing cavity and fresh breath. Promise, Balsaras toothpaste, could break Colgates stronghold by being the first to claim that it contained clove, which differentiated it from the leader. Nirma offered the benefit of low price over Hindustan Levers Surf to become a success. Maruti Suzuki offers benefits of maximum fuel efficiency and safety over its competitors. This strategy helped it to get 60% of the Indian automobile market. POSITIONING BY QUALITY Another way is to communicate a specific image or position for a brand is to associate it with a specific use or application-Quality It Possess Surf Excel is positioned as stain remover Surf Excel hena! Clinic All Clear Dare to wear Black. POSITIONING ON THE BASIS OF PRODUCT CLASS Often the competition for a particular product comes from outside the product class. For example, airlines know that while they compete with other airlines, trains and buses are also viable alternatives. Manufacturers of music CDs must compete with the cassettes industry. The product is positioned against others that, while not exactly the same, provide the same class of benefits. POSITIONING BY COMPETITOR Competitors may be as important to positioning strategy as a firms own product or services. In todays market, an effective positioning strategy for a product or brand may focus on specific competitors. This approach is similar to positioning by product class, although in this case the competition is within the same product category. Onida was positioned against the giants in the television industry through this strategy, ONIDA colour TV was launched with the message that all others were clones and only Onida was the leader. Neighbours Envy, Owners Pride. POSITIONING ACCORDING TO THE PRODUCT USER Clinique, for example, has a strong image of being fresh, clean, and pure, with a white-coat clinical approach to skin care and cosmetics. The typical user is perceived to be a young woman with oily skin. The challenge for Clinique is to maintain its current image strengths but to soften the youthful image (to make the brand accessible to mature women) and to reach out beyond the specialized focus on oily, problem skin to a broader  audience. For instance, Clinique would like to inject elements of elegance into the line, not to compete with the elegant position of competitors but to expand beyond their strong clinical position. POSITIONING BY OCCASION Recognizing the market potential, Cadbury decided to add the Diwali twist to Celebrations. With the 1999 campaign that surprised families with `Diwali Ki Meethi Shubhkaamnaaye and the `Har Pal Bane Ek Utsavcampaign in 2000, people were now reveling in the Diwali festivities with a box of Cadbury Celebrations. In 2002, with the tagline `Rishtey Pakne Do the Rich Dry Fruit Collection was introduced in the market that got families together in festive times. Delving beyond families, the 2004 Celebrations commercials starring Amitabh Bachchan cemented the spirit of friendship with the tagline `Aisi Mithaas Jo Dosti Banaye Khaas. In 2009, Celebrations took the brand thought deeper into the meaning of Diwali; it was now a symbol of new friendship, spreading happiness, and taking a moment to thank all those who remain unappreciated for most part of the year. Tapping into the festive mood of togetherness, Celebrations started asking people `Iss Diw ali Aap Kisse Khush Karenge?Â
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Personality Theories in Successful Leaders
Personality Theories in Successful Leaders Abstract One question that all good employee thinks is what makes a good leader and how do I become one. It is important to understand what makes a leader and are there certain personality characteristics that make leaders successful. Using the big five personality dimensions which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience it will be explored what characteristic’s fit with successful leaders today. This study aims to quantify what of the big five personality dimensions are most present in successful and effective leaders today. It will take 4 teams from 100 organizations from fortune 500 companies to non-profit organization. Hypothesis This study intends to demonstrate with evidence that effective leaders have similar personalities traits based on the big five personalities dimensions. Leadership Was Steve Jobs a good leader or George Washington a good leader? What makes a good leader? Before that is answered, it must be understood what defines leadership and what qualifies as a good leader. Many scientific papers and books try to define leadership some define it as â€Å" leadership involves persuading other people to set aside for a period of time their individual concern and to purse a common goal that is important for the responsibilities and welfare of a group (Hogan, G, Hogan, 1994)â€Å" while others believe it stands it for â€Å"†¦inspiring followers to identify with a vision that reaches beyond immediate self-interest (Benoliel Somech, 2014).†Between the two definitions it is clear a leader must inspire a group of people to go above and beyond and do what is beyond what they will want to do. Not everyone can be a leader there are certain traits we expect out of them. In our everyday life we work for, learn from, and follow leaders. These leaders can be CEO’s, managers, teachers, or even the President of the United States. They should be intelligent, likeable, have strong technical skills to relate to their roles. There are many people in the world with these traits but not every one of them makes a good leader. Based on these assumptions there must some additional traits that separate good leaders from average leaders. A leaders personality must have an effect on how the lead and inspire people to go above and beyond. Looking at a leader from the aspect of the big five personality dimensions might shed some light on what makes a strong leader. Big Five Personality Dimensions For centuries people have classified personalities, even Aristotle have established several categories of classification. The current established theory has been created by Tupes and Christal (1961). This taxonomic structure has five personality dimensions which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. The first factor of the personality dimensions is extraversion. Leaders who possesses high level of extraversion are described of â€Å"sociable, optimistic, expressive, active, and assertive (Benoliel Somech, 2014).†Salespersons often are high-extraversion employees because they enjoy person interaction and thrive in an environment that involves. These employees seek a positive environment to work in because it gives them a sense of security, The second factor of the personality dimensions is agreeableness. Agreeableness can be described as cooperative, trusting and flexible. Employees with a high level of agreeableness tend to be successful in roles that work in groups and require joint efforts between teams. Project managers are a great example of a role someone with agreeableness might hold. Similar to extraversion, agreeableness enjoys the interactions between people but focuses more in the intimacy of relationships between people. The third factor of the personality dimensions is conscientiousness. â€Å"High- conscientiousness individuals tend to be responsible, dependable, hardworking, persistent, and achievement oriented; low-conscientiousness individuals tend to be irresponsible, undependable, and lacking self-discipline (Benoliel Somech, 2014).