Thursday, November 28, 2019
Portrayal of Mental Illness in the Film “Mommie Dearest†Essay Example
Portrayal of Mental Illness in the Film â€Å"Mommie Dearest†Paper The disruption or the illness of a person’s mentality is a disruption of his supposed living. The person is unable to function properly for himself, his family, nor in the society. Some types of the mental illnesses are curable and others, recurrent but manageable. Because of the unstable possibilities of mentally impaired persons, they are often stigmatized and afraid of being diagnosed. Fear of being society’s outsider is one of the most common reasons why people with mental illness go undiagnosed or untreated and in most cases diagnosed when it is too late to manage or treat the illness. This could greatly be accounted by the wrong and sometimes grotesque perceptions of the illness in the media and their depictions in films. Although some of these portrayals are realistic and accurate, some are more likely sensationalized. Media and films are powerful mediums of information. They can either justify the truth or bend the truth to both positive and negative extremities. With this in hand, this paper then is perusal of a film’s characterization of a person with mental disorder. The film studied is the biographic movie of Joan Crawford’s life entitled â€Å"Mommie Dearest†which was based on the book written by her adopted daughter Christina after her death. In the film, Yablans and Perry (1981) focused the story on the relationship between the movie legend Joan Crawford and her adoptive daughter Christina. The movie starts with then single and divorced Joan Crawford; determined to adopt children to fill the void that was missing in her life. Joan first adopted a baby girl and called her Christina. She later adopted another baby boy and called him Christopher. We will write a custom essay sample on Portrayal of Mental Illness in the Film â€Å"Mommie Dearest†specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Portrayal of Mental Illness in the Film â€Å"Mommie Dearest†specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Portrayal of Mental Illness in the Film â€Å"Mommie Dearest†specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The film depicts the children’s lives under the renowned Hollywood star, who behind curtains was an abusive and violent parent. Her obsessive want of excellence as a famous actress and a parent topped with the pressure of being in show business and an abusive attitude towards alcohol was a repeating theme throughout the movie. Yablans and Perry(1981) concentrated the film on Joan Crawford’s bouts of obsessive madness where the burden was inflicted on her children. Christina’s struggle as a child and later on adulthood to be an actress to satisfy her mother was also conveyed. There were only several small indications of her marriages during the film. No doubt, Joan Crawford’s supposed reputation as a renowned actress was ruined by the exposure of her other life. Although Joan Crawford was not formally diagnosed, she was suspected to have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). According to resources of MentalHelp. net (n. d. ), â€Å"OCD is an anxiety disorder where a person has recurrent and unwanted ideas or impulses (called obsessions)†and these obsessions are coupled with the constant â€Å"urge or compulsion†to satisfy the â€Å"discomfort caused by the obsession†. These obsessions could vary, from simple things such as hygiene to more complex things such as religion. When the compulsions to satisfy his obsession are disgruntled, anxiety attacks follow. MentalHelp. net (n. d. ) further adds that a person with OCD have thoughts and behaviors that are often â€Å"senseless, repetitive, distressing, and sometimes harmful, but they are also difficult to overcome†. The behavior of a person with OCD was more or less depicted by Joan Crawford’s characterization in the film. First was her obsession to be seen as a good role model of a parent. She insisted on adopting children although she was advised by her friend who is an attorney to not adopt because it was not advisable for her to adopt children given her single and divorced status. When advised, she retaliates â€Å"Bend the law! †(Yablans and Perry, 1981). In another instance, the two children were made to recite which were obviously practiced answers to the radio staff that came to interview the Crawford family on how they spend their Christmas. Joan Crawford was watchful of their answers and it was apparent how she was delighted and agitated on the children’s every response to the radio interviewer’s questions. Here, it can be seen that instead of parenting her children, she was directing them. Before that radio interview, an incident happened wherein the children faced one of Joan Crawford’s episodes of sheer madness. The children were already asleep when Joan walks in their bedroom. At first she was in a seemingly good mood but on seeing that Christina used wire hangers on the expensive dresses that she bought for her, she was enraged. She was in a rage, removing all the dresses and clothing from her dresser and afterward beats Christina with a wire hanger. Not satisfied, she continuous on the bathroom and inspects it. She finds the bathroom floor dirty although it was apparent that the bathroom was squeaky clean. Joan then forces her daughter to clean the floor with her. Christina was perplexed on how to clean an already clean floor and could only say â€Å"How? †(Yablans and Perry, 1981). This event occurred after she received an award for Best Actress.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance Essays
Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance Essays Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance Paper Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance Paper Essay Topic: Literature Thomas Hardy professed himself disillusioned with the idealised traditional Victorian denouement or regulation finish, which he described as indescribably unreal and meretricious. His distaste for such unrealistically happy endings is obvious in Tess fate, which he retained despite the fact that he received letters from readers imploring him not to let her die. Her death was the natural and, in one way, the more satisfying ending. It is therefore somewhat jarring to find in the work of one who was so vehement in his wish that Tess should be Faithfully Presented to find irregularities in the flow of events which impede the smooth consistency of the plot and characters. Most strikingly, throughout the book are incidents of the failure of characters to perform the right action or make the