Monday, September 30, 2019
Kmart ESl Sears Essay
How a Hedge Fund Became one of the World’s Largest Retailers 1. Describe recent trends in the hedge fund and private equity industry and the growing overlapbetween the two. A: Hedge funds, historically, were more interested in the buying and short selling of defaulted ornear-default bonds within a few weeks or months. This strategy was more of a short-term, exit-focused strategy. Now, however, some hedge funds are becoming more interested in therestructuring and long-term controlling of attractive assets. Hedge funds’ stakes in thesecompanies are then transformed into equity from the arising new entity. Private equity is split up intoVenture Capital and Leveraged Buyout funds, with a little made up of mezzanine funds. LBOcompanies buy publicly traded companies that are experiencing inefficiencies from costly regulationof being publicly traded and the incentives of managers and shareholders. The growing overlap iscorrelated between the LBO side of private equity and the more recent trend in hedge funds ofacquiring large stakes in mature, failing companies in order to have a longer-term return .2. Analyze different issues surrounding a purchase by a financial or strategic buyer and theirrespective strengths and weaknesses. A: Financial buyers, like Warren Buffett for example, have the cash readily available in the instanceof a company’s bankruptcy. Because the funds are readily available early on, usually financialbuyers found themselves able to acquire distressed assets and/or companies at the most attractiveprices. A drawback or weakness associated with financial buyers is the lack of expertise or evenflexibility, as is the case for mutual fund managers or pension plans. Strategic buyers, on the otherhand, are able to create synergies through buying out distressed assets or companies if they havethe cash readily available. This is usually not the case, and what ends up happening is that financialbuyers get the bid first and steal the prize. 3. Provide a brief historical background of the problems facing Kmart and the characteristics of thedistressed debt market, including factors that influence an investment in a distressed company. A: Kmart was, in the late 1970s, much larger than the famous superstore giant called â€Å"Wal-mart†with sales 20x that of Wal-mart’s and roughly 850 more stores nationwide. However, Kmart’s salesstayed consistently stagnant, while Wal-mart became the giant it is now.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Educational Measurement and Evaluation Essay
Educational evaluation started off as a branch of psychology in the late 50s, as a result of curriculum innovations. It was then referred to as Educational Measurement, Measurement and Evaluation or Test and Measurement. Within the last few decades, educational evaluation has grown into a separate, independent discipline, though with some leanings on the ideas of psychologists, psychometricians and statisticians. Efforts of educational evaluators have been directed specifically towards using precision, objectivity and mathematical vigour of psychological measurement in ways directly related to educational institutions, educational processes and purposes. Educational evaluation involves the systematic assessment of educational activities. Objects of evaluation include instructional programs, school initiatives and education goals. The growth in federal funding for education and policy-makers’ increased calls for school accountability have contributed to the growth of educational evaluation. Many large school districts have personnel responsible for evaluation activities. Definitions of Educational Evaluation Various ideas and definitions of educational evaluation are given by different people/researchers. According to Tuckman (1975) evaluation is a process wherein the parts, processes, or outcomes of a programme are examined to see whether they are satisfactory, particularly with reference to the stated objectives of the programme, our own expectations, or our own standards of excellence. According to Cronbach et al (1980) evaluation means the systematic examination of events occurring in and consequent on a contemporary programme. It is an examination conducted to assist in improving this programme and other programmes having the same general purpose. For Thorpe (1993) evaluation is the collection analysis and interpretation of information about training as part of a recognized process of judging its effectiveness, its efficiency and any other outcomes it may have. Measurement This is a broad term that refers to the systematic determination of outcomes or characteristics by means of some sort of assessment device. It is a systematic process of obtaining the quantified degree to which a trait or an attribute is present in an individual or object. In other words it is a systematic assignment of numerical values or figures to a trait or an attribute in a person or object. For instance what is the height of Uche? What is the weight of the meat? What is the length of the classroom? In education, the numerical value of scholastics ability, aptitude, achievement etc can be measured and obtained using instruments such as paper and pencil test. It means that the values of the attribute are translated into numbers by measurement. Principles of Educational Evaluation There are important factors to note which can serve as guides to educational evaluators in seeing to the effective planning and implementation of educational programmes, to yield the desired positive results. The classroom teacher or evaluator should always be perfectly clear in bis mind about what he is aiming to achieve i.e. what to evaluate and how to evaluate. Evaluation of educational programmes should be comprehensive i.e. assess pupils’ progress in all areas. Educational evaluation, apart from testing knowledge (Memorization), should also bring about pupils originality and use of ideas, and their ability to think and apply the knowledge and skills already learnt. It is noted here that evaluation as an integral part of the instructional process involves three steps. These are i. Identifying and defining the intended outcomes. ii. Constructing or selecting tests and other evaluation tools relevant to the specified outcomes, and iii. Using the evaluation results to improve learning and teaching. More so, evaluation is a continuous process. It is essential in all fields of teaching and learning activity where judgment needs to be made. All evaluation devices/instruments should be valid and reliable. They are valid when they measure what they aim to measure, and they are reliable when they produce consistent results over time. The teacher as an evaluator should be impartial as much as possible. He should try to avoid personal prejudices. All evaluation instruments should take into account the practical problems of administering and marking of the responses i.e. the instruments should be convenient to administer and clear to the pupils. The pupils’ responses should be easy to mark. Educational evaluation should be well planned in advance and should be carried out continuously, periodically and at least each term. Innovations Brought About in the Evaluation Technique of the Nigerian Educational System There are some faults that can be identified in the evaluation techniques used before, which through the efforts of the educational evaluators, have been corrected or perfected. The evaluation technique used before was the one-shot or final, end-of-term or year or session examination. This technique had served as a great ‘threat’ to the students, resulting in students’ cheating, memorizing notes and carrying out premature search for question papers in a bid to pass. Students who passed the end of the year examination through memorization are tagged brilliant while those who failed either as a result of initial problems or due to lack of proper guide are regarded as being dull. Efforts have greatly been made to see that students’ progress in school which has been neglected before is adequately monitored. The problems of the student in specific intellectual task which are not detected until late before are now easily detected. The one shot end-of-term examination technique which has been given undue publicity in schools, leading to tension in the students, have been greatly de-emphasized due to progressive monitoring of students’ achievement, during the term or session and the introduction of continuous assessment method. Great efforts are now been made by evaluators to de-emphasize consideration tor certificate only in job placement but to consider also the skill and interest of individuals in the job. In the previous evaluation technique used, the students’ assessment is usually not conducted in a systematic way. Assignments given to students are not always marked or graded. Students are given class test to keep them busy when the teacher is not around or when the lesson is not prepared for. The introduction of continuous assessment in all schools has had a tremendous impact in the gradual if not total elimination of these lapses. The use of diagnostic evaluation in determining the entry level or educational background of the pupils has helped considerably in checking various problems associated with mass admission of students. Previously, undue emphasis had been given to the cognitive achievement of the students at the expense of the affective and psychomotor domains. Now intensive efforts are in progress to evaluate the students in both. The educational evaluators are making tireless efforts to see to the complete eradication of all problems hi students’ assessment that can lead to examination malpractices. The Purpose of Measurement and Evaluation The main purposes of measurement and evaluation are: i. Placement of student, which involves bringing students appropriately in the learning sequence and classification or streaming of students according to ability or subjects. ii. Selecting the students for courses – general, professional, technical, commercial etc. iii. Certification: This helps to certify that a student has achieved a particular level of performance. iv. Stimulating learning: this can be motivation of the student or teacher, providing feedback, suggesting suitable practice etc. v. Improving teaching: by helping to review the effectiveness of teaching arrangements. vi. For research purposes. vii. For guidance and counseling services. viii. For modification of the curriculum purposes. ix. For the purpose of selecting students for employment x. For modification of teaching methods. xi. For the purposes of promotions to the student. xii. For reporting students progress to their parents. xiii. For the awards of scholarship and merit awards. xiv. For the admission of students into educational institutions. xv. For the maintenance of students. Educational evaluation provides adequate and effective feedback on students’ achievement not only in the cognitive area, but also hi the areas of interest and manipulative skill. It provides feed-back from students to the teacher about the effect of the teacher’s teaching method. It also provides feedback from the teachers to the parents about their ward’s performance. It provides feed-back from school administrators to the policy makers to determine the success of the programme. Continual educational evaluation provides valuable information about the pupils’ progress and comparison with other pupils in the class. Adequate educational evaluation also acts as an incentive to pupils’ studies. The test, examination and evaluation devices stimulate pupils’ interest and enable them to make, greater efforts. Without the use of evaluation devices, most pupils will not take their learning seriously. The use of such evaluation devices as observational techniques, assignments, continuous assessment and projects prevents one-short examinations which can lead to excessive memorization, cramming, unhealthy competition, and the complete neglect of other non-measurable aims of education. Educational evaluation provides pupils record of attainment which can be used for selection for further education, for placement into class or job, and for guidance and counselling purposes. Evaluation of pupils’ progress provides a valuable source material for educational research. Data on pupils’ achievements can help research workers and teachers to identify important educational problems in schools and provide solutions which will help in the improvement of the quality of education. Role of Agencies of Evaluation In Educational Development. Some of the agencies of educational