†High- conscientiousness employees believe they are capable of doing the job and set high achieving goals for themselves. These will employees tent to dive in when the workload gets intensive and will work with others to relief the stress. The fourth factor of the personality dimensions is neuroticism. Neuroticism is a personality dimensions that unlike the other having a high level of is not necessary a good thing. People who have a high level of neuroticism are often described as a worry-ward and insecure. Those with low levels are neuroticism are calm individuals who can handle high amounts of pressure. This is important in a high stakes environment some occupations where one would expect to see people with low levels of neuroticism would be in the medical field such as doctors and nurses or traders on the New York Stock Exchanges floor. The final factor of the personality dimensions is openness to experience. These individuals are creative and the out of the box thinkers. They adjust to change fairly easily and are willing to adjust their behaviors to meet the environment they are in. Method This study aims analysis what big five personality dimensions are most common with effective leaders. An effective leader will add value to any organization and therefore it is important to understand what makes up an effective leader. Additionally it is vital to understand the employees think of this leader. Why is it important to understand an effective leader from one that is not so effective? If we go back throughout history and look at the effect a good leader on the outcome of a situation there is plenty of evidence that shows an effective leader will have a positive impact. To give some examples the explosive growth Steve Jobs had on Apple to in 1997 or George Washington entering the revolutionary war and become the first President. These leaders took a situation that was losing situations and thorough their leadership turns the situation around and makes it extremely successful through hard work and dedication. The first step of this study is to analysis what an effective leader is. To do this the study would work with 100 organizations from fortune 500 companies to non-profit organizations such as universities, charities, and military. From each of the organizations select they study will review 4 teams, within these teams there will be effective leaders and teams and those who are not as effective. By understanding those who have successful leadership compared to those who are not the goal would be see what personality dimensions are prominent. To do these the leaders will take a big five personality test that will quantify how their personality matrix is built. In addition the employees of those leaders will take the test for their leader. This will aim to quantify what dimension of the big five personalities to followers look to the most. This will also help give an unbiased look because leaders might try to skew the results. Once the tests have been completed the study will focus on the effectiveness of those leaders. The study will analysis each team within their organizations to understand their effectiveness. The effectiveness of the team will look at the team’s productivity. The more productive the team the expectation would be the more the effective the leader. Besides the level of productivity the study will also look at the morale of the team. Expected Outcomes Once the data has been collected the results will be analysis to see if there is any positive or negative correlation between the big five personalities dimensions. Among these correlations it would be expect to see that effective leaders will have specific traits in their personalities that make them effective leaders. In the contrary the study will also show the dimensions are negatively affect leadership. Based on expectations I would expect to see the big five dimensions show up in leadership in the following ways. The first personality to analysis would be the extraversion. It would be expected that a leader should have a medium to high level of extraversion. Extraversion involves the socialness of the individual. A leader should be social with the team and keep the optimistic view that will drive the team going forward. The next attribute that is vital to a leader is agreeableness. The expected outcome would be all leaders would have a high level of agreeableness. They will work well with the team and keep everyone on track. There will also make the teams function more effective because leaders do not always have the correct answers and a good interaction between leader and the employees can create a good dialogue that will lead to the best solution. Conscientiousness is one trait that all company want out of their employees have and therefore would be a high expectation of any effective leader. Employee with high levels of conscientiousness are often described as dependable and organized. â€Å"Individuals who are conscientious also tend to preserve, work hard, and enjoy achieving and accomplishing things (BOOK).†Since all conscientious enjoy achieving their goals it is important that leads hold these values. Additionally all leaders should be able to keep their followers organized and focused on the goals ahead. Since cons Neuroticism is the one trait that would be advantageous to have in the lower spectrum. People in the high spectrum are often emotionally unstable. Leaders need to have their emotions in check all the times. The final personality dimensions is openness to experiences which like most of the other dimensions the expectation would be a leader would be on the higher side. Leaders should be open to change and also be a leader of change within an organization. A leader who cannot handle moving parts of everyday business will not be effective. Benefits of research There will be a lot of benefits from the research into what makes an effective leader. If an employee was interesting into taking a leadership role they can take a personality test and see if what areas they are strong in and where they are weak. This can then help them work on improving their skills. For example say an employee is lacking in extraversion assuming it is a primary measure of leadership skills. The employee can be put into situation to help then become more expressive or go to particular training classes to make then more expressive. This will help the organization put in leaders that will lead to change making the teams and organization more effective. Understanding the trains of an effective leader will help human resources as well. Understanding the personalities of employees coming in will help them understand the person potential. Another example is there is an opening for a senior vice president of operation. This department has been suffering for years under the lack of leadership. It will be helpful to know what traits to look for in the new leader. Supporting References The following studies have support this hypothesis and will help provide guidance. Study 1 –Five-Factor mode of personality and transformational leader In this study the authors explore the personality factors of transformational leaders. References Hogan, R., Curphy, G. J., Hogan, J. (1994). What we know about leadership: Effectiveness and personality. American Psychologist, 49(6), 493-504. doi: Benoliel Pascale, Somech Anit (2014) The health and performance effects of participative leadership: Exploring the moderating role of the Big Five personality dimensions, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23:2, 277-294, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2012.717689
Monday, August 19, 2019
Social Sciences In Theatre :: essays research papers