right decision, in a situation in which it may have greatly reduced their suffering and resulted in a naturally happy ending. For example, after Tess confession and Angels rejection of her, Hardy repeatedly refers to the fact that if she had been a woman of the world [she] might have conquered him by exploiting the back current of sympathy which remained in Angel (Ch XXXVI); If [she] had been artful he would not have withstood her (Ch XXXVII). However, she does not see this she accepts his rejection. If Tess had suggested that no one could know or care about her misfortunes or reproach the couple for them, Angel would have had to admit the thought arose in [his] own mind. From Angels departure to his return, Tess manages to retain her devotion to him despite his treatment of her, the hardships she endures in his absence, his lack of communication and the torment of Alec DUrbervilles pursuit. She shows an incredible persistence and largeness of spirit in resisting the temptation to surrender her hopes of her husband recalling her. But eventually, driven by concern for her family, a desire to be their Providence, she crumbles just days before Angel finds her. The coincidence of times and the tragedy of the narrowness of the interval is unrealistic and even cliche. Existing merely to heighten the suspence and tragedy. Many of the unreasonable jumps and coincidences in Tess serve to hurt the heroine and emphasise her position as a victim both of society and a cruel fate. This may be a deliberate device on the part of the author, who was an admirer of Tess, to invite the sympathy of contemporary readers who may have been disturbed by her sexual encounter with Alec early in the novel, and who needed reassuring that Tess was in fact A Pure Woman, and the victim of unfortunate events rather than their instigator. Tess purity, so emphasised, and her automatic tendency to find sweet pleasure somewhere even after the hardest setbacks may also seem implausible, but Tess is a complex personality characterised by duality her split nature being seen in her division between peasantry and middle class, her illustrious name and low origins, her two dialects and the mysterious maiden/harlot contradiction on the edge of her nature. Tess has enough spirit to defend herself against the Queen of Spades and determinedly take her leave of Alec, and even when she submits to Angel Clares judgement she attempts to defend herself a little. Tess stands as a symbol of the split between to two worlds of traditional agriculture and progressive industry and also between those of traditional rural culture and the more refined and educated class. Hardys main implausibilities lie way in which the fate which the President of the Immortals has in store for her seems inevitable when viewed with hindsight and is facilitated by so many acts of Chance. Chance governs Tess fate. In the first chapter, Parson Tringham describes how his researches into the DUrberville/Darbeyfield link had been instigated by a casual sighting of the higglers cart and been led to make inquiries. Without this fairly vital chanced happening, unless the parson had been inspired some other way, it is doubtful that any of the events that followed would have occurred. The Durbeyfields discovery of the illustrious link gives them the idea of contacting the Stoke-DUrbervilles and it is hinted marry some noble gentleman. Although she at first refuses to countenance this, such thoughts lead Tess to drift off and neglect the cart which should have been driven by her father, but for the fact that he was rendered incapable by the ale he had consumed in celebration of his newfound aristocracy. By Chance, the lantern also goes out as a mail-cart is speeding down the road, causing the death of Prince. The fact that she regarded herself in the light of a murderess (Ch V) over the horses death and the familys loss of income is the only reason Tess acquiesces to be sent to visit Mrs DUrberville at the Chase, the site of her ruin. It is clear then that Chance played the major role in conducting Tess to the Chase. But later, Chance was also the pivotal player in the collapse of her marriage to Angel particularly, the fact that she could not tell him her trouble before the marriage. He even supposes that if only she had told him them he would still have loved and married her. However, despite her efforts, Chance prevented her from confessing her secret during their days at Talbothays. When she tried to tell him outright, he inadvertently made it very difficult for her. When she wrote him a letter containing the story, by an extraordinarily unfortunate circumstance, it slipped under the carpet and he did not see it. When Tess has finally used her allowance from Angel, while working at Flintcombe Ash, she travels to Emminster, intending to ask the Clares for help something that requires great courage of she who is proud and does not want to beg, as well as ashamed to admit the seperation between she and Clare. By Chance, the family is with the congregation when she arrives, and she is forced to the way she came and lurk in the bushes where it chances that she overhears to conversation between the Clare brothers and Mercy, which completely destroys her confidence and prevents her from returning to the Clares house. She is left in a very financially frightening position. Finally, it is all due to Chance that she happens upon the preaching of none other than Alec DUrberville, so many years after she departed Trantridge. It is also a coincidence that he has been converted by Angels father, and has fallen in with the sign-painter with whom Tess travelled. This chance meeting rekindles his lust for her, and is the direct cause of the renewed pursuit. Although she resists him for a long time, with the death of her father and the eviction of the family she finally feels it is her duty to support them by surrendering to Alec. The tragic coincidence of Angels arrival so soon after she has given up hope causes her to become bitter, even driving her slightly mad, and she kills Alec in her distraction. There is a sense of inevitability about the remaining chapters she has sooner or later to be hunted down by the authorities, and her seeming desire for death aids her capture. Chance is one of the most common plot devices in Tess, and coincidences and chance happenings abound to a frustrating degree, especially when they increase Tess anguish needlessly. However, a novel cannot be expected to adhere to the pattern of real life, howeber Faithfully Presented coincidences are natural to hold the plot together and prompt dramatic events. The tragedy of the sum of unfortunate circumstances which lead to Tess downfall are poignant because of the attachment one forms with Tess, but Tess of the DUrbervilles is a tragic novel, most of its drama relying on the imminence of suffering in her short life.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