evaluation in Nigeria are: West African Examination Council (WAEC), National Teachers Institute (NTI), National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEM), Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Colleges of Education, Technical Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities. The government, through the Nigerian Educational Research Council (NERC) reforms the national educational policy and objectives, with the aim of designing new curricula for the various levels of the educational system. The West African Examination Council controls all forms of educational development and evaluation of the school certificate or general certificate ordinary and advance levels. WAEC is the curriculum planner, developer and evaluator. The teachers are the implementors. WAEC designs the syllabus for the various subjects offered at various levels of secondary education each year. It is on the syllabus that the teachers based their scheme of work, their specific objectives and their lesson plans. At the end of duration of the course WAEC organizes assessment examinations for school certificate and general certificate (OIL & A/L). It prepares a general time-table, appoint supervisors for the conduct of the examinations, and appoint experienced markers to mark the answer scripts, collate the marks, carry out the analysis of the results to determine the grade to which each student’s mark falls, In Nigeria, the WAEC result is the standard eligibility result, qualifying each candidate for further studies or for job selection and placement. National Teachers Institute:  Carries out similar functions as WAEC but is concerned with Teachers Grade II certificate only. Recently it has got involved in the Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) Sandwich programme. National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEM): The board conducts, assesses and controls all forms of examinations involving technical colleges and institutes of education throughout the nation. It has its headquarters in Benin. The function of the board is similar to that of WAEC. In addition to basic sciences, they also examine all subjects in technical education, social studies and English language. The result obtained here can be used for further studies or job placements. Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB): It represents the transitional agency from the secondary to the tertiary institutions such as the colleges of Education, Polytechnics and Universities. Its role is to set common entrance examination questions in all subjects, for all candidates seeking admission into higher institutions. Candidates with good passes in advance level papers or NCE are offered direct admission to the Universities of their choice. Conclusion and Recommendations In general, those practitioners in the educational system are most of the times interested in ascertaining the outputs of the educational programme. Output is counted in terms of test results which are naturally expressed in quantitative indices such as scores or marks. Test, which is a device, an instrument or a tool consisting of a set of tasks or questions, is used to obtain the results. Test can be in the form of pen and paper examination, assignments, practical etc. The process of administering this test is called testing. But an act of measurement is done when we award marks to an answer paper or assignment. So measurement gives the individual’s ability in numerical indices of scores i.e. measurement is quantitative. Assessment can be seen as the engine that drives and shapes learning, rather than simply an end of term examination that grades and reports performance. Evaluation is expressed in qualitative indices such as good, excellent pass or fail. Value judgment is therefore attached to the measurement. Evaluation can be placement, formative, diagnostic or summative REFERENCES Cronbach, L. J. (1960); Essentials of psychological testing (2nd edition), New York: Harper. Obimba, F.U. (1989); Fundamental of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology. Owerri, Totan Pub. Ltd. Paul, L. D. (1976); Handbook of Academic Evaluation. New York: McGraw-Hill. Ohuche, R.O. and Akeju, S.A. (1977); Testing and Evaluation in Education. Lagos: African Educational Resources (AER) STRAIDE Handbook (2002); Assessment and Evaluation in Distance Education. New Delhi: A Publication of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Tuchman, B.W. (1975); Measuring Educational Outcomes Fundamental of Testing. Atlanta: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich inc.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper
Jerry L. Robinson ECO/372 JUNE 07, 2012 CHAD McDermott Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper Gross domestic product: is the value of all goods and services produced in a country in any given year or specific time period. This is measured in dollar amounts and basically the higher the GDP, the better the economy is for that country. Real gross domestic product: is nominal Gross domestic product that has been adjusted for inflation. This means that the quantity of goods and services must have the converted values for the prices to be made at the market price.The market price also sets the importance of how things will be purchased on the market. Nominal gross domestic product: is Gross domestic product that is calculated at existing prices. That means that the GDP is affected when the economy does when the output is measured for inflation. This is when prices for goods and services are either going to be higher or lower because of inflation. Unemployment rate: is the total percentage of workforce, who is unemployed and looking for a paid job.When the unemployment rate is up then there are less jobs out there for the people that are looking for employment. This in turn affects the businesses that had to lay off the workers due to low productivity; this also has an effect on the government because unemployment benefits aren’t taxable. Inflation rate: is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services are rising over a period of time. Inflation rate can also affect how families operate on a daily basis, inflation rate goes up, prices go up and the spending goes down.People don’t shop as much when the inflation rate has gone up, because the value of the dollar doesn’t go as far when the inflation rate has risen. Interest rate: The interest rate is the amount that a person pays back over and above the principle that has been borrowed from a lending institution. Most banks will lend you money at a low interest rate for a number of different things, it can be a low interest rate for a home, a car, or even to start your own business. Low interest rates, also affects the companies that build the factories that produce the jobs for us.The purchasing of groceries is an important economic activity that affects our government in many different ways. Because when our families go to the grocery store to make the groceries that feeds our families, we give the grocery store cashier our cash and they give us a receipt and our groceries, this is just one of the economic activities that are very important to our economy. This activity effects our government because this is a transaction that is taxed and whenever there is a transaction made that is taxed, this effects the government.The government is the regulators or approving authority of what is taxed and where the tax money goes. Massive layoff of employees is another one of our economic activities that’s very important to our economy as well, these particula r activities can and does affect a variety of economic grow in our country and around the world. When the massive layoffs begin, this does a number of things really fast, if you have no job, you have no income to do the grocery shopping for your family.If you can’t do the grocery shopping for your family, then the government doesn’t get the taxes from the purchasing of your groceries. If the government does get the taxes from the purchasing of your groceries, that means the stores aren’t making the money that they would usually make due to the massive layoff of employees. Also the factories that gave the massive layoffs will give employee the pink slip so that they can file for unemployment, when they apply for the unemployment benefits, they government will not get the taxes from the unemployment benefits because this isn’t taxable.So basically, massive layoffs not only affect the worker, but it also affects the government and the factory owner and share holders as well. Decrease in taxes is a very important economic activity that affects many different areas of our lives, how we live, and how our families operate on a day to day basis. We pay taxes on just about everything, so when a decrease in taxes occurs, this lets us know that when the taxes goes down, a deflation in our economy happens and we tend to spend more money because we know that as long as there is a decrease in taxes we have a little more money to purchase things.This affects the businesses as well, because if the taxes are low they can spend more money on the things that they use to run the factories our buy more ink that produces the paper from the paper factory. This activity affects the government as well, because if the taxes go down there is less money that the government receives from the different factories and or businesses that pays these taxes. This will also trigger a change in our economy in some different form or fashion.If taxes are going down, then y ou can best assure that inflation or the unemployment rate or both will be affected by this particular economic activity. The flow of resources from one entity to another is very important, because this is the flow that makes all of our economic activities so not only in our country but other countries as well. The flow of resources goes a little something like this for all of the economic activities that are listed above.Household is the first flow of this, which is considered consumption, factor market is next on the list of importance, business production is where we go to work to make the products that in return pays the bills and buys the groceries. The goods market again, where we purchase the stuff from the wages that were made from the factories. Then the flow brings you back to the household so we can pay the rent or mortgage that is taxed by the government in order for them to continue to run our economy and hopefully to lower inflation and the unemployment rate. Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper Jerry L. Robinson ECO/372 JUNE 07, 2012 CHAD McDermott Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper Gross domestic product: is the value of all goods and services produced in a country in any given year or specific time period. This is measured in dollar amounts and basically the higher the GDP, the better the economy is for that country. Real gross domestic product: is nominal Gross domestic product that has been adjusted for inflation. This means that the quantity of goods and services must have the converted values for the prices to be made at the market price.The market price also sets the importance of how things will be purchased on the market. Nominal gross domestic product: is Gross domestic product that is calculated at existing prices. That means that the GDP is affected when the economy does when the output is measured for inflation. This is when prices for goods and services are either going to be higher or lower because of inflation. Unemployment rate: is the total percentage of workforce, who is unemployed and looking for a paid job.When the unemployment rate is up then there are less jobs out there for the people that are looking for employment. This in turn affects the businesses that had to lay off the workers due to low productivity; this also has an effect on the government because unemployment benefits aren’t taxable. Inflation rate: is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services are rising over a period of time. Inflation rate can also affect how families operate on a daily basis, inflation rate goes up, prices go up and the spending goes down.People don’t shop as much when the inflation rate has gone up, because the value of the dollar doesn’t go as far when the inflation rate has risen. Interest rate: The interest rate is the amount that a person pays back over and above the principle that has been borrowed from a lending institution. Most banks will lend you money at a low interest rate for a number of different things, it can be a low interest rate for a home, a