Social Sciences in Theatre How are the social sciences associated with theatre?      In his article â€Å"Performance Studies†, Helbo identifies many social sciences associated with theatre including psychology, sociology, and semiotics. Psychology, he states, has greatly increased the work of the actor by giving him a tool to examine his character or role in greater depth. Psychology has also affected the spectator by creating a release and even a form of therapy. Sociology is used in theatre to determine the cultural politics involved, the link between demand patterns and economic patterns, and the role of theatre in everyday life. Semiotics plays a vital role in theatre by determining how signs, whether they are speech pattern or facial expression, affect the audience.      Schechner focuses solely on anthropology and its use in theatre. Schechner even goes so far as to define theatre anthropology. It is defined as â€Å"the study of the biological and cultural behavior of man in a theatrical situation.†He writes that anthropology and theatre have no definite boundary and uses anthropology to show theatrical aspects in everyday life, which brings one to ask the second question. How do the social sciences show theatre used in everyday life?      Helbo uses sociology and biology to site instances through which theatre is used in everyday life. Sociologists see theatre in the social structures we face on a daily basis. A handshake, tipping a doorman and even the forbidden middle finger is what Erving Goffman terms â€Å"rituals of interaction.†Every culture is immersed in some aspect of performance, even biologists can see theatre in everyday occurrences. The biologist Laborit sees behavioral functions associated with theatre as liberating. Social Sciences In Theatre :: essays research papers Social Sciences in Theatre How are the social sciences associated with theatre?      In his article â€Å"Performance Studies†, Helbo identifies many social sciences associated with theatre including psychology, sociology, and semiotics. Psychology, he states, has greatly increased the work of the actor by giving him a tool to examine his character or role in greater depth. Psychology has also affected the spectator by creating a release and even a form of therapy. Sociology is used in theatre to determine the cultural politics involved, the link between demand patterns and economic patterns, and the role of theatre in everyday life. Semiotics plays a vital role in theatre by determining how signs, whether they are speech pattern or facial expression, affect the audience.      Schechner focuses solely on anthropology and its use in theatre. Schechner even goes so far as to define theatre anthropology. It is defined as â€Å"the study of the biological and cultural behavior of man in a theatrical situation.†He writes that anthropology and theatre have no definite boundary and uses anthropology to show theatrical aspects in everyday life, which brings one to ask the second question. How do the social sciences show theatre used in everyday life?      Helbo uses sociology and biology to site instances through which theatre is used in everyday life. Sociologists see theatre in the social structures we face on a daily basis. A handshake, tipping a doorman and even the forbidden middle finger is what Erving Goffman terms â€Å"rituals of interaction.†Every culture is immersed in some aspect of performance, even biologists can see theatre in everyday occurrences. The biologist Laborit sees behavioral functions associated with theatre as liberating.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Life and Times of William Rufus de Vane King :: Essays Papers
The Life and Times of William Rufus de Vane King William Rufus de Vane King was a distinguished politician who concluded his remarkable political career by being elected the Vice-President under Franklin Pierce’s pro-slavery ticket. However, he is the only person to be elected to that office that never actually served as vice-president. Without doing this, King is known through history as a popular and pre-eminent politician from Alabama. Besides being the only vice-president elected to not serve his term, he is the only United States official to take the oath of office on foreign land. Instead of taking the oath of office in the nation’s capital, William King took the oath in Havana, Cuba. Unfortunately, less than one week after Inauguration Day, King died at the age of sixty-seven of tuberculosis. In those years prior to his death, King made several pertinent contributions to the United States political system. King began his life on April 7, 1786. He was born on a lovely spring day in Sampson County, North Carolina. His inheritance from different backgrounds was evident. The values and morals that his parents instilled within him caused young King’s actions. His father was of Irish descent that was a planter who sometimes served in the state legislature. His father also served dutifully during the Revolutionary War and was a member of the convention that was called to adopt the federal constitution. His mother had a touch of Huguenot ancestry. William King was a tall and slender man. His physique was gracefully erect, and he was always generous and courteous. This characteristic came from the upbringing from his parents. He was very humble. He was not arrogant or boasted about his accomplishments. King never married. However, there were rumors spread that there was a relationship between him and President James Buchanan. It was known that King and Van Buren shared a twenty-year intimate friendship. They shared quarters in Washington, D.C. for many years, and Buchanan called their relationship a communion. A law partner of James K. Polk labeled the two Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan. King was born when the United States was young and developing.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Ch 3 Kidwell
CHAPTER 3 THE RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA AND INTEREST RATES How is an increase in the cash rate likely to affect mortgage interest rates? Increases will be announced almost immediately in variable rates. How is an increase in the cash rate likely to affect imports An increase in the cash rate may attract an additional flow in of foreign investment funds which will increase the AUD exchange rate. Foreign goods priced in a currency against which the AUD has appreciated will be cheaper in AUD terms and thus the quantity of the goods sold may will increase.How is an increase in the cash rate likely to affect the exchange rate? An increase in the cash rate may attract an additional inflow of foreign investment funds which will increase the AUD exchange rate (appreciate the currency). 20. Will a drop in the cash rate affect inflation? Explain. Theoretically it will. A drop in the cash rate will stimulate borrowing, investment and economic activity. The increased demand for resources will pu t upward pressure on the prices of resources and may lead to inflation. Answers to in-chapter questions 3. What is likely to happen to the monetary base when (a) Centrelink credits age pension to pensioners’ bank accounts? – increase in money supply, (b) the RBA buys government securities from Australian investors and (c) banks raise funds by an overseas note issue?A – increase in money supply B – increase in money supply C – no change as if the payments are received in forex, then they exchange the currency for AUD already in the money supply. If the payments are received in AUD, then other agents have already exchanged the forex for AUD. 3. Why do the financial markets pay so much attention to the cash rate? The cash rate reflects the monetary policy stance and the influence the RBA is trying to exert on the level of economic activity. It also has a significant impact on consumer and business confidence, willingness to invest and spend and abilit y to service their debt. 3. 4 Describe the likely consequences for GDP growth when the RBA sells CGS to raise funds for the Commonwealth Government A sale of CGS will reduce the supply of money in the economy all other things being equal.This will lead to increased in interest rates as money supply reduces. Higher interest rates reduce the spending power of consumers and business. This results in less spending, investment and a general decline in asset values as spending tightens. Consumers and business are also likely to become more conservative as rates increase. This would then limit GDP growth. It also must be consider for what purpose the funds will be used and this may mitigate the restrictive monetary policy position.