LIbrary Research Assignment Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
LIbrary Assignment - Research Paper Example This post aims to analyze the informative article by Spencer in detail and analyze its contribution towards providing a better understanding of global warming issues. The author claims that global warming is a fact which cannot be ignored and which needs to be addressed properly. Author has strongly emphasized on the need of human beings to control the global warming by new technologies and prevention strategies. However, author challenges the claims of politicians and media that this issue has been settled. The basic idea of the author is not to describe global warming as just another consequence of men’s activities but rather taking the natural processes that are causing an increase in global warming (Wood, 2005). The author also aims to draw the attention of authorities and governments to the fact that punishing the use of fossil fuels and other expensive policy measures may only be adopted by wealthier countries and will remain ineffective for the poor or developing countr ies. Hence, Spencer calls for policies and interventions which will be helpful to all the countries equally and may save the Earth as a part of Earth cannot be saved by adopting policies against the disastrous effects of global warming. The author describes the concept of global warming as a fact rather than a myth. This supports the opinion that global warming exists and is controllable (to some extent) by managing the technological use, fuels and human activities. The scientific facts discussed are of great importance as the natural greenhouse effect, the natural radiative imbalances, evaporation, and precipitation and so on (Philander, 2000). The article is undoubtedly in line with the thesis statement that â€Å"global warming is a fact not myth.†The evidences provided by the writer on the scientific processes and climate change are the evidence of this statement. Moreover, the discussions on human activities that are leading to global warming
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Professional Development as a Strategic Manager Essay
Professional Development as a Strategic Manager - Essay Example c management study: the first makes stress on the meaning of the strategic management concepts, the second focuses on the process and important factors. The essence of the decision making in strategic management is perfectly explained by the following citation: The role of strategic management in the organization should not be underestimated as it is very important. The issue is worth-discussing; therefore, in the given paper I would like to discuss my professional development as a strategic manager and prove that I can build the long-term business strategy for the company British Airways taking into account the organizational change in the new rapidly changing market conditions. Now leadership ideas get new sense in the transportation industry; leadership is thoroughly investigated from the theoretical and practical points of view. It is obvious, that transportation industry requires gifted leaders as any other, however as far as transportation sector has special characteristics, and is focused on offering the clients distinctive services, leadership in this industry can’t be considered as universal. Nevertheless, leadership ideas of other successful companies can be applied and adapted to the sphere of transportation business. Shelley Kirkpatrick and Edwin A. Locke (1991) state that "key leader traits include: drive (a broad term which includes achievement, motivation, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative), leadership motivation (the desire to lead but not to seek power as an end in itself), honesty, integrity, self-confidence (which is associated with emotional stability), cognitive ability, and knowledge of the business. According to their research, "there is less clear evidence for traits such as charisma, creativity and flexibility". Though transportation industry is considered to be the one, where many leadership initiatives can’t be completely appropriate and almost certainly requiring other methods, however leadership is still very
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ocimum Basilicum Laboratory Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ocimum Basilicum Laboratory Report - Essay Example Introduction Basil is a small plant and can be grown in the pot. It is treasured for its many purposes such as, ornaments, fragrance and its medicinal value. It is very simple to grow in the optimum conditions of its growth. It germinates from a seed and takes a period of one year to mature. It is mostly used in cuisines, such as Italian, dental and oral products. It is believed to originate from the Asian content. It is grown in Morocco, Indonesia, California, Egypt, and southern Europe. It takes one year to fully mature. It has green stems and it is leafy. A mature Basil plant has a height of 2-3 ft. It is popularly used as a flavour. It has a spicy and peppery flavour compounded by mint and cover. The flavour is best before flowering .Basil is used in laboratory experiments to investigate many variables such as soil nutrients, soil acidity water, phototropism, gravitropism, and allelopathy (Pay Lucy and Mark 2004). The objective of research was to determine whether, the nutrients in different soils had an effect on the growth of Basil plant. In this experiment, three samples of soil were used. These samples of soils comprised of sand soil (pH 7.5), Black soil (pH 6.0), and Potting soil (6.5). The period of the study was fourteen days. The experiment used ocimum basilicum, which was fourteen inch in height. These plants were purchased at a Home Depot. The researched used three terra cotta pots. Ocimum basilicum was placed in each pot. The plants were watered each day with the same amount of distilled water (118.29Ml). The three pots were exposed to the same amount of light in the balcony. This ensured that they had the same amount of sunlight. The height of the plants was measured after every seventh day of the fourteen experiment period. A control set of experiment was also set, exposed to the same environmental condition but of water. Their heights were also measured and compared with originals. The purpose of the study was to determine