car, or even to start your own business. Low interest rates, also affects the companies that build the factories that produce the jobs for us.The purchasing of groceries is an important economic activity that affects our government in many different ways. Because when our families go to the grocery store to make the groceries that feeds our families, we give the grocery store cashier our cash and they give us a receipt and our groceries, this is just one of the economic activities that are very important to our economy. This activity effects our government because this is a transaction that is taxed and whenever there is a transaction made that is taxed, this effects the government.The government is the regulators or approving authority of what is taxed and where the tax money goes. Massive layoff of employees is another one of our economic activities that’s very important to our economy as well, these particula r activities can and does affect a variety of economic grow in our country and around the world. When the massive layoffs begin, this does a number of things really fast, if you have no job, you have no income to do the grocery shopping for your family.If you can’t do the grocery shopping for your family, then the government doesn’t get the taxes from the purchasing of your groceries. If the government does get the taxes from the purchasing of your groceries, that means the stores aren’t making the money that they would usually make due to the massive layoff of employees. Also the factories that gave the massive layoffs will give employee the pink slip so that they can file for unemployment, when they apply for the unemployment benefits, they government will not get the taxes from the unemployment benefits because this isn’t taxable.So basically, massive layoffs not only affect the worker, but it also affects the government and the factory owner and share holders as well. Decrease in taxes is a very important economic activity that affects many different areas of our lives, how we live, and how our families operate on a day to day basis. We pay taxes on just about everything, so when a decrease in taxes occurs, this lets us know that when the taxes goes down, a deflation in our economy happens and we tend to spend more money because we know that as long as there is a decrease in taxes we have a little more money to purchase things.This affects the businesses as well, because if the taxes are low they can spend more money on the things that they use to run the factories our buy more ink that produces the paper from the paper factory. This activity affects the government as well, because if the taxes go down there is less money that the government receives from the different factories and or businesses that pays these taxes. This will also trigger a change in our economy in some different form or fashion.If taxes are going down, then y ou can best assure that inflation or the unemployment rate or both will be affected by this particular economic activity. The flow of resources from one entity to another is very important, because this is the flow that makes all of our economic activities so not only in our country but other countries as well. The flow of resources goes a little something like this for all of the economic activities that are listed above.Household is the first flow of this, which is considered consumption, factor market is next on the list of importance, business production is where we go to work to make the products that in return pays the bills and buys the groceries. The goods market again, where we purchase the stuff from the wages that were made from the factories. Then the flow brings you back to the household so we can pay the rent or mortgage that is taxed by the government in order for them to continue to run our economy and hopefully to lower inflation and the unemployment rate.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Case study Q1 and Q2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Q1 and Q2 - Case Study Example According to the data on fig.18.1 in this article, the market share between 2000-2012 shows progressive growth which clearly indicates competitive performance. The increase in share price means accumulate working capital of mass magnitude which helps it smoothly manage its widely dispersed market across the world. Besides, share prices are an indicator of investor confidence and general better overall performance. The financial and operation performance of Starbucks in table 18.1 in the article indicates significant upward trend in balance sheet from 2005 towards 2011. The meaning behind this is a strong and large asset base which explains overall desirable performance. Considering the wide geographical dispersion of Starbuck stores, the financial report indicates a sustainable future. Ranking by chain stores and market size put Starbuck ahead of the pack at 10789 followed by Horton with a gap of more than 1000 stores as shown in fig.18.3. It is worth to infer that Starbuck is doing well in the industry in terms of market size, financial gain and global presence. The success of Starbuck has come as result of creative and critical thinking of its management team. In regard to its significantly competitive market environment, strategic measures have put it through an upward growth. Historical background of the firm exhibit is as having started on an unstable ground until Schultz took over as the Chief Executive officer. Survival in the coffee industry has come far for this firm mainly as a result of realizing diversity of human tastes and customer care. At the centre of its success is diversity in its coffee brand. The cultural and economic uniqueness of its global market requires that it differentiate its product to meet their individual tastes and preferences. In this regard, Starbuck has differentiated its coffee brand into various tastes. Besides, it reframed its business model and marketing approaches. This included licensing retailers to
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Innovation - PAYPAL make the life more easier Essay
Innovation - PAYPAL make the life more easier - Essay Example In 2002, PayPal was acquired by EBay Inc. and made the official payment channel of the worldwide sites of EBay electronic commerce business wing. PayPal is chosen as the innovation topic for the essay because the establishment of PayPal was followed by huge success and popularity of the same in the international financial services and online payments domain. The essay would include a discussion of why PayPal can be considered to be a radical innovation in the electronic commerce and financial services domain. A review of the different literary works presented on the topic of innovation is done to link the theories of innovation to the practical example of PayPal as a breakthrough innovation. A section of the essay would include a discussion of the conditions and background which led to the establishment and success of PayPal in the global business platform. The essay would be suitably concluded with a summary of the findings from the report and with a small discussion regarding the future strategies that are likely to be used by PayPal for continued success and sustainability. PayPal was initially set up as a technology push innovation and later ensured continued success through sustainable innovative practices. This technological innovation was a result of the combination of technological advances and improvement in the use of materials and processes within different businesses. The innovation was fuelled and supported by the boom of electronic commerce activities across the globe. The cross border electronic commerce transactions conducted by millions of people across the globe created the need for a unique, safe, secure and globally usable online payment transfer domain. The innovators of PayPal tapped in this market need and used the advances in technology like access to internet, development of financial services domains and electronic commerce businesses to create the online
Asians' Attitude toward Different Age Groups Term Paper
Asians' Attitude toward Different Age Groups - Term Paper Example In anthropology the type of communication one uses shows how one feels about another. In the Asian continent, many countries have a very high level of respect for their elders even if they are only slightly older. They show this respect through non-verbal and verbal means. Bowing is one of the most significant non-verbal methods of showing respect to elder people in Asia. This practice has been ongoing for a long time and its integration in their culture is as old as the discovery of the community itself. In order to show trust, the bowing has to be with eyes down to the floor. In order to understand such concepts, anthropology uses certain concepts. The first concept in anthropology is human universalism. This concept tries to convince people that despite what society or race one is from, the aspect of humanity makes everyone equal. This is evident in the Asian scenario of respect to the elders. It is an inborn human trait to respect people older than someone due to their experience in life. The people may not be learned than the younger ones but their wisdom in life lessons is invaluable. Even though this concept remains trashed by many societies, the respect for elders remains universal. In Asia, bowing is a common symbol of respect across many countries. This proves the second concept of anthropology that all cultures are somehow interrelated. In order for one to understand how a culture works, one has to understand how it influences and influenced by other institutions. Respect impacts on the culture of Asians positively as it enhances love between the siblings and their elders. Bowing is a small task compared to what it accomplishes in the relationship between ancestors and their young ones. The lower one bows, the deeper the respect and trust one has for that person. In order for one to be successful, Asians in many countries believe there has to
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Reflaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reflaction paper - Essay Example I will ask them about what they feel and think about this exchange of roles. Though many in China have been influenced heavily by western influences, the traditional structures of the family have remained intact along with the norms and culture. The traditional and modern Chinese families are the same in values and morals. The roles, statuses, culture and values remain the same despite rapidly changing technology, innovation. The Chinese still maintain very clear-cut roles, rights, values and moms for men and women. Though a few things have changed such as the freedom to choose one’s spouse, the same cultural values and taboos apply. The family values are still a heavy focus and are cherished, honored and respected. This is true in the modern, urban and rural environments. I do not see anything different in the western definition of wife from Judy Syfers â€Å"Why I want a wife†; description of the Chinese’s wife and the kind of wife she is describing in the west. Though Judy writes to complain and bemoan the â€Å"wife†in the we st it is atypical of the Chinese wife’s reality whether she lives in the west or in China. â€Å"I want a wife who will take care of all the social details of my life†(p.61) is universal. The expectations on gender roles are very conservative in Chinese culture. The relationship between a boy and a girl is expected to lead to marriage and is therefore expected to follow the rules of marriage. If a boy goes out to dinner with a girl then he is expected to pay for the dinner and not doing so will make him loose â€Å"face" and social status. This makes a person to be regarded as a poor dating candidate and so it was very hard for my boyfriend to accept for me to pay for the meal. I have never paid for my own meals in my life form my own savings. The money that I use for buying things is from my father and so even if he is not