Professional Development Plan Essay
Nursing as a career is about providing quality care while upholding the people involved with dignity. Nurses are thought to offer quality care to all regardless their tribe, race, gender, religion or social status in the society. Nurses are called to serve others. As a nurse I want to be the patient’s advocate and do all within my powers to see to it that I put a smile on the patient’s faces. I will offer a patient centered care and the interests of the patient will come first. (Delaney C. and Piscopo B, 2002) A person’s health is affected by many factors including emotional needs, physical needs, spiritual needs and cultural needs. Addressing these needs will be offering quality care as they all work for the well being of the whole person. I personally value caring for others and this will be easy for me.  Nursing entails or comprises of three parties for it to proceed successfully. These are the environment, the patient and health. The patient includes the sick person, his or her family members and the community as a whole. A nurse is responsible in ensuring that quality care is offered. This is only achievable if an all inclusive approach is used. I would incorporate the patient and his family in the decision making so that our relationship with the patient and his family is not dead. Failure to include all parties calls for negative appraisal by the patient or his relatives. The environmental factors include internal and external factors and they comprise the social, economic, political, legal and ethical perspectives.  A better understanding of people’s cultural backgrounds and spiritual aspects explains why some regard health the way they do. Patient’s satisfaction levels will be higher if their needs are well addressed. A baccalaureate prepared nurse has developed from a generalist nurse to a complex nurse who exercises leadership in disease prevention or illnesses. He or she is an instrument of change who can invent creativity in ensuring that nursing incorporates emerging health needs an addresses them amicably. Such nurses are leaders and change agents. On completion of the degree course one can advance by taking a masters program. The nurse will be able to better handle prevention of diseases and thus works to see a healthy community.  The nurse will provide a patient advocate care where care will be through collaborative interactions between the patient and other care givers. He or she will be an advocate of change and will work tirelessly innovating new concepts or ideas that will improve the current predicaments in health care provision. Such a nurse has the capacity to make clinical judgments in all areas be they industries or hospitals. They are qualified for community health nursing. Options of where such a nurse can pursue include in home care, community based health agencies, nursing homes, government and industries. A baccalaureate nurse provides competent care and is a good teacher who can organize transcultural nursing care for all parties in the community. He or she is able to use critical thinking in providing therapeutic care. Communication with other health care givers should be effective and he ought to be at the fore front in advocating for positive changes in the health system. He will be able to manage care for all parties and provide preventive care measures like educating the masses on the critical issues. He will adopt an all inclusive approach in care giving in meeting the health needs. The nurse should read, well interpret and analyze nursing practices. He should be keen in the society and he should follow the professional growth and hence a member of a nursing organization that offers such supportive background. Such a nurse will offer competent care while respecting beliefs and values of patients. (Archer A, 2000) Role transition from acquisition of the BSN will work to increased skills or attributes like unique skills, know how and nursing expertise through learning. It will equip me with appropriate skills. The BSN will help me advance in my career. My thinking capacity will be replenished through the program and critical thinking in sensitive issues will be possible. I will be able to come up with other measures that ensure that quality community health is attained. I will improve my self awareness which will be an important step in enabling me to produce culturally sensitive care. (Eckhardt et al, 2002) My short term goals will be to improve on the quality of care I offer. Acquisition of necessary skills will equip me in achieving this cause. I also want to better understand myself so that I can better understand others. I would also like to advance my leadership skills and communication skills to better link with parties in the health care facilities. My long term professional goals are to be among the policy makers so that I can better advocate for the patients. I want to be contributing in the designing and implementation of quality community health care programs. I also want to pursue a master’s degree to enhance my skills and this will see me move to becoming a nurse manager in the community health department. To achieve the desired professional development I will graduate from a RN to BSN or Baccalaureate nurse and achieve a master’s degree. I will also join an organization that will work to enriching my skills by providing a conducive environment. Advancing in education is crucial as it translates to acquisition of more skills and thus becoming better qualified to perform tasks at hand. Continued education enables one perpetuates his or expertise thus making people better of in their areas of specialization. Mentorship programs are very crucial for all nurses regardless their gender or area of specialization. Mentors help one to learn the tricks in the career or how to go about challenges that are bound to occur. (Eckhardt et al, 2002) Nursing entails a lot of challenges that see many quit. Male nurses are quite vulnerable in quitting due to the discrimination that they face. Introduction of mentors and support systems will encourage them to persevere despite the challenges. Achieving the set goal will entail a lot of studying and one must be committed to multitask between the studies and the practical lessons for instance the research on the fields. Critical thinking will only be achieved through serious concentration and losing such focus will hinder attainment of the goals. Financial constraints could also threaten attainment of the goals as one need to pay for the masters program which is expensive. Intrapersonal and cultural factors encourage pursue the program while racism poses a threat to the effective establishment of baccalaureate nursing programs. Time frame for the steps on the development plan will entail approximately 10 years. Qualifying as a registered nurse or RN with a baccalaureate will take 4 to 5 years 3 of which will entail attaining diploma education and 2 in acquiring an associate degree. Transition from RN to BSN will take 2 to 3 years and from BSN to MSN will take 2 years. References: Eckhardt A, Anderson M, Campbell E Clarke E., Pavlish L. 2002: A theoretical framework for RN to BSN education. Nursing Education Perspectives. Archer A.2000. Fundamentals of nursing. There really is a Difference: Nurses’ Experiences with Transitioning from RNs to BSNs. Springhouse. Delaney C. and Piscopo B. 2002. Journal of Professional Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 167-173.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Michael Kors: The Last Word in Luxury Essay