whether different so ils minerals contributed to growth of basil plants. The experiment hypothesized that typical potting soil will outperform black soil and sand soil by increasing the growth speed of the Ocimum basilicum by at least 20%. Materials and Methods Acquirement and Management Ocimum basilicum takes one year to mature. It has about 2-3 ft. Basil has two colors of flowers. They are either purple or white flowers. Ocimum bacilicum is leafy and with free branches. It is mostly preferred for fragrances and color. This plant has an optimum growth in a soil with good drainage and sufficient amounts of water. Frost affects Ocimum basicum. It is easy to propagate and can be grown in pots and containers. Terra cotta pots These are special pots that are frost free. They are mostly used in laboratory experiments to grow plants fro experiments. Distilled water. It is water that is purified through a distillation process. It is used in the laboratories for experiments. It has almost pH7.0. Samples of sand , Miracle Grow Potting, and Black soil Miracle Grow potting soil is a combination of different soils. The principle ingredients include peat moss, decayed plant materials, sand, and partite. Black soils are very nutrient rich soils while sand have poor drainage and low water retention capacity. This experiment used three basil plants. The three plants were 14 inch tall each. They were purchased fro a Home Depot. They were then kept in different terra cotta pots. The
Friday, November 15, 2019
Concept Of Kesban Be Still
Concept Of Kesban Be Still TO WHICH EXTENT WOULD THE CONCEPT OF KESBAN BE STILL RELEVANTIN THE YEAR 2020? DISCUSS INTRODUCTION The acronym KESBAN is the combination of two Malay words which is stand for ‘Keselamatan dan Pembangunan or security/defence and development. KESBAN defined as the sum total of measures undertaken by all government agencies to protect and strengthen the society from subversion, lawlessness and insurgency.It was introduced officially by the late Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein in 1971 when the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) became a major source of concern and exasperation to the government due to insecure environment created by the CPM. Subsequently, KESBAN Belt introduced by National Security Council Directive No 11 on 5th Feb 1980 included area of 24km south of Malaysia-Thailand border with the length of 580km. BACKGROUND Concept of KESBAN KESBAN concept emphasize on two most important aspects, Internal Security (IS) and internal development (IDEV). The IS aspect is the province of the armed and uniformed (military and police) whereas the IDEV mainly involves all the civil governmental agencies responsibilities towards the development in the country. IS emphasizing on full range of measures taken by the security forces to protect the society from subversion, lawlessness and insurgency through the conduct of tactical operations to destroy the Communist Terrorist (CTs) and their entire network.IDEV emphasizing on the activity that leading towards the attainment of balanced social, political and economic development as part of nation building.The tactical operations conducted by the security forces designed to establish control of the contested areas and will assist the implementation of IDEV activities by the others government agencies. Strategy of KESBAN KESBAN, as discussed in conceptual terms, may be placed in useful perspective by viewing KESBAN strategy as being composed of three interdependent components, balanced development, mobilization, and neutralization. Balanced Development. Attempts to achieve national goals through balanced political, social, and economic development. It includes activities to alleviate frustration by providing opportunities to individuals and groups within the society. Mobilization. Includes all activities to motivate and organize the populace in support of the government through KESBAN programmes as well as activities to protect the populace from insurgent actions. Neutralization. Includes all lawful activities to disrupt, disorganize, and defeat an insurgent organization. Vision 2020 Vision 2020 was introduced by Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad (fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia) in 1991. The ultimate objective that aimed is to transform Malaysia from developing country to fully developed country by the year 2020. There are nine challenges that need to overcome in order for state to achieve the mission. DISCUSSION The Communist Party of Malaya has surrendered on 2nd Dec 1989 due to the lack of support from the people who are not confidence with their struggle.The CPMs surrendered also signed the success of KESBAN concept in fighting the insurgency. The fall of CPM in Malaysia draw the KESBAN concept towards the new dimension. However the concept was still remained in term of responsibilities by all of the government agencies involved. It is impossible to achieve development without stability internally. It only can achieve with the national unity. The military primary roles currently is to protect our sovereignty from external threat while the others government agencies concentrated to develop the country. The secondary roles of military are to assist the Royal Malaysian Police and other civil authorities in the maintenance of public order. In time of national disaster, the military would continuously contribute and assist the civil authority in national development. THE RELEVANCE CONCEPTS OF KESBAN The relevance concept of KESBAN will be look and discussed into two aspects , which are Internal Security and Internal Development. Internal Security Factor will cover under Internal Security as follows: Intelligence. The continuous gathering intelligent information is very essential in Internal Security. Even though the CPM has been surrendered, the new type of terrorist could exist such as Jemaah Islamiah and Al Maunah in year 2001. The establishment of Military Intelligent Officer and Police Special Branch within the area of responsibility was the best precaution. Tactical Operations.The tactical operations by the military especially within Malaysia-Thailand Border are still remaining until today. However the regular forces only deployed in inaccessible area in the deep jungle such as in Kedah and Perak. The rest of the area within the KESBAN Belt manning by the Border Security Force which was introduced in 2007. Right now the threat is changes from CPM to non traditional threat like drug smuggling, human trafficking, rice smuggling and others. Psyops/Psywar. Those days CPM was conducted physically