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Summarize 3 economic articles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summarize 3 economic articles - Article Example The researchers aim at showing that quality changes do not result in immediate demand response in regulated industries. This phenomenon has been attributed to imperfect information and sticky behavior among consumers due to familiar or personal habits. These sluggish behaviors imply that it would take some time before full realization of potential demand. To prove this hypothesis, the researchers conduct an analysis using a quantitative Hotelling framework in a market that has two exogenously located providers with horizontally and vertically differentiated products. The researchers also use a differential-game approach in providing open-loop and feedback solutions. Indeed, the findings defy the static relationship indicating that an elastic relationship exists between quality and demand, instead indicating a negative relationship between quality and potential demand due to decrease in marginal profit gain in quality. Firms should therefore adopt long term investment plans and provid e lower monetary incentives to attain first-best quality status as opposed to making quality changes at each point of product development. The researchers’ choice of regulated industries, specifically education and health sectors of the economy has been informed by the fact that these have quality as major drivers of competitive demand. This article sheds light in the wake of rankings of institutions where even with improved competition on quality, demand would not respond. The paper fails to give any future indications of increased demand due to improved quality. Li, W, Mengistae, T & Xu, LC 2011, ‘Diagnosing development bottlenecks: China and India’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. 722 – 752. This article appreciates that in 1980, both China and India were at par economically, being the world’s most populous countries and very poor. India ranked better in its income per capita with its citizens earning averagely $2 .38 per day which was about $1 more than what an average Chinese earned. While India undertook economic liberalization until 1991, China gradually adopted economic reforms. By 2000, China had its daily income per capita averaging at $7.30 while that of India averaged $4.71. The researchers in this article seek to demystify the factors that led to performance gap between these two countries. Being an analysis of only two countries, the researchers used firm-level data to examine cross-sectional and temporal variations linking firm productivity, an important contributor to income per capita, to business environment at city level such as access to finance, regulation burden, labor regulation, infrastructure and skills. The firm-level data was collected from the 2003 World Bank Investment Climate Surveys covering 2,400 Chinese enterprises from 18 cities distributes across 15 provinces and 1,860 Indian manufacturing establishments from 40 industrial cities. The findings show that firms i n China are generally larger by size, value or number of employees, employ more skilled labor and have more flexible labor markets. The poor infrastructure that India has compared to China makes it significantly lag behind economically. However, Indian firms have better access to short-term bank financing though this factor minimally affects productivity in both countries. The uncertainty in regulation is also lower in India. The researchers recommend that India relaxes its labor market regulations, invest in infrastructure and
Monday, September 23, 2019
'The Human Aspects of Project Management and its Influence on Project Essay
'The Human Aspects of Project Management and its Influence on Project Performance' - Essay Example A project can best be understood as a one time undertaking or endeavor in response to a need. But although a project begins as a response to a need, the manner in which it evolves is not always disciplined, due to its human elements that leave scope for errors to occur (Heerkens, 2003). According to LaBrosse (2007), projects are short term efforts that are undertaken in order to meet the strategic objectives of the organization. But in managing a project effectively, human elements are the most diverse and complex elements that must be managed. There are various human interfaces that may form part of a project, such as the project manager, project team members and stakeholders. (Rao, No date). A project team may comprise members drawn from various cross sections of society, belonging to different ethnic groups and with different temperaments and skill levels. The difficulties in successful implementation of a project may be increased when these different human elements are unable to coordinate together effectively, which in turn can impact negatively upon the progress of the project.(Rao, no date). Heerkens(2003) has set out four ways to measure the degree of success in executing a project (a) meeting project targets in terms of cost, quality and functionality (b) project efficiency or how well the project was managed (c) user utility or the extent to which the project addressed the need that gave rise to the project and (d) whether there was improvement in the organization as a result of the project? He points out that in all of these four aspects, the human elements impact significantly on the degree to which the project is successful. For instance, the achievement of the project targets will depend upon how well the project manager executed what was expected. LaBrosse (2007) points out human elements can impact upon the speed of completion of the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Effects of technology Essay Example for Free
Effects of technology Essay Technology is the specific scope of idea in which it reflects the overall application of knowledge towards the development of society (Bilton, 2007). In this aspect, greater improvements in the people’s way of life are the considerations involved in order to measure the effect of technology. Today, computers are among the most influential products of technology that have already changed the way people do their tasks. To evaluate the scale of such change, the realization that almost everything on this planet runs with the help of computers is a good aspect to consider. The most essential goal in fabricating computers was to help in the data process techniques to simplify the task of using them for everyday life. Since its inception in the middle of the 20th century, the social structures of the world population has already changed. The integration of computers to almost every type of tasks has made it much easier for people to complete responsibilities that would otherwise require enormous effort and time resources. An example on how computers have changed the society may be seen in the aspect of communications. Previously, the terms like internet, chat and video conferencing have no meaning. However, today’s computer technology has provided the essential convenience of communicating with another person from across any parts of the globe. A simple click on a web browser and sending an electronic letter is very much possible. It has provided greater channels for communications in a way that ease of use is not compromised. One more feature of computers, which modified the way society does things, is their capability of integrating with almost any other pre-existing devices. Today, television sets, cameras, bank machines, grocery scanners and vehicles are using devices that were primarily fabricated with the use of computers. Because of its capability to run tests for data management, it has been very easy for product manufacturers to see opportunities for technical improvements. Computers are now considered the basic platform that enables newer devices to run. Integrated circuits in all electronic devices are utilizing he same scope of computer based technology (Wikipedia, 2007). Lastly, computers are becoming the â€Å"multiplier†devices in which other patterned ideas will be introduced. Because of the scale of presence computers has in today’s society, a simple modification procedure to improve a product or service can cause greater developments for other segments of the public. Just like what happened in the business sector wherein almost all financial transactions are now done electronically. From a simple idea of using computers as a mean to collect money figures, it has developed into aspects no one has ever imagined before; internet banking, fund transfer-monitoring, calculations of stocks and online purchasing are no all possible with computer technology. Realizing the effect of technology in the lives of the people permits the society to consider developing more opportunities. With the significant social changes brought about by computer technology, people have been equipped to face the challenges of the future.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Interpretations of Winston Churchill
Interpretations of Winston Churchill Evaluate two or more competing interpretations of Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill has become an icon of modern history, and is probably the most celebrated Prime Minister or the twentieth century. It was not until he was 65, however, that Churchill achieved his popularity and fame, and it was almost wholly the result of the end of the Second World War. Without this, the popular impression of Churchill would fall a long way short of what it is today. Churchill is remembered by most, of course, as a great national hero; a war leader who delivered Great Britain, and the rest of the world, from the threat of Nazi Germany advancing inexorably to extend the Third Reich. There were many other aspects to Churchill’s life, however, of which it was the culmination only, in victory, that secured his historical legacy. As is to be expected with someone as successful and popular as Churchill, the man has attracted a great many academics to research into and report on Churchill’s life (between fifty and one hundred in the estimate of Roy Jenkins[ 1]). These various interpretations are many, and each one must be considered in the context of the time and societal circumstances in which it was written. As with all history, (especially biography,) one must evaluate such works sceptically, trying to discern the biographer’s own views and prejudices, and those of the society which produced the biographer. What each work tells us about Churchill must be cross-referenced with other accounts, and with impartial accounts of events in which Churchill was involved. This essay will focus on four key biographies of Churchill; Addison’s Churchill, the Unexpected Hero, and Jenkins’ recent Churchill primarily, as well as Gilbert’s Churchill, a Life, and Ponting’s Churchill. When one considers the various biographies of Churchill that the post-War years have yielded, it is fair to say that there are discernable patterns. An increasing scepticism in the historiography is an example of such a trend. It seems accurate to describe the later biographies of Churchill as less laudatory and unquestioningly praising towards Churchill than, say, Jenkins’ recent biography. This, in its stated mission, sets out to reconsider the wholly celebratory nature of some earlier biographies. Jenkins introduces his magisterial work with the assertion that Churchill was ‘many faceted, idiosyncratic and unpredictable†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢[2] The work is not, however, hagiographical; indeed from the outset, Jenkins’ esteem and fondness of Churchill (albeit based upon a very brief series of encounters in the early 1940s) is obvious. â€Å"I was aware of witnessing something unique, but also remote and unpredictable.†[3] As a whole work, however, Jenkinsâ€℠¢ is more thorough than anything that has gone before. It is a dense, academic and politically charged work, obviously written by an insider of the political world from its clear understanding and appreciation of the main passion of Churchill’s life; politics. Churchill was, after all, in the House of Commons for over sixty years. The other major work which will be considered is somewhat less academic, and more populist in its structure and style. Addison covers the life of Churchill from his birth through his early years as a journalist and soldier, through his early parliamentary career and later premiership and his last years in less than 250 pages. While this remains a convincing and thorough biography, it is by no means as comprehensive as the project undertaken by Jenkins. What of the content of these two books, however? How do their respective authors present Churchill? It has already been mentioned that Jenkins has sought to adopt a holistic approach which is relatively free of unquestioning praise. Addison’s is, perhaps, more preoccupied with the popular appeal of Churchill, and as such, it is less sceptical of certain aspects of Churchill’s life. This is, however, to be expected, as rather than present a fully comprehensive account of the whole of Churchill’s life, this account s eeks to assess the reasons for the man’s ascendancy to national hero. The tone of the work is established in the Prologue, which states that Churchill ‘won two great victories in the Second World War. The first was a victory over Nazi Germany. The second was a victory over the many sceptics who, for decades, had derided his judgement, denied his claims to greatness, and excluded him from 10 Downing Street on the grounds that he was sure to be a danger to King and Country.