Michael Kors handbags always reflect style and substance. And that’s exactly why everyone wants to own one of them. It helps you to make a style statement. It enables you to stand out among a crowd. To sum it up, it makes you feel special. The brand Michael Kors always evoked feelings of pride and luxury among its innumerable owners. It has class and it projects the indomitable spirit of the modern women. It has a unique charisma and a lazy elegance, which endears it to its aficionados. Rather than being a mundane women’s accessory, MK handbags define the personality of its owner in a delectable manner. It boosts her confidence and allows her to flaunt her persona in front of enchanted connoisseurs. Michael Kors is not just another run-of-the-mill luxury brand, which spawns and inundates the upscale retail stores. MK handbags are exotic and unique pieces of art crafted out of leather. You just can’t fail to fall in love with them. The exquisite designs of MK handbags make you swoon over them. Its stylish and chic appearance makes you drool. And you will find it hard to resist the temptation to make one of them your own. Well, we want you to succumb to this temptation. Surrender to it without even an iota of remorse or guilt and enjoy the comfort and style of Michael Kors handbags. You can select from an amazing range of eclectic MK handbags online and become a proud owner of this valuable possession with ease. Buying MK handbags online from our website is convenient and hassle- free. You don’t need to waste your precious time meandering along the shopping aisles or waiting in never- ending lines. You can possess your sleek and sophisticated Michael Kors handbags online while relaxing at the comfortable and cozy environs of your home. And we assure you that you won’t be disappointed about buying a Michael Kors. If we say that Michael Kors always satisfy you, it will be a huge understatement. It not only satisfies you, it goes one step ahead and delights you in a surreal manner. So be ready to flaunt your confidence unabashedly! Go for MK handbags rather than wasting your hard- earned money on schlock. Always prefer quality to inferiority. It’s your life. Live it large. Make your friends envious by becoming a fashion icon for them. Let the world follow you†¦. So why are you waiting for? Don’t waste time. Go online and browse through the wide variety of exquisite MK handbags we have to offer and choose the one that your heart craves for. And you can own your heart’s desire with the help of a few clicks of the mouse. Well, it do not get much easier than this. And this is the right time to become a proud owner of an MK handbag. This is the right moment for you to bask in the splendor, class and aesthetics of those beautiful creations of fine craftsmanship. And you can possess them online without breaking a sweat. Isn’t it wonderful? So grab your Michael Kors today and fill your life with bliss!
Thursday, August 15, 2019
About Yourself Essay
Q: Describe briefly your current job/most recent job responsibilities. State the knowledge and skills you have acquired from this experience A: My recent job assignment was in Testing domain of TAPAS Vodafone UK project. We have to test the codes of the development team to validate if the business and functional requirements are met. Our tasks inclued-; * Understand and analyse what are the expected outcomes from the interfaces of the Development team by going through the revelant documents and and with adequate discussion with the Dev team. * Based on the above, author the Test Cases and Test Scenarios for validating and testing the functional and business requirements of the project * On the technical front, we are expected to execute the shell scripts batches in Unix Environment to generate the data file which is to be checked from the back-end (Oracle 11g) With the help of SQL queries as well as from the front-end Oracle Retail Merchandising System (ORMS). * As our project mates were located in other parts of the Infosys Offices eg Bangalore, Hyderabad as well as onsite location London, we frequently (usually daily) needed to interact with peers and seniors to discuss the status and progress of the project along with the other issues faced by us, it helped me improve my verbal and no-verbal communication. * As part of testing, we have to raise the defects in an online Quality Control tool which was later assigned to the respective developer to fix the bug and many times we would find us in arguments and discussions with the respective devepoler, asserting and proving their points and stand which helped me in inculcating a healthy professional relation and to remain honest with my task and duty at the same time. * It also helped me in approaching and interacting with new people with the sound technical expertise and skills and put forward my ideas , opinions, doubts among my peers and seniors. Q: Describe briefly the most important situ ation in which you have demonstrated leadership skills during your professional career (not exceeding 250 words) See more: The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay Q: Describe briefly the most important situation in which you have demonstarted your ability to work in teams during your professional carees (not exceeding 250 words) A: Last month we, with the motive of improving the interaction among the floor-mates , we, a group of 12 persons of different projects and teams of the same floor planned,discussed and organised a event named L3 Trivia. We as volunteer and anchors, had the job of finding some unusual, interesting and little known facts about our floormates and frame these in a questionaire form to be found and answered by the randomly formed teams for which the team will be awarded marks. The teams had to work together and was asked to take signatures and click a pictures with the respective person to make it interesting and to ensure that everyone knows everyone else by his name and face. The other members of the organising team had to collect the crowd at one place and distribute the different coloured cards on the basis on which teams of 10-11 persons would be formed. As an anchor , we have to gather and handle the team with same coloured cards. We needed to coordinate the randomly formed teams, have a quick introduction with each-other and help them in picking a Team Lead. Apart from this, we had to hand them the Questionaire Sheet , explain them the rules of the games, clarify their doubts as well as encouraging them at the same time and evaluating their scores at the end. This event got amazing and overwhelming response from the floormates and everyone took out the time for this playful event. We, volunteers were not only appriciated by seniors and HR for our effotrs and hardship for managing,organising this event enjoyable and a hit but we also get to know new people and make friends and exhibit our managerial skills as well. Q: Why do you wish to go for a management career A: I always have an interminable dream to have my own business most preferably in online business where I can tap my technical skills of developing online applications. I believe that going for a Management Degree will be a wise idea for helping me in materialising my dream because it will not only help me understand the nitty-gritty of the business administration but will also provide me the the essential knowledge, idea, skills and techniques for management. The process of earning this degree will help me to think critically, deal with ambiguity and solve complex business scenarios through case study approach which requires us to evaluate business dilemmas and formulate the best plans of actions. Not only this, the environment there will motivate , develop and improve my soft courses in leadership, people skills and social interaction that can be a help in any walk of life. Before starting my own venture and entering into the business world , I would need a broad perspective of business world like how industry and business works and this degree will definitely give me an invaluable exposure to business concepts and development in functional areas. I think that this degree will help me in achieving an interesting and more responsible and influentional position. In addition, it will provide me the opportunity to meet new ,interesting, and important people and be challenged by peers and experts. That can help our career along. The MBA degree will prepare me to face the situations that can be faced in real life business scenarios, foster own personal growth, develop exciting career opportunities as well as networks. Q: What alternative careers are you considering and why? A: If I didn’t get the opportunity to persue MBA this year, I will continue my present job at Infosys as a engineer for few years to gather more sound technical knowledge and at the same time try to bring through capital for venturing my own start-up. Q: Describe your strengths/weaknesses