operation using printed leaflet in order to win support from the supporter. Right now the millennium threats will be more complicated, the will use informations and technology such as internet and blogs as a platform for spread their propagandas. To overcome this problem government use a mass media such as television, newspaper, billboard and create some act like Information Act in order to prevent the new technology has being manipulate by the threat. Civic Action. Civic action is a major contributing factor in developing a favourable image of the government in the eyes of people. The military roles currently implemented through the programme TenteraMasukDesa or GerakanJiwaMurni under the Military Civic Action project which focusing in rural areas. They use concept gotongroyongto built up the house, clean the mosque and the beach. More than that, military medical department also play their role when go to rural area and give a free treatment to the poor villagers. All this action actually can give a good perception for the government and strengthen their support from rural area. Internal Development Factors under Internal Development as follows: Political Stability.The concept of national front which encompasses the three main political parties has been evolved through maturity and pragmatism of the political development. Political stability affects national security in Malaysia since any instability will bring about internal insecurity and a host of other factors that will weaken the state, such as investor confidence and unemployment thereby causing an economic slowdown. Social Development.Social development is based on attitude and value changes to a greater degree than is necessary in either political or economic development. Introduction of 1Malaysia concept by current Prime Minister, Dato Seri Mohd Najib bin Tun Hj Abdul Razak in 2009 was the first step taken to attain the first challenges towards vision 2020 strategy. This concept required the effort from all government agencies to implement it. Economy.National unity remains the ultimate goal of socio-economic development because the government realized that a united society is fundamental to the promotion of social and political stability and sustained development. Vision 2020 will not be achieved if the development of economy stagnant. However, National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) appointed by the Prime Minister was the most important council to monitor the economic development. CONCLUSION After communist insurgency consider eliminated on Dec 1989, internal security and internal development must be continuously progress. All security aspect (internal security) must be maintained and enhancing accordingly in order to facing the threat in this new globalization era. Development is a continuous agenda of the government to transform Malaysia from developing country to developed country in the year 2020. Development cannot be realized without the guarantee of security. So, base on the concept of security mentioned above, concept of KESBAN is still relevance in the year 2020 but with the difference approach. The difference is only the aim of the approach where during first initiated, KESBAN was to counter the communist insurgency, whereas now it is part of counter measure to maintain the cultivate the progressive development of the nation.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Relationship of Self-Esteem to Objective Success: Is it a Cause or Cons
It has been stipulated that self-esteem is one of the most studied concepts in social psychology. In the now classic study Pygmalion in the Classroom by Rosenthal and Jacobsen, it highlights how teachers' unfounded beliefs about their students became objective realities of the students performance (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger, & Vohs, 2003, p. 2). Early studies like this one has ignited the pursuit to find ways to increase self-esteem and encourage instillment, or creation, of self-esteem to guarantee future success. Because it is so popularly studied, results of studies investigating variables associated with self-esteem often significantly vary. In our individualistic culture, having high-self esteem is a coveted state. Through multiple studies exploring this topic, perhaps a conclusion can be made about the relationship between self-esteem and success. Is self-esteem a predictor of success or a result of achieving the success? A previous study called "Predictors of situational disengagement in the academic setting," the authors Stephan, Caudroit, Boichà ©, and Sarrazin (2011) examined the predictors of discounting or devaluing negative feedback in a physical education class in France. By comparing the grades received in class (of which the participants were informed) and the reports of the students type of motivation, as well as their perceived competence in the subject (p.446). The researchers measured the level of disengagement and perceived competence following receiving the individual grades. They identified three different kinds of motivation is from the self-determination theory: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation, or absence of motivation (p.444). If an unsatisfactory grade was receiv... ...eral self-esteem to school achievement. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 599-564. Ramsdal, G.H. (2008). Differential relations between two dimensions of self-esteem and the Big Five? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 333-338. Stephan, Y., Caudroit, J., Boichà ©, J., Sarrazin, P. (2011). Predictors of situational disengagement in the academic setting: The contribution of grades, perceived competence, and academic motivation. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 441-455. Stumpp, T., Muck, P.M., Hà ¼lscheger, U.R., Judge, T.A., & Mair, G.W. (2010). Core self-evaulations in Germany:Validation of a German measure of its relationship with career success. Applied Psychoology: An International Review, 59, 674-700. Zhang, M., & Cross, S.E. (2011). Emotion is memories of success and failure: A cultural perspective. Emotion, 11, 866-880. Relationship of Self-Esteem to Objective Success: Is it a Cause or Cons It has been stipulated that self-esteem is one of the most studied concepts in social psychology. In the now classic study Pygmalion in the Classroom by Rosenthal and Jacobsen, it highlights how teachers' unfounded beliefs about their students became objective realities of the students performance (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger, & Vohs, 2003, p. 2). Early studies like this one has ignited the pursuit to find ways to increase self-esteem and encourage instillment, or creation, of self-esteem to guarantee future success. Because it is so popularly studied, results of studies investigating variables associated with self-esteem often significantly vary. In our individualistic culture, having high-self esteem is a coveted state. Through multiple studies exploring this topic, perhaps a conclusion can be made about the relationship between self-esteem and success. Is self-esteem a predictor of success or a result of achieving the success? A previous study called "Predictors of situational disengagement in the academic setting," the authors Stephan, Caudroit, Boichà ©, and Sarrazin (2011) examined the predictors of discounting or devaluing negative feedback in a physical education class in France. By comparing the grades received in class (of which the participants were informed) and the reports of the students type of motivation, as well as their perceived competence in the subject (p.446). The researchers measured the level of disengagement and perceived competence following receiving the individual grades. They identified three different kinds of motivation is from the self-determination theory: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation, or absence of motivation (p.444). If an unsatisfactory grade was receiv... ...eral self-esteem to school achievement. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 599-564. Ramsdal, G.H. (2008). Differential relations between two dimensions of self-esteem and the Big Five? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 333-338. Stephan, Y., Caudroit, J., Boichà ©, J., Sarrazin, P. (2011). Predictors of situational disengagement in the academic setting: The contribution of grades, perceived competence, and academic motivation. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 441-455. Stumpp, T., Muck, P.M., Hà ¼lscheger, U.R., Judge, T.A., & Mair, G.W. (2010). Core self-evaulations in Germany:Validation of a German measure of its relationship with career success. Applied Psychoology: An International Review, 59, 674-700. Zhang, M., & Cross, S.E. (2011). Emotion is memories of success and failure: A cultural perspective. Emotion, 11, 866-880.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Caring for populations Essay
Introduction A community health nurse must be effective in targeting the population as a whole. The nurse will determine the needs for the community by using the data compiled from a windshield survey. As stated in the text, â€Å"A population focus also involves a scientific approach to community health nursing: an assessment of the community or population is necessary and basic to planning, intervention, and evaluation for the individual, family, aggregate, and population levels†(Nies & McEwen, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to establish a priority health problem of the community of Harlingen, based on demographic, epidemiological data and a windshield survey of the area. Community The community assessment for this project is Harlingen, Texas. According to the 2010 United States Census Bureau, its population is about 64,918 of which 47.8% are male and 52.2% are female. The density is approximately 1629.1 residents per square mile. The racial makeup is 1.0% Black or African American, 79.5% Hispanic or Latino, 18.0% White, 1.9% from two or more races, 1.3% Asian, 0.1% Native American. The median household income, 2008-2012 was $34,096 in Harlingen, compared to $51,563 in the state of Texas. The percentage of persons below poverty level from 2008-2012 was 33.2% in Harlingen, compared to 17.4% in Texas. The city of Harlingen is in the center of the Rio Grande Valley. It is a community which has a transient population of â€Å"Winter Texans.†These Winter Texans are generally retirees from the northern states, who come to the warmer climates to escape the winter weather of their home states, usually between November and March. Harlingen has one mall, two medical hospitals and one mental health state facility, two libraries, one community college and numerous schools from primary to high school levels. Demographic and Epidemiological According to the website, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, for Cameron County in 2014, teen pregnancy is measured by the teen birth rate per 1,000 female population, ages 15-19. The number for Cameron county teen births is 80, the number for Texas as a state is 57. There is poor quality of life in relation to health in Cameron County. 30% of the population has poor or fair health, compared to 18% in Texas. Cameron County also has an adult obesity rate of 27%, 21% of physical inactivity while there is 69% of access to exercise opportunities. 16% of the population suffers from excessive drinking and 396 counts of sexually transmitted infections. 36% of the population is uninsured, 86% graduated high school, 10.5% are unemployed and there are a whopping 48% of children in poverty, which has increased from the 2008-2012 numbers. The top causes of mortality in Texas are diseases of the heart, followed by Cancers and Respiratory diseases. Windshield survey During the observation of Harlingen for the Windshield Survey project, overweight residents were visible. The majority of the population is Hispanics, most were slightly overweight and appear relatively healthy. There are nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the community and they are mainly Hispanic and White older adults who are a mix of thin and frail to obese and unhealthy. Women are seen pushing strollers on the jogging trails, while the young children play in the parks. There are groups of teens who play football and basketball in the same area. In the residential areas, some people can be seen outside maintaining their properties, while other properties are dilapidated. The general appearance of the residents are healthy, with some being overweight. I have seen a few multimedia billboards for the local hospital, which is displaying an ad for bariatric surgery, which is appropriate for the current overweight population. Harlingen has some city parks and Boys and Girls clubs and numerous gyms in the area that are heavily utilized. The restaurants in the area are mainly along the expressway and lining the few main streets around town. There is no food sold along the street, but people can be seen sitting in the parks eating meals. In Harlingen, the population is overweight Hispanics and Whites who have access to healthcare and wellness measures, as it is advertised constantly. There is adequate transportation and resources available for the population. Problem