†[4] The first appropriate period to consider in Churchill’s life covers the years from his birth in 1874 up until 1901. Both begin with a brief account of the birth of Churchill and of his family history; that he was the grandson of the seventh Duke of Marlborough and his mother was an American named Clara, the daughter of a New York financier. This was the period that saw Churchill attend Harrow School, an adolescence which, according to Addison, was ‘overshadowed by the physical and mental decline of Lord Randolph [Churchill’s aristocratic Tory minister father].’[5] Gilbert offers an early insight into what he later considers to be one of the principal driving forces of Churchill, when he remarks that to the young Winston, the death of his father provided ‘yet further proof that the Churchills died young.’[6] Throughout Gilbert’s work, this driving force features heavily in causing Churchill to pursue his goals first in the journalistic fi eld, and later in politics. When considering Gilbert’s interpretation of Churchill’s life and achievements, it is also important to consider the esteem with which he held Churchill. It should be remembered that prior to writing his biography of Churchill, Gilberts continued Churchill’s life work (in another field from politics) in completing, in six volumes, an historical work which had been started by Randolph Churchill. This is surely significant, firstly in the level of understanding of Churchill such an undertaking would have afforded Gilbert, but also as a sign of the reverence with which Churchill was held. According to Addison, the ‘official biography’ is ‘sometimes said to perpetuate the Churchill myth and it is true that Randolph Churchill’s volumes were partisan.†[7] It is this very partisanship that one must be aware of and vigilant about in considering biographies generally, and in particular when it comes to one with such an awesome accompanying reputation. Gilbert’s work, although in places stricken with this identified partisanship, on the whole offers a record of the events of Churchill’s life, in which evidence is collected from a huge variety of sources, including Churchill’s own papers, private correspondence held at the Marlborough seat of Blenheim Palace, and other more official evidence such as parliamentary records and reports and Churchill’s own journalistic offerings and speeches. Gilbert’s biographical work is unique in that it generally forms attachments to the evidential, or chronicled record which he helped to produce. Again, and as Addison points out, from a reading of Gilbert’s work in these volumes, it is clear ‘that his admiration for Churchill is profound’.[8] Gilbert’s sympathy with Churchill, and indeed his contempt for those who sought to sully the name and reputation of Churchill, is obvious from various parts of his writings. One such person was Field Marshall Alanbrooke, who was one of Churchill’s most successful, and trusted generals (when he was General Alan Brooke). According to Jenkins, Churchill ‘succeeded in angering Alan Brooke at a staff conference on 9 September [1944].’[9] Later, various diarists, foremost amongst whom was Brooke, began complaining about Churchill’s ‘ramblings’. These were characteristic of his ‘long rather than decisive meetings’ that members of the government and the forces became increasingly frustrated about.[10] Although the relationship had been tense and often problematic between the two, Alanbrooke (as he now was) recorded in his diary that during his farewell in 1945, ‘it was a very sad and very moving little meeting at which I found myself unable to say much for fear of breaking down.’[11] The purpose of this is to show that despite their differences, it seems unlikely that Alanbrooke harboured any ill- feeling towards Churchill that would colour his memoirs. According to Gilbert, however, it was the publication of Alanbrooke’s diaries that did much to harm the image of Churchill. ‘No single book’, Gilbert writes, referring to the diaries as edited by Arthur Bryant, ‘gave a more distorted picture of Churchill’s war leadership, or would provide for many years to come so much material for critical, hostile, and ill-informed portrayals of Churchill in the war years.’[12] This is not to disparage Gilbert’s work with the taint of one-sidedness, however, as the work, vast as it is, is generally free of value judgements or even a coherent doctrine as to the character of Churchill. For this; a more personal and judgemental view of Churchill, one must turn to the works of Jenkins and of Ponting. It is clear from the introduction of Ponting’s unashamedly revisionist work that he seeks to challenge the ‘Churchill myth’, which Gilbert is perhaps more instrumental in moulding, or at least perpetuating. The central thesis in Ponting’s work, as stated in his introduction, is that the Churchill myth was in fact largely the result of Churchill’s own writing; that Churchill managed successfully to shape the way in which he would be seen by the succeeding generation by his own artful and indeed self-promoting work.[13] It is not usually the prerogative of statesmen to shape future generations’ views of themselves; this being left to later historians and scholars. If Ponting’s theory is correct, it would make Churchill one of the few successful statesmen to have achieved this, obviously prior to his death. The two major prong s of Ponting’s attack are firstly that Churchill was not in fact the brilliant wartime leader that popular perception imagines, and secondly that his popularity was not in fact as high as has been assumed. His bases for these revisionist claims are official papers that have been released in recent years. Although revisionist history is always going to offend and upset those of the old school by its very nature of, in Ponting’s case, sheer iconoclasm, but in this case, one cannot avoid the impression that Ponting is not so much blazing a trail to a more truthful and less fanciful perception of Churchill, as he is simply inaccurate. Ponting reconsiders the pre-War years of Churchill’s political career. He claims that Churchill was opposed to democracy and social progress.[14] This is an unlikely character trait of Churchill, for whom one of the principal motivations for one of his most famous pre-War decisions, the 1925 return to the Gold Standard, was the ‘paradox of unemployment amidst dearth †¦ I would rather see Finance less proud and Industry more content.’[15] As well as this, it was Churchill who pioneered the system of national insurance during his time at the Treasury (something which he and Lloyd George had started prior to the First World War) . This was a policy which, although not redistributive as certain forms of taxation might have been, certainly improved the lot of many of the more unfortunate elements in inter-war British society. Ponting goes on to suggest that Churchill harboured racial prejudices.[16] This may well be accurate, but it is presented by Ponting in a misleading way; a way which neglects the wider contemporary social attitudes of the early twentieth century. While it is never forgivable to view any race or creed as in any way inferior, Churchill was not guilty of this in the way that Ponting suggests. It was more an opinion of racial differences and idiosyncrasies than any judgement as to the relative merit of different races. As Addison remarks, such views were characteristic of the time without any attendant racism, amongst the foremost social reformers.[17] Indeed there is supportive argument for Ponting’s assessment to be found in other biographies of Churchill. One such example is John Charmley’s revisionist work which suggests that Churchill’s treatment of the Poles in the last months of the war revealed racial prejudices. He accuses Churchill of both weakness in this respect, and of hypocrisy, for his earlier criticism of Chamberlain’s similar treatment of the Czechs.[18] The most striking evidence that Ponting is erroneous in this assessment of Churchill is to be found in Churchill’s view of the European Jews who were increasingly under threat during his early parliamentary career. Indeed it was Churchill’s perceived sympathy for the Jews in the wake of such atrocities as Kristallnacht in November 1938 that strengthened Churchill’s position as against Neville Chamberlain.[19] Earlier in Churchill’s career, he had fought vehemently to defeat the restrictive Aliens Bill of 1904, which was unfavourable to the Jews. Jenkins suggests, however, that although this was a brave and commendable battle to be undertaken by Churchill, his motivation was less that of a sense of equality and concern for the well-being of the Jewish population, than the political expedient of appeasing a large and powerful political lobby in his constituency. ‘†¦It could be cynically alleged that the vigour with which Churchill opposed (and hel ped to kill) a restrictive Aliens Bill in the session of 1904 was not unconnected with the fact that this was exactly when he alighted on Manchester North-West [where the Jewish lobby was so strong].’[20] While this may well be so, it does not make it the case that Churchill harboured anything other than deep resentment of the Nazi views as to the inferiority of the Jewish race and non-white populations. Ponting’s criticisms of Churchill are obvious, and pervade much of his work. Gilbert, on the other hand, is generally more praising and less critical throughout his work; he is not, after all, seeking to debunk the so-called Churchill myth. Gilbert’s work, however, is not free from criticism. The most striking is, perhaps, his assessment that Churchill had a great and significant character weakness that he allowed to control him at vital stages throughout his career. This weakness was an almost-obsessive desire to be at the centre of affairs, and to be seen to be there in the public perception. He was, then, a courtier of public opinion (which is of course to be expected from a politician) but Gilbert seems to suggest that it led to an inefficient and sometimes disastrous management style that may have been avoided had Churchill been more willing, for example, to delegate.[21] A significant advantage which biographers such as Gilbert and Jenkins have over those such as Ponting is that they actually met, and in the case of Gilbert at least, knew considerably, their subject. Gilbert was in fact something of an insider in the life of Churchill which affords him an insight which Ponting and other later biographers could not emulate. Examples of this intimate contact abound throughout Gilbert’s work, such as the conversations which he had with Churchill’s wife Clementine. One such conversation is occurred when Clementine told Gilbert of how in the immediate aftermath of Churchill’s downfall in 1915, ‘I thought he would die of grief’.[22] Gilbert’s is an insight which comes from first-hand interviews with those who knew and were close with Churchill (although not always on good terms). A further example is the interview which Gilbert conducts with General Sir Edward Spears, who accompanied Churchill on many journeys and w ho recalled on one occasion during the First World War when Churchill was at the Admiralty, how the French commanders had not taken Churchill’s suggestions about the development of the tank seriously, remarking ‘Wouldn’t it be simpler to flood Artois and get your fleet here?’[23] It is this first-hand knowledge and experience which puts Gilbert’s work (as well as, to a lesser extent, Jenkins’) above the likes of Ponting’s. Gilbert’s work is not, however, free from potentially controversial statements. Surely fully aware of the impact on the historical debate of such assertions, he states, for example, that on the eve of the Munich agreement, which saw Neville Chamberlain (then Prime Minister and of whom Churchill was a stern critic) announced that he was seeking agreement from the third Reich leadership that no further advances would be made, in the words of Jenkins, ‘the whole House †¦ rose to its feet and sent Chamberlain off in a splurge of goodwill.’