as identified by you. A: My strengths can be listed as: * Disciplined and honest towards my duty * Ability to contribute positively as team player * Easily adopt to any environment * Self motivated and confidant My weaknesses can be listed as: * Inconsistent * Easily stressed * Have trouble in planning and prioritization Q: What is your most significant accomplishment so far A: I would recount one of my junior school incident in this case because I had a very positive influence of this incident in formative years at the school. Our school had an annual ceremony to elect the School Leader at both junior (1-6 class) and senior (7-10 class) sections. Teachers and sisters at our school used to assemble the entire junior/senior wing and the students were told to write the names of their candidates based on academics, sports, extra co-curricular activities etc. In a surprising outcome, out of 500 students from the entire junior wing, around 350 have voted in my favour. I was really thrilled to know this because I had never this idea or anticipation that my other classmates and juniors would know me, forget about being admired or revered!!! Although I have always been a good student and excelled in academics and few extra-co-curricular activities, I was also very garrulous, boisterous and a bit indiscplined, so being elected as a School Leader whose responsibility was to ensure discipline was difficult task. But I was really taken aback and amazed by this oucome and even I was not sure if I would be able to shoulder this responsibilty with honestly. This was the first time experience in my life that instilled me with a sense of responsibility.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Cultural Autobiography Essay
Cultural Biography: How My Roots Shape My Identity It is often said that we should not let a single feature of ourselves define who we are. For example, a basketball should not only be an athlete, but must also value her roles as a sister, a daughter, a student, and anything else that gives her life meaning. A doctor should not only focus on his identity in the medical field but also his place in his neighborhood, his church, and, of course, his family. Otherwise, he would be considered the workaholic. In many cases, though, it is very easy to do. People’s identities are made up of all the roles they play in their lives. Defining oneself or someone else in only way is not healthy because it does not consider the full complexity the person. Thinking of ourselves in a limited way, such as if I considered myself only a student but did not consider my roles as a friend to others and a family member, could lead to shallow thinking. Thinking of others in such a way can result in stereotyping and even discrimination, such as if someo ne thinks she knows all she that needs to know about someone based on his religious beliefs. Nonetheless, not all aspects of our identities contribute equally to the whole. Certain elements of our environment and background help to shape us fundamentally. They seem to serve as a base for everything else that we would learn, do, and become. I think everyone has one or two areas of that nature. For me, I think that one of the most defining traits about me is the culture I came from, which is Mainland Chinese. Although I keep an open mind and try to learn new ways of looking at the world, the beliefs of my upbringing often are dominant. If you asked me to describe who I am at my core, I would probably say that I am a Chinese woman. Culture, of course, comes from the people around us. As I see it, my family, including a large extended family, has been the most influential community in shaping who I am today, because they passed on their culture to me. Often we do not realize what is our culture until we leave it. I can remember when I first arrived in America and stayed for a short time with a host family. They had a daughter who was 10 years old. She had a little cold at the time. She drank cold orange juice. I was so shocked that her mother allowed her to drink it. In my family, we feel that cold drinks are not good for sick people and that they can hurt the stomach. Many people in China think this way. I could almost hear my own mother’s voice in my head, scolding her disapproving of the cold drink. She and her sisters could never accept this. After hearing this idea for so many years, I, too, was starting to have the same reaction. When people have flu or cold, in China the appropriate drink is thought to be hot water. I suggested to the girl’s mother that she should drink warm water. They both suddenly got a disgust look on their faces. They said orange juice would be better because it has a lot of vitamin C to fight the germs. This was one of my first lessons in culture, both Am erican and my own. For my part, I still do not like to have very cold drinks. However, I do not make any suggestion about what other people should drink. In explaining how my family has influenced me, I should discuss some basic elements about Chinese culture. It is collectivist culture, not individual culture like America. That means that Mainland Chinese society tends to see the group as being more important than the person. The question then is who is the group. Based on stereotypical Western movies or shows, it would be easy to assume that nearly all Chinese act and look alike and that they would see themselves as one group. In fact, this is not true at all. Chinese people think in much smaller terms, most typically, and would see their immediate family, including elders such as parents and grandparents, as their group. In some sense, they would also consider old friends and former and current co-workers to be part of their group. It is not so common in Mainland China to make many new friends as adulthood. People in China depend on these tight networks to help them in hard times, and they have to be ready to repay the favor at som e point in the future. Tight informal networks are very important for getting by in life in China. Chinese culture value family piety. It means we believe in a strong obligation to respect and honor our family members. I would always try my best to take care of my parents and also older relatives such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. In a broad sense, family members, because all consider themselves a close group, would do almost anything to help each other. As is said in English, they would take the shirt from his or her own back to give to the other person. This kind of thinking is based on Confucianism, where taking care of the family is considered to be the highest value. Unfortunately, a related matter is that sometimes in Mainland China, people are not as quick to get involved when a stranger needs help, and some people without integrity are quick to take advantage of strangers and cheat them. We also do not have as much public volunteer and charity culture, as many people would feel guilty if they spend their money on people who are outside their own family. The concept of taking care of the family is so important to culture that it is sometimes humorous to other people from other countries. I once was at dinner in a group that included both American and international students. Some people were talking about what they would do if they won the lottery. A Chinese boy said he guessed that if he won, he would soon get married, and have a child. His friend, another boy from China, commented that the money would not only last for the lifetime for him and his son, but also for generations into the future. The American boys at the table laughed at the Chinese boys’ ideas. They thought they should use the money for their own fun, and would not like to get married. However, the Chinese students were looking from Chinese point of view, where not only the individual but the entire family name and bloodline is considered. They see a responsibility to their ancestors and to future bloodline that they should have a child. Personally, I like the viewpoint of thinking about multiple generations and not only focusing on the present. I have always been raised by my family to hold this point of view. Without a network of family and close friends, it is hard to survive in China, especially during