As stated before, Cameron County has an adult obesity rate of 27%, 21% of physical inactivity while there is 69% of access to exercise opportunities. While the averages for the state of Texas are 29%, 24% and 74%, respectively. Cameron County also has a limited access to healthy foods, 16% and 21% food insecurity and a mere 17% of children are eligible for free lunch. Since Harlingen and Cameron County have high obesity rates compared to the rest of the state, the Healthy People 2020 objectives applicable for Harlingen include: NWS-11 (Developmental) Prevent inappropriate weight gain in youth and adults and NWS-9 Eliminate very low food security among children. (Healthy People 2020, 2014) While these are two distinct objectives they are connected, much education will be need to be done to ensure change. The community needs to be educated and held accountable for their actions, at times they are unaware of how much damage an unhealthy diet can do. The Community Health Nurse must prepare for these challenges and have a good understanding of how to present information that will gain the interest of the population. A community health nurse must be well versed in the numerous efforts that are starting to prevent childhood obesity. There are new physical education requirements, nutrition standards for beverages and foods sold in school, to community initiatives to expand bike paths and improve recreational facilities (Koplan, Liverman &Kraak, 2005). â€Å"Families need to make their homes to more conducive to a healthful diet and daily physical activity (Koplan, Liverman &Kraak, 2005). The nurse will need to get out to the community via health fairs, school assemblies, media outlets, etc. to get the message out there. Education on making healthy choices, getting adequate exercise and making small adjustments to their daily lives will help. According to the article, Relative and Absolute Availability of Healthier Food and Beverage Alternatives Across Communities in the United States, there was a study that was conducted on 3 years of data from the Bridging the Gap Community Obesity Measures Project. It stated the mean healthier food and beverage ratio was 0.71, meaning that stores averaged 29% fewer healthier than less healthy products. There were less availability of healthy alternatives in Hispanic communities (2014). Summary The community health nurse needs to be an expert in assessing and diagnosing health concerns in the community to be able to set realistic goals that will maintain the health of the population. Health promotion, education and community involvement are crucial. â€Å"Nutritional education is essential and must include parents, teachers, and the child†(Nies & McEwen, 2011). The community should know and understand the food pyramid, how to make healthy choices and the importance of balancing intake and exercise. References County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from Koplan, J., Liverman, C.T., Kraak, V.I., & Institute of Medicine, (.(U.S.). (2005). Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2011). Community/Public Health Nursing (5th ed.). MO: Elsevier. Nutrition and Weight Status. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from Zenk,S.N., Powell, L.M., Rimkus, L., Isgor,Z., Barker,D.C., Ohri-Vachaspati,P., & Chaloupka, F. (2014). Relative and Absolute Availability of Healthier Food and Beverage Alternatives Across Communities in the United States. American Journal Of Public He alth, 104(11), 2170-2178. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014-302113
Friday, November 8, 2019
4 mistakes you’re making with your money
4 mistakes you’re making with your money Managing money is a skill that you have to master over time- no one is born with it. And it’s one that can haunt the rest of your life if you’re not careful when you’re younger and just starting out. If you’re hoping to avoid some of the issues that can be most painful later on, there are steps you can take now to improve your money mastery. Let’s take a look at 4 common mistakes you should get under control before they derail your financial future.1. Not saving enoughThis can be one of the hardest things to do if you’re just starting your career and making your way through entry-level or low-seniority jobs. Saving is especially tough if you live in a big city or somewhere else with high living expenses. At the end of the month, there just may not be much left for a savings account, and it’s easy to say, â€Å"later†¦I’ll do it later.†But later comes up awfully fast, so save what you can and stick to a regular depos it schedule. These savings can be a lifesaver if you find yourself suddenly jobless, given that the average job hunt takes several months.2. Not investingAccording to a Bankrate survey, only 54% of Americans invest money. Among millennials, the numbers are even more dismal, at 18%. It may seem difficult to afford when you’re living on a ramen noodle budget, but the reality is that the time to start is when you’re young- you’ll have time to build your portfolio and time is on your side, given that you’ll be better able to absorb market changes over time. You don’t even have to dive into the stock market- you can start with other kinds of funds. NerdWallet has a great how-to guide for beginning investors.3. Not negotiatingDon’t be shy about negotiating pay raises or a higher starting salary. You’ve probably heard the old saying, â€Å"you don’t get what you don’t ask for,†and it’s absolutely true. If you go about the negotiating process in a smart and informed way, you really don’t have anything to lose†¦ but you could be making more money (y’know, for investing and feeding that rainy day fund).4. Not controlling spendingLiving within one’s means can be tricky in an age where your debit card can bring delicious takeout to your door with the ease of an app, or where a credit card makes it easy to ignore the actual spending that’s going on. Creating a realistic budget and sticking to it is one of the best things you can to do prepare for your financial future. It can also help you build in ways to support your other healthy financial moves, like saving extra money and investing.Think of these as healthy habit-building steps. After all, you wouldn’t expect to lose weight without implementing a diet or exercise plan. And again, although it can be very tempting to file financial steps under the â€Å"I’ll deal with it later†heading, it increases the chances that you’ll never actually take the steps at all. You can start building your financial future with relatively small steps now, so why not make sure you’re making your best possible effort?