[24] Jenkins suggests that it was the ‘almost solitary exception of Harold Nicolson’, the House supported Chamberlain. Gilbert states that neither Churchill, nor his fellow Members Eden or Amery stood to applaud Chamberlain as he set off on his mission.[25] It is, of course no secret that Churchill opposed Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement of Hitler, but small facts like this are potentially controversial w hen one considers the general atmosphere in England on the eve of the War; an attitude that everything possible should be done to avoid another conflict so soon after the devastation and destruction of the Great War. With the notable exception of Ponting’s iconoclastic work, the overwhelming thesis in the various biographies of Churchill is one of praise and respect for Churchill. This is not wholly the product of his achievements at the head of the Government during the War, but also due to his achievements before the Second World War. The formative years in the making of the Churchill myth were undoubtedly the war years, as is evidenced by the fact that their presence in any biography is disproportionately large compared to any other period of his life. The chapter covering the war years in Addison’s book is titled ‘The Making of a Hero’.[26] The overwhelming sense from all of the biographies is that once the authors have been exposed to their subject, the result is an almost awe-like reverence for him. The concluding pages of Jenkins perhaps best summarise this pervasive attitude: ‘I now put Churchill, with all his idiosyncrasies, his indulgences, his occasiona l childishness, but also his genius, his tenacity and his persistent ability, right or wrong, successful or unsuccessful, to be larger than life, as the greatest human being ever to occupy 10 Downing Street.’[27] BIOGRAPHY Addison, P., Churchill, the Unexpected Hero (Oxford, 2005) Danchev and Todman (Eds), War Diaries, 1939-1945: Field Marshall Lord Alanbrooke Gilbert, M., Churchill: a Life (Pimlico, 2000) Jenkins, R., Churchill (MacMillan, 2001) Ponting, C., Winston Churchill (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994) Footnotes [1] Jenkins, R., Churchill (MacMillan, 2001), pxiii [2] Jenkins, p3 [3] Jenkins, pxiii [4] Addison, P., Churchill, the Unexpected Hero (Oxford, 2005), p1 [5] Addison, p13 [6] Gilbert, C., Churchill: a Life (Pimlico, 2000), p49 [7] Addison, p251 [8] Addison, p252 [9] Jenkins, p754 [10] Ibid, p774 [11] Danchev and Todman (Eds), War Diaries, 1939-1945: Field Marshall Lord Alanbrooke, p712 [12] Gilbert, p1232 [13] Ponting, C., Winston Churchill (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994), pp10-15 [14] Ponting, pp300-325 [15] Quoted in Addison, p114 [16] See, for example, Ponting, p375 [17] Addison, p252 [18] Quoted in Jenkins, p779 [19] See Jenkins, p537 [20] Jenkins, p108 [21] See, for example, Gilbert, p30 [22] Gilbert, vol III, p457 [23] Gilbert, vol III. p625 [24] Jenkins, p525 [25] Gilbert, vol V, pp986-987 [26] Addison, chapter 6 [27] Jenkins, p912
Friday, September 20, 2019
New Pearl Ending :: essays research papers
The Pearl      Against the sky in the cave entrance Juana could see that Kino was taking off his white clothes for dirty and ragged, though, they would show up against the dark night. His own brown skin was a better protection for him. And then she saw how he hooked his Amulet neck-string about the horn handle of his great knife, so that it hung in front of him, and left both hands free. Juana had given up her prayers of magic and tradition by this time. She felt them to be pointless after all she had been through. However she did whisper her hail Marys, against the black inhuman thing.      She looked down the cliff and could see, only the cigarette of the man with the rifle, and hear only the water, of the little spring. Then she heard something else, something stirring on the ground, near the water. It was one of the men. She knew only because she heard them talking. She could not make out what they were saying, but wondered if they were talking of Kino, who by now, was probably pretty far down the cliff.      Kino was nearly down the cliff now. He had been very quietly, slithering down the cliff, hearing nothing but his own footsteps, and the music of the enemy, which was getting louder as he got closer. He had turned his neck-string so that the great knife hung down from his back and could not clash the rock, because he knew that any sound, alien to nature, would get the watcher’s suspicion up, and he would be on his guard.      Once he got to the bottom, it seemed to take forever for him to get close to the men. He stopped about twenty feet away from them when he heard them talking and moving. One man was still sleeping, but the other was up talking with the watcher. Kino looked over the watcher. He was dressed in brown leather pants, and a nice shirt, all under a large black duster. The long clack coat ran all the way down to his black boots; He wore his cowboy hat low, over his eyes, so Kino couldn’t really see his face, above his big mustache.      The man talking to the watcher walked off into the bush, out of sight. With one man still sleeping, the watcher sat, holding his rifle, staring into the horizon, where the moon would soon rise.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
What Is Astrology :: essays research papers
What Is Astrology Astrology is the study of planetary influences and their affect on the world and everything in it. Astrology is usually limited to human beings--their nature, and their affairs, although a chart can be drawn up for just about any event. The horoscope is a blue print or pattern of the solar system cast for a particular moment of time. It is from this that the astrologer bases the interpretation or delineation as indicated by the nature of the sun, moon, and planets. The natal horoscope is a chart drawn at the moment of birth to see and understand the nature and makeup of the soul of the newborn as it takes residence in the physical vehicle or body. The human soul is a focal point of cosmic energy, and the pattern of the heavens, as charted in the horoscope, is the means the soul comes to know itself and its destiny. Astrology points the way to soul development and growth. The soul's strengths and weaknesses are noted in the horoscope. Life is an opportunity given to soul for further enhancement. Because the heavens are in constant motion, and because this motion is quite ordered and exact, it is possible to project the positions of the sun, moon, and planets for any given time. Astrologers use this information to draw-up a horoscope and forecast the "influences" that will affect the soul at that time. Astrologers usually do not predict actual events in the future. They can only say what might happen, or could happen, but not what will happen--much like a weather forecast; although many psychics do make predictions, and astrology is the tool they use to focus their abilities. Another common feature of astrology is the comparison of birth charts to ascertain the compatibility of two people. This is a straightforward method used by over-laying one chart upon the other. The aspects or angles formed by the planets are then analyzed to determine how the energy fields of each person blend together.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Another Feminism :: essays research papers
Q.1(b) Feminist approaches to sociological theory have developed out of historical sites of struggle for equality. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of four (4) different feminist theoretical orientations. Sociological theory is broadly concerned with structured forms of social inequality. Therefore, sociologist generally attempt to approach human behaviour and relations in terms of the particular social setting of different social groups, classes and etc. However, feminist critics of sociology have pointed out that sociological theorists have neglected gender as a central principle of social differentiation. Feminist sociologist argue that most sociological theory is characterised by a 'malestream' view of the social world in which women are either overlooked altogether or discussed as if they were identical to men. The concept used most frequently to capture structured power relations between the sexes is 'patriarchy'. This essay will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of four different feminist theoretical orientations. Liberal feminism Liberal feminists are the least 'radical' of all feminist perspectives. The main aim of the liberal feminists is the creation of equal opportunities, particularly in education and work. Probably the most positive thing liberal feminism has for itself is the fact that it has contributed to considerable social change, especially in relation to employment opportunities and conditions, and social policy. Liberal feminist themselves have not produced a clearly developed theory of gender, but they generally rely on role theory. One of the main strengths of liberal feminism is that they aim for gradual change in the political, economic and social systems of Western societies which, it is assumed, will in turn transform gender roles. This is considered a strength because it is a reasonable and realistic accomplishment. Liberal feminism is willing to take the appropriate time it may take to produce gender equality. With this time liberal feminist pursue an aim through the introduction of legislation and by attempting to change attitudes. They encourage and support such measures as anti-discrimination and equal pay legislation in the hope that they will help to end discrimination. Liberal feminists do not seek revolutionary changes in society, but rather reforms that take place within existing social and political structures. If there are any weaknesses to he liberal feminists this may be it. Other feminist may argue that the liberals are not aggressive enough and rely too much on hope. Radical feminism Radical feminists turn their explanatory focus onto heterosexuality as a social construction. Radical feminists thus often see the social context of heterosexuality, family life, as central to women's
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The War on drugs Essay
The War on drugs has been ongoing in America for over 30 years, but it hasn’t been working out the way people thought it would be. I’m against the the â€Å"War†on drugs. The â€Å"War†on drugs is ineffective and needs to changed. The â€Å"War†on drugs needs to be changed because it costs the government way too much money. According to Havard’s Jeffrey A. Miron an economist, and doctoral candidate Katherine Waldock, in the U.S alone legalizing drugs would save roughly 41.3 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition (Bandow, 2011). This means that the government could save a lot of money if they would just stop the â€Å"War†on drugs. Alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some illegal drugs. According to Professor David Nutt of Britain’s Bristol University and colleagues, heroin, crack and crystal meth are deadliest to individual user, but when their wider social effects are taken into account, alcohol is the most damaging, followed by heroin and crack (Hunter, 2010). This means that more people are using alcohol than heroin or crack because of that alcohol has cause more damage to people; the governments just being hypocrites about the â€Å"W ar†, they’re fighting something that are less dangerous than the things that already are legal. The current drug laws promote additional crime. According to The Cato Institute’s David Boaz and Timothy Lynch, addicts commit crimes to pay for a habit that would be easily affordable if it were legal (Bandow, 2011). This mean that people are committing crimes to get the money so they can pay for the drugs at a high price in the black market. Overall the â€Å"War†on drugs hasn’t been helping people in the U.S at all. See more: Capital budgeting essay Drug use may not be wise, and it could even cause death. However, the â€Å"War†on drugs has cause the U.S turn into a prison state, putting more Americans in prison each and everyday. According to Lisa Trei at Stanford University in 1980, about 2 million people in the United States were under some kind of criminal justice supervision. By 2000, the figure had jumped to about 6 million, the jump is largely attributed to the government’s ongoing war on drugs. The â€Å"War†is not stopping people from using drugs, just a program to watse money. If I was able to in charge of a country I would try to make drug use legal. By having drugs legal the crime rate will drop because people can buy them legally for cheap money. I would also set an age limit on people that could use drug. This way kids will know when they grow up they will have a chance to try it, that will decrease youth drug use. Lastly, I would set a limit on how much people could buy. By setting this restriction drug use wont able to harm people as much as before. These laws could help out to country.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Measuring Organizational Effectiveness: Collaborative Consulting