hard times several decades ago. It is not so easy to get credit, so people rely on their networks to help them make a down payment for a house. Many people lack health insurance, and so if they needed and expensive surgery, they could perhaps ask their closest family and associates for help with money. Furthermore, in hospital, it is not like in America where nurses feed and bathe the patients. In China, patients’ family members must help with those chores, and nurses usually would not help. As a result of these factors, Chinese people spend a lot of time cultivating their networks by choosing the right gifts on holidays, offering a helping hand when possible, and asking for help when needed. It is fair t o say that in China, if you do not have close connections in your life, including family members, friends, coworkers, then it is almost like you do not exist, according to society’s point of view. On the other hand, if you do have a family, then you feel much more secure and happy. You also get a large amount of your own identity from the group rather from your individual situation. It is important to behave well in society and try to be successful not only for your own sake, but also in order to create a good name for your family. Therefore I think that sometimes even if I do not feel like studying sometimes, I push myself to do so anyway, because if I came to America and did not perfect well in university, then I would create a bad impression on my family, including parents and extended relatives, as well. In fact, Chinese people from Mainland often do not like to spend time alone or to be in secluded places. We tend to like crowds and a lot of excitement and perceive them as safer because it would be harder for criminals to get away with serious crime amid a crowd. I felt strongly this way when I first arrived in America, but now I am getting used to peace and quiet. I have heard that Americans often like to go camping or fishing in order to get away from other people. This concept is a little different from China. I remember showing my mother a picture of our campus and she wanted to know why it looked so lonely. Later I took a photo when more students were out walking, and she seemed to feel much more comforted that I was in a safe place. On the other hand, some Americans have told me they think crowds are more dangerous, because it is easier for thieves to pick pockets or commit other crimes. My immediate and extended family has always been a source of much emotional support for me. My mother has several siblings and they each have children, so I have many aunts, uncles, and cousins. They always ask what I am doing in my life and they give me suggestions. They are not afraid to criticize me if they feel it is warranted, such as for eating too much junk foods or not studying hard enough. In Chinese culture, these comments would never be taken as offense but instead in a spirit of caring. I always spend much time finding appropriate Chinese New Year gifts for my aunts and uncles as a show of respect. Sometimes the gifts could be as simple as fruit baskets, chocolates, or cake. I just want to show them that I am thinking of them. My family, including parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, serves as my home base on life. I have always felt that no matter what happened, there is a safe haven with many people who always cared about me. Much of Chinese family culture is expressed over food. If I go to visit one of my aunts and she knew I am coming, then it is sure that she will prepare my favorite noodle dish. Caring is often expressed with food. From my mother and father and several of their siblings and my grandparents, I learned to cook many dishes at a young. I learned mostly at quite a young age. In this way, too, my family has been the biggest influence on my life, as now I cook almost every day and can take care of myself. I do not need to depend on others to cook and I do not have to go to restaurants except for fun. Over meals, much culture gets passed to children as adults talk about what is going on in their lives and how they handle it. They often give advice to children, but it seems to be that there is not as much two-way communications culture as in America and other Western countries. In other words, adults would not often ask children what they think about things. I am sure that I am not the only person who feels that family has been the largest influence in life, and certainly not the only Chinese person with this idea. In fact, when we are away from our families, we try to recreate the experience in some ways. In UC, there are many Chinese students all in the same situation, living away from their home country. We have formed friend groups and often cook together, go to restaurants, or go to other activities. At times, groups of students even go on vacation to New York or Chicago or other locations. As it is in China, most social activities for us here have revolved around eating food. We often chat, give each other advice, and try to help each other to study and make good grades. As vitamin and other health supplements are very popular, we often discuss products that we have tried or plan to try. Everyone has similar goals and we almost do not even need to say them out loud, because they are widely known. We all come from similar kinds o f families, usually involved in business. Everyone wants to make good grades, be successful, and make their parents happy. My friends are a very important group to me here, but in my overall life, I guess they are not nearly as influential to me as my relatives are. Chinese families were large for many years, sometimes with seven to 10 children. I know that my great grandmother came from a very large family. However, because of overpopulation, China has implemented the one-child policy. Although there are exceptions, the general rule is that only one child is allowed per couple. Now China is becoming a land of spoiled only-children. I often wonder what will happen to China’s family culture and if culture and knowledge will be passed down as efficiently. Many people grow up without uncles, aunts, cousins or, of course, siblings. This seems to be a significant social issue for a country whose character is still collectivist. Perhaps China will make the shift rather quickly to a culture of individualism. Or perhaps they will express collectivism in some other different formats, such as neighborhood groups and volunteer societies. At any rate, eventually rising population of people without close relatives to watch after them as they age will mean a need for more caregiving and health care professionals. There are many aspects that define my life, including my status as a student, family member, and friend. While these are important roles, they do not capture everything about who I am. One element that runs deeper than those items is my culture, most of which I received from relatives. I grew up in China until coming to school at UC. My thinking has certainly been influenced by the time I have spent living abroad, but it nonetheless does continue to be Chinese at the heart. In a Chinese family, your family is almost literally all that you have to depend on in many cases. I am quite thankful that I have a wonderful family.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Essence of Corporate Social Responsibility and CSR Coursework