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
8 Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors
8 Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors 8 Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors 8 Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors By Ali Hale There is a lot of writing advice out there. Perhaps you’ve signed up to read lots of blogs by email, you’ve bought some great writing-related books, and you still feel like something’s missing. Or maybe your reading time is limited: you can’t very well scroll through blogs while you’re driving to work, for instance. That’s when podcasts come in. Whether you’re looking for encouragement or instruction, podcasts are a great way to get writing advice (often from award-winning and/or bestselling authors) in a way that fits around daily life. Maybe you could listen to a podcast on your commute, or while you’re working out at the gym, or while you’re doing the dishes or other household chores. (A lot of my own podcast listening happens while I tidy up my kids’ toys and craft activities!) If you prefer to read rather than listen, or if you’re looking to quickly glean specific bits of information, then look for podcasts that have a transcript, or at least detailed show notes. Here are eight great ones to try. They’re in no particular order: all of these offer excellent advice, and I’ve tried to indicate which might suit different types of writer. #1: Bestseller, from Reedsy Frequency: roughly weekly while the season is running Average length: 20 minutes Transcript available: no Best for: self-publishers, novelists This is a slick, professionally produced podcast from Reedsy, which describes itself as a â€Å"full ecosystem for authors and publishing professionals†: they offer classes, contests, and a marketplace where you can connect with editors, ghostwriters and other professionals. The short first season of their podcast covers the various stages of self-publishing a book, from understanding the writing process to going to market, and features Shaz Kahn talking about her experience of being a first time self-publisher. If you’re thinking of self-publishing, it’s definitely a good one to listen to. There aren’t too many episodes (six, at the time of writing) and they’re short, so you can easily listen to the whole thing. There’s no transcript, though, and only a few words for the show notes †¦ so if you’d rather read than listen, this might not be the best podcast for you. #2: The Creative Penn (Joanna Penn) Frequency: weekly Average length: 60 – 70 minutes Transcript available: yes (for the interview portion of the episode) Best for: fiction-writers; writers who are interested in self-publishing Most weeks, Joanna Penn interviews an author or expert on a particular topic; occasionally, she does a solo episode. Her focus is on self-publishing, but she covers a huge range of topics related to this, and has some episodes that focus on crafting fiction and others that look at topics that are more about the process of living a creative life (e.g. How Play Can Help You Overcome Anxiety And Become More Creative With Charlie Hoehn). Joanna starts each episode by talking about how her own writing and publishing is going, and then covers industry news for the past week, before going into the interview itself, which is the main part of the podcast. The first sections of the podcast aren’t transcribed, but the interview itself is. #3: I Should Be Writing (Mur Lafferty) Frequency: monthly Average length: 20 minutes Transcript available: yes Best for: fiction writers; beginners Way back in 2006, I’d just finished university and was working on a novel. I used to listen to Mur Lafferty’s fun, inspiring podcast, I Should Be Writing. At that point, she was podcasting her first novel, Playing for Keeps, a chapter at a time. Fast forward thirteen years, and Mur is now an award-winning podcaster who’s written a whole bunch of different things. She also has her own Wikipedia page: something that I think many writers aspire to! In her podcast, she talks honestly about her own writing and experiences. If you’re looking for a shot of writing inspiration or just want to virtually hang out with someone who â€Å"gets†what it’s like to be a writer, give it a try. If you’d prefer something more advanced, that deals with specific writing problems, then try Mur’s other podcast Ditch Diggers instead. #4: Helping Writers Become Authors (K.M. Weiland) Frequency: three times a month Average length: 15 – 20 minutes Transcript available: yes (the podcast is a read-aloud version of K.M.’s blog posts) Best for: fiction writers Author K.M. Weiland offers fantastic, detailed advice on the craft of writing fiction on her blog. Her podcast is part of the blog, and each episode has a short introduction then an audio version of a blog post (if you’d rather listen to a blog post than read it, you can find the audio link at the bottom). The posts/episodes cover broad topics about writing/creativity like 6 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Protect Creativity and specific ones like Tips for How to Choose the Right Sentences. If you like podcasts that are focused on giving focused, actionable advice, rather than ones that are more like hanging out with writers as they chat, then K.M.’s is a great option for you. Each episode covers a topic in-depth, but doesn’t last longer than 20 minutes. If you prefer to read rather than listen, then simply read the blog post versions of her podcast episodes instead of subscribing to the podcast itself. #5: The Portfolio Life (Jeff Goins) Frequency: weekly Average length: 30 – 40 minutes Transcript available: no Best for: writers looking for inspiration and encouragement Some episodes of this podcast involve Jeff interviewing an author or expert; others are Jeff sharing his own experience and expertise with the audience. The podcast mainly focuses on writing, though there’s also a broader look at creativity in some episodes – e.g. How to Use Time to Be Your Most Creative. Although there isn’t a transcript as such, the episodes have a blog post version too, that’s a shorter, more succinct version of the podcast – so if you prefer to read, stick with the blog posts. In both the podcasts and the posts, Jeff is always both encouraging and realistic about the creative process and life as a writer, and offers a mix of practical advice and reassuring words. #6: Writing Excuses (Multiple Hosts) Frequency: weekly Average length: 15 minutes Transcript available: yes, indexed here Best for: fiction writers This long-running podcast is hosted by several different writers and covers a wide range of writing topics, in short episodes because (according to