GROWTH: Collaboration Consulting has a set itself ambitious growth plans across all its industry verticals. It plans to increase the number of industry verticals where it can offer its services. Currently it is seen primarily as catering to telecom and insurance domains with technology consulting as the core competency. It is trying to shrug of this image primarily cultivated due to its high profile acquisition of a telecom startup consistency five years ago. The acquisition did not yield desired results due to skewed client perception and cultural integration issues with the acquired company having primary presence in Europe. Collaboration has taken a financial hit in the recent past and sold its stake in the telecom startup to a clutch of financial investors. Collaboration plans to move forward while taking stock of its current position. SUSTAIN: To sustain growth, Collaboration Consulting has started hiring new partners. Partners head various verticals at Collaboration and bring in the desired domain experience along with their networking skills. The aim of the business is to nurture talent within the organization and have 80% of its partners promoted from within the organization. A number of the new recruit partners are strengthening the existing verticals while some continue to act as entrepreneurs and start offering skills in verticals previously not serviced by Collaboration. The new partners bring about a mix of industry and academia experience. This mix helps in building a knowledge base of white papers and helping client’s purse patent registration. HARVEST: The consultancy is reaping reward in verticals where it has worked closely with clients. Collaboration has a business model where it gets invites from clients to work on short duration projects. However, the integrity and intensity it brings forward helps it gain client trust. The clients have been entrusting it with longtime engagements which typically run over a couple of years. These initiatives on Collaboration’s part started a few years ago and the consultancy has now started reaping rewards. 2. CREATES VALUE Collaboration Consulting aims at creating value for: Its clients Stakeholders Community Increased investment in intellectual capital will help clients gain from the collective and diverse experience of the hired consulting team. The stock value has seen significant erosion from the dot-com bust of year 2000. However, Collaboration has communicated to Wall Street its intention of putting the company on a fast track mode thereby increasing the revenue per share. Consistent high payout dividends are helping reward stakeholders. The consultancy supports welfare initiatives in the city where it is headquartered. It also on an ongoing basis supports initiatives in office locations across other countries. 3. Balance Score Card Collaboration Consulting follows the balance score card approach while evaluating the performance of its employees. The score card of all the employees roll up to formulate the balance score card of the Chief Executive Officer. The main aspects of the score card are: Financial Customer Process Learning and growth The scored card has been divided into various ratios for segregating the work responsibility of employees. Financial perspective has a weight of 25%, customer perspective has a weight of 40%, process a weight of 25% and learning a 10% weight. The financial weight is important as it keeps the employees focused on creating wealth for shareholders. Not all employees directly contribute to business generation and financial gains for the organization. However, the efforts of all employees roll-up to achieve broader organization goals. Customer perspective is important for the consulting business as the consultants are required to understand client brief, generate hypothesis and provide a time plan for assisting the customer. It becomes imperative that the customer perspective is an integral part of the score card to achieve the above goals. Process perspective refers to the internal business processes. Managers can track metrics relating to business perspective and services to gauge whether the business has been able to assist customer achieve their objectives. The process perspective also helps the consultancy to lay down a set of robust process that helps in client engagement, project deliverables. The processes can be broadly categorized into mission related objectives and support related objectives. Learning perspective helps in keeping pace with the expectations of customers and motivating employees. With new challenges being faced by customers, the skill sets required by the consultancy to offer effective solutions also keeps varying. At times none or only a set of people within the consultancy possess these skill sets. Hence it becomes imperative to train the employees and generate bench strength for effective customer support. Employees also have certain aspirations in acquiring skill sets when the enter the organization or as they grow in their role. To meet their aspirations training becomes necessary. On several occasions the consultancy has found that candidates that can take larger responsibilities but need guidance and training on certain aspects to be able to do justice to the enhanced role.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Sonnet 18
Explication of â€Å"A Summer’s Day†Shakespeare establishes his theme by shifting procreational beauty to the idea of immortalized beauty. Shakespeare's use of personification, literal meanings, and metaphors enables him to illustrate his compassion in the idea of immortality. In Sonnet 18 Shakespeare uses personification heavily in giving objects human qualities to reflect establish mortality in his muse. Doing so, helps the reader relate to the object to life and death.The first instance of personification is in the first quatrain , Shakespeare writes, â€Å"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,†meaning â€Å"Winds choke the lovely buds with hands of May†. On the first quatrain Shakespeare writes, â€Å"And Summer’s lease hath all too short a date:†(4). In this line Shakespeare is referring to Summer being too short. By this personification on the first quatrain, Shakespeare conveys the depth of his affection towards his love inte rest by giving a descriptive metaphor about his beloved comparing her to something intangible as a â€Å"Summer day†or â€Å"Lovely buds†being more beautiful than nature.He creates a life in words with the personification. In the second quatrain, Shakespeare writes, â€Å"Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines,†(5). He uses the reference of â€Å"Eye of heaven†to convey the idea of the sky being a face with the sun becoming the eye. On the next line Shakespeare writes, â€Å"And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;†(6). In this line Shakespeare describes how clouds often go behind clouds. In this line Shakespeare illustrates how intense his love for his beloved yet, nature can get in the way of love such as clouds or mortality.In Sonnet 18, those whom are unfamiliar with the writing of Shakespeare may think or feel they have to decipher what they’re reading. In some instances this is true, but not for all. This is where literal meanings play an important role in understanding some important ideas. In the second quatrain, Shakespeare says, â€Å"And every fair from fair sometime declines,†(7). This is saying almost exactly what it sounds like, everything beautiful will sometime be lost. On the couplet, Shakespeare writes, â€Å"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,†(13).In this he is referring to his love being everlasting as if his writing is forever cemented as people continue to read and live. Shakespeare uses metaphors to create an effect that gives his writing an eloquence, while such effects are also used in his prose. First quatrain, Shakespeare writes, â€Å"Thou art more lovely and more temperate:†In this he’s saying you are more lovely and more constant, in comparison to a summer’s day. In quatrain 2, Shakespeare says, â€Å"By chance or nature’s changing course umtrimm’d†(8).Shakespeare is referring to death as a misfortune, or by na ture’s planned course. In the third quatrain, Shakespeare writes, â€Å"By thy eternal summer shall not fade†(9). The idea here is your youth will not fade. The very next line, â€Å"Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;†(10), This line is saying nor will you lose the beauty that you possess. In the last line of the third quatrain, Shakespeare writes, â€Å"When in eternal lines to time thou growest:†(12), this line is saying because in my eternal work you will live forever, thus, giving the poem immortality.Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 to challenges age and time and, thus, becomes everlasting, conveying the beauty of the fair youth down to expected generations through his words. Shakespeare attempts to compare this person to summer, yet summer could never be as magnificent or consistent. The beloved in Shakespeare’s view could never grow old or ugly and death could not even destroy this fair youth. This notion of beauty being immortalized in the poem.Whether it be written through personification, literal meanings or metaphors, Shakespeare always seemed to convey his ideas through his works. The idea of surviving or giving someone eternal life though literary works is genius. Sonnet 18 is about someone Shakespeare loves, that is immortalized in this Sonnet. The line the concretes the idea of immortality is â€Å"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see/ So long lives this and this gives life to thee. †(13-14)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Freaks and Geeks Paragraph
Lights, Camera, Music, Action A filmmaker needs to work extremely hard to create a piece with a strong story line, characterization, twists and a stupendous ending. How are these elements portrayed? Through the elements of media of course. In the pilot episode of â€Å"Freaks and Geeks,†it is undeniable that the use of lighting, music and camera manipulation are utilized to create pathos between the characters and the audience. Music evidently plays a grand part of setting the tone and emotion in a scene whether it is to heighten suspense, set a romantic mood or pick up the pace for an action scene.Prior to the ambush of the school bully Alan in the episode of â€Å"Freaks and Geeks,†the music slowed into a dramatic melody with heroic lyrics and an altogether â€Å"we are going into battle,†feel. This use of music is highly effective in relaying the sense of finality to the viewers, the geeks are finally going to stand up to the bully. It gives everything a ba ttle-ready atmosphere which is perfect for the before-the-fight mood.Furthermore, the use of different camera angles and distances plays a large part in creating sympathy or empathy between the viewer and character as seen when Sam struggles to ask his crush, Cindy out for the Homecoming Dance. The close-up on his face is used to allow viewers to clearly see the hesitancy in his gaze, the nervous way he bites his lip and the internal struggle to find courage and pursue his dream. Without being able to truly see his emotions, viewers would likely be less empathetic towards his cause and not root for him as strongly had the camera been so far as to not being able to see his face.Lastly, another important aspect of media elements that was used frequently throughout the episode is lighting. During the scene where Lindsay’s in Nick’s garage, the lights are dim and soft and the romantic, deep atmosphere is created. It was during this scene where Nick tells Lindsay about his dreams and his passion for drumming, the lighting creates a sense of endearment from the viewers because the lighting, plus the music, plus the camera shots all combine together to create this peaceful, cute moment that makes the viewers really want something romantic to happen.Therefore, lighting, music and camera manipulation are all used extensively throughout the episode to heighten emotion and create pathos between the characters and the viewers. Works Cited Paul Feig, S. W. (Writer), & Jake Kasdan, I. R. (Director). (1999). Pilot [Television series episode]. In Judd Apatow(Producer), Freaks and Geeks. California, USA: National Broadcasting Company.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Strategic Innovation - Critical Reflection Research Paper