Essence of Corporate Social Responsibility and CSR - Coursework Example CSR can be defined a commitment made by a company towards the stakeholder to operate in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable fashion. CSR seeks to integrate workplace culture, communities and human rights to business strategies. In the initial days the many used to treat CSR as arm chair philanthropy, however things have changed drastically. It is treated as an integral part of the overall business strategy. In order to discuss the focal points related to CSR two companies have chosen in the form of Philip Morris and Starbucks. Philip Morris is one of largest tobacco companies. It includes seven leading international brands that include Marlboro, the top most cigarette brand in the world. Starbucks one the other hand is a global coffee chain. They are based on Seattle, Washington. It is also the largest coffeehouse company. It has over twenty thousand stores and operates in over sixty countries. Starbucks shops provide a wide range of products including hot and c old coffee, pastries, snacks, etc. As it can be seen that two companies with distinct product mix and different business model has been chose. The main objective of such choice is to demonstrate the importance and benefits of CSR across various industries. Add to it must be mentioned that as per research the key focal points of CSR activities of both the companies happens to be same, at least to some extent; such as investment in foundations and communities, waste reduction, energy conservation, recycling etc. Here it is needless to say that CSR for Philip Morris is supposed to be a bit trickier as compared of Starbucks keeping the product line in mind (Urip, p. 13). Potential Benefits and Importance of CSR CSR should not be looked upon a leakage of resources. If implemented properly CSR policies can provide an array of benefits such as increase the level of customer retention, enhances relationship with customers, suppliers, stakeholders and other channel partners, differentiates t he company from that of the competitors, improves reputation, generates positive publicity and even helps the companies to get new business. This segement will be of great help to understand how CSR activities benefits Starbucks and Philip Morris to maintain better relationship with the stake holders. Stakeholders include employees, business partners, investors, local communities as well customers. It will also be helpful to analyze the alignment of CSR with the corpora objectives. It will reflect the importance of CSR keeping the overall corporate strategy in mind. Corporate objective can be defined as a realistic objective set by the company that influences key strategic decisions (Heal, p.132). Starbucks views CSR as an opportunity to give something back to the community. As a matter of fact it runs down deep to the company roots. For Starbucks CSR is an approach to fulfill the commitments made to the origins, environment, communities, and partners. Some of the approaches include investments to benefit coffee producers and their families; promoting the concept of recycling, conservation of coffee growing countries; having in store green teams. More than one billion people work at Starbucks. They are not treated as employees; rather they are treated as partners. As a matter of fact the mission statement of the company talks about the commitment to partners. As mentioned before CSR activities for Philip Morris are supposed to be a bit trickier as compared to the other. However the CSR activities of the company are nothing short of impressive. The company actively invests in art
Monday, August 12, 2019
Fieldwork observation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fieldwork observation report - Essay Example The classroom has four walls with a blackboard. The classroom has mathematics section, writing center and the class schedule. There are also artifacts and that students made displayed in the window. Students also have desks arranged in the middle of the classroom as the teacher’s desk stay next to the blackboard. The teacher does not spend so much time on the board. Instead, the teacher takes most of her time assisting students who seem not to have understood. Both teacher-centered method and learner-centered ones are used in the classroom. For instance, the teacher allows students to work independently as well what the teacher gave them (Bonjour, 2010). The teacher involves at least one student at a time in during class work to attend to students with individual differences. In addition, the teacher uses question and answer method to check mastery. Further, the teacher is female and ensures positive reinforcement of knowledge by praising and rewarding those who perform or behave well in the classroom. The teacher also helps students to develop their motor skills and enhance learner-centered type of instruction when the school exposes learners to experiments. Co-curricular activities are not exception; learners get a five minutes opportunity to play during before resuming class work. There are students with different cultural backgrounds in the school. Some students come from Spanish Americans, others from African American, white Americans while others come from among the American Jews. The school is a private special school located in the Long Island. In the classroom, students mainly depend on working as individuals for class work. The teacher gives them work through PowerPoint presentation of through their computers. The teacher is in charge throughout, provides instructions on what students need to learn. She also commands the learners to possess handouts, workbook, and pencil. The teacher follows up the students
Changing Women status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Changing Women status - Essay Example The conservatives as usual took a pro-patriarchy position which aims at chaining the women to the clutches of family and patriarchy. They also highlight the role of gender hierarchy in shaping the wider Korean culture. It is also an open argument for preserving the structures which keep the Korean women subordinate to their male counterparts. The pro-women groups have always maintained that the essence of democracy lies in gender equality. Extension of Korean democracy is by definition linked to widening of democracy to transform the existing gender relations. The Women Sub-species and the Gendered Nation The very lack of discussion on issues affecting women was one of the defining features of the Korean political system. For instance, the issue sex workers in Korea who mainly live by the surrounding areas of American military bases were never discussed by the civil society as they were seen as the â€Å"comfort women†. Choi is of the view that â€Å"what should be shocking i s that the chongsindae issue has never been debated in Korea or elsewhere†(98). The general invisibility of the women and marginalization of women’s issues in particular had been at the center of protecting patriarchy in Korea. According to Moon, the mainstream nationalist discourse in Korea presupposes that â€Å"while men are the founders of the nation with heavenly origins, righteous warriors or patriotic soldiers, and heads of households, women have sub-human origins and are the bearers of sons who will inherit the nation and defend it†(57). It means that men are consider to be the original citizens by the so-called Korean democracy and women degraded to the status of modern serfs. It has been pointed out that, especially by Choi, â€Å"long before World War II, the Japanese colonial exploitation left poor women with little choice but to perform hard labor in Japan. It was part of the way the Japanese exploited women in general to speed industrializationâ € (99). Therefore, one could easily argue that women’s empowerment is very much a question of decolonization in general as colonialism always consider the subjugation of women as a structural need. It is also important to look at the overlapping between colonialism, neo-colonialism and capitalism in women’s oppression in Korea. Choi points out that, as argued by the socialist feminists in Korea that â€Å"patriarchy is an essential instrument of capitalism and the never ending process of capitalist accumulation is not possible without an asymmetrical male-female relationship that enables domination and exploitation of women and thus maximizes the surplus value, the profit gained by holding down production costs, particularly wages†(115). As more women are working with multinational companies, the exploitation women is being enhanced. As a primary step for achieving greater gender equality, the old family laws must be totally eradicated. In Korea, the debate on nation-building is essentially linked to the question what role women must play in both family and the society in general. This standpoint is fortunately part of both the pro-feminist and anti-women discourses. In the colonial period, the family laws were considered as inherently part of the Korean tradition.
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