Strategic Innovation - Critical Reflection - Research Paper Example The methodology used in the study was quite vague because there was no mention of the profile of the respondents and how they were chosen. The article was effective in disseminating information that at the forefront of sustainability are those organizations which have a direct impact on the environment such as the energy and utilities companies and automobile firms. Implications of the focus of companies to sustainability were not extensively discussed. Quotes from Kiron and Main provide credence to the article (Kho , par 4 & 6). There were no ethical issues addressed in the study. No future research is suggested in the article. On the whole however, one can say that the research offered new information with regards to how companies are giving importance to sustainability. An area of improvement that one can propose is for the author to give more relevant data on the methodology to prove the validity of the findings. Kho, Jennifer. "Report: More corporations turn to sustainability for competitive edge and profits." 24 January 2012. Web. 16 March 2012
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Images of the disabled and the aged in modern Japanese novels Essay
Images of the disabled and the aged in modern Japanese novels - Essay Example The novels are contradictory in that while Oe represents a nuclear family, Ariyoshi depicts a Japanese family with all the three generations living together, however, the transition, though slow, towards a modern society is shown through protagonist’s thoughts. The two novels thus can be compared through their depiction of Japanese families. We shall first discuss ‘A Personal Matter’ by Oe Kenzaburo. Nobel Laureate Oe Kenzaburo (received Nobel Prize in 1994), is a famous novelist who first entered the literary scene in 1958. Despite his initial successes, the real international reputation came to him with ‘A Personal Matter’, a story written with the perspective of a young father, Bird, who has to deal with the fact that his child is a â€Å"monster†. The story draws inspiration from Oe’s personal experience. Oe’s son, Hikari, was born with a severe brain-damage disorder. The story is almost an outlet for Oe to show how he dealt with various feelings when he had to decide about his own â€Å"monster’s†future. No doubt, he chose the protagonist’s way. Bird is a rebellious character to begin with (maybe that is what makes him choose the right path in the end); in the opening chapter, Oe shows how Bird thinks that a child is like a â€Å"cage†. Bird thinks that marriage itself is a cage but with a child, that open cage is now shut down. With his skeptical view of marriage and child, a brain-damaged child proves an ultimate shock. He just cannot believe that his own child is a â€Å"monster†. He is afraid to raise the child; he pities him and resents him. His conflicted emotions that arise as the child’s father and as a normal human being leads the events in the story. Bird goes through feelings of disgust to acceptance in the novel. Initially Bird wants to kill the baby, something that even Oe contemplated for Hikari. When he finds himself unable to do that, he thinks of allowing the child to die a natural
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Thousand Pieces of Gold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Thousand Pieces of Gold - Essay Example She made desperate efforts to escape, finally succeeded and hid in a bat cave from where she was caught. At that juncture Ding said to her, â€Å"Don’t you understand, you cannot escape your fate? (77) And finally she was sold a bar owner in America, got a new name Polly and finally the neighbor who won her in a card game, married her and Polly spent the rest of her life taking care of him and her community. A direct response to the question: â€Å"Do you think Ding was right . . . â€Å"(my thesis). No, Ding is absolutely wrong. A series of incidents of suffering in the life of an individual should not be quoted to condemn fate, which normally works to a pre-determined design, but can be challenged successfully by the will power of an individual. Fate (destiny) has two types of movements. Forward movement and lateral movement. Forward movement is that movement over which an individual does not own control. For example, petrol/gas in a motor vehicle is an example of forward movement. This is the source-energy without which the vehicle cannot move an inch, howsoever latest and costly the model is. The chauffeur driving the vehicle is the example of the lateral movement. He controls the movements of the vehicle with self-effort; he can take it in the direction and the speed that he wants. When negligent, accidents may happen. In the present case, that Lalu was born as the daughter of a rich farmer, that her father suffered heavy business losses, that she was sold for two bags of rice to bandits, that she was sold to a Madam and was sexually exploited, were instances of forward movements. That she made efforts to escape, that she learnt the working knowledge of English, that she decided to marry the man who freed her from the bondage of slavery and ultimately she chose to take care of her man and the community to which she belonged were the examples of lateral movement of the fate. Her fighting qualities and will power were components of her fate of late ral movement. In this part of her life she became the creator of her fate, not the victim. The working of the fate in one’s life is a complicated process difficult to understand by the power of reasoning alone, but an individual need to exert to the utmost by the exercise of the will power to emerge as the ultimate victor and seek freedom from the clutches of fate. If perfect happiness does not fall to one’s lot, one needs to learn to live life with the available happiness. Lalu changed her life with her own strength and intelligence and through her fighting qualities of head and heart. 3) 2 examples from the novel itself that support the thesis. Example 1 Through the trials and tribulations of the young but spirited girl Lalu, McCunn highlights the importance of freedom in the life of an individual. Lalu goes through the ordeal of trades of her body from bandits, houses of sexual pleasure and finally to the bar owner in the Gold Mountains, and she understands her wort h and the importance of her body from the point of view of the secular world, and that of her spirit by self-assessment. She has the good estimate of the disposition of wicked society towards a helpless women caught in the wrong place. Lalu laments, â€Å"So long as the woman satisfies that muscle below their belt, they don’t care about anything else†(95)Her reply to the remark from the comrade from the auction house
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Major Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Major Corporation - Assignment Example Wal-mart Corporation has managed to maintain corporate responsibility as a form of philanthropic effort by enhancing close relationship among all its stakeholders. Moreover, the corporation has managed to maintain social responsibility as a way of developing its success. The corporation has managed to enact its business practices according to the set legal and ethical values. For example, Wal-mart has always been able to maintain a clean name all over the years that it has been operation. The corporation has also been able to engage in corporate social responsibility (Kneer, 2009). This means that Wal-mart appreciates its customers and the community by engaging in various development activities for the well-being of the society. In order to achieve the best within the competitive business sector in America, Wal-mart has also managed to enact a number of core values. One of the core values include offering respect for all individuals associated with the company daily operations (Kneer, 2009). This means that the corporation offers respect to all its employees through employing the appropriate leadership. The other core value that the corporation has managed to employ in its business operations is offering the best service to customers (Kneer, 2009). Each customer in Wal-mart is plays a significance role in enabling the corporation to meet its profit goals. Therefore, the corporation maintains a strong relationship with all its customers by treating them well and equally. The other core value that Wal-mart has been employing in its operations is striving for excellence (Kneer, 2009). This means that the corporation’s goal has always been being the best in the competitive market through providing better services to all its potential customers (Kneer, 2009). Wal-mart Corporation has also played a significant to enhance core competence through
Issues in Accounting Theory and Practice (Case Study National Case
Issues in Accounting Theory and Practice ( National Greenhouse Accounts Factor) - Case Study Example The greenhouse gases include methane, carbon dioxide, specified hydrofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, sulphur hexafluoride and specified perfluorocarbons. There are four methods used to conclude scope 1 emissions. The first one is fuel combustion that focuses on fuel combustion and the emissions it releases. There is ‘emissions of industrial processes’ that deals with greenhouse gases resulted from carbonates consumption and using fuels as carbon reductants or feedstock. It also focuses on the release of synthetic gases in certain cases. Another method used in scope 1 fuels’ fugitive emissions, which focus on emissions from the removal, manufacturing and supply of fossil fuels. The fourth method is ‘waste emissions’ that deals with the release of GHG from the decay of organic material in facilities handling wastewater. The Contex Company has a lot invested in the use of transport fuel. It rents and leases motor vehicles, which means the company is respon sible for direct emissions through fuel combustion. They also provide equipment used in mining that results to the release of methane. The first method is fuel combustion, and it is appropriate for Contex because the company deals with motor vehicles that release GHG through use of fleet fuel. This is also because the most vital source is GHG emissions from the combustion of fuel that account for more than 60 per cent reported emissions. Activity 2 Scope 2 emissions are in most cases a type of indirect emission. The scope deals with activities that produce electricity, cooling, heating or steam that a facility consumes, but are not part of the facility. They take place mainly at electricity generators because of the consumption of electricity at a different facility. The emissions of scope 2 also come from electricity obtained from outside sources. The scope provides the factors of emissions through the electricity’s supplier or by using the NT’s emission factor. The g eneration of NT electricity largely represents a combination of the generation of diesel and natural gas, which is a logical equivalent for the fuel mix employed in outside electricity generation. The factors of emission for scope 2 show data depending on on-grid activity specifically, year average of annual financials, state-based activity, and physical traits of the demand and supply of electricity (Australian Government 2011). To formula, calculate the scope 2 emissions purchase of electricity from an NSW. Y represents the emissions of scope 2 calculated in CO2-e tones, while Q is the amount of purchased electricity in the year and used from the facility’s operation. EF is the factor of scope 2 emission measured in KGs of carbon dioxide emissions for every kilowatt-hour, for a territory or state. GHG Source Quantities used Calculation Emissions tonnes CO2-e Scope 2 – Indirect Energy Purchased electricity - NSW 2,000,000 (2,000,000 x 0.89)/1000 1,780 Purchased elec tricity - Victoria 1,000,000 (1,000,000 x 1.21/1000 1,210 Purchased electricity - Queensland 250,000 (250,000 x 0.88)/1000 220 Activity 3 To calculate the emissions of scope 3, there is need to use a number of emission factors. The main emission factors covered for scope 3 are for organizations that engage in burning fossil fuel and those consuming electricity purchased from other sources. Scope 3 estimates the indirect emissions related to extraction, manufacturing and transport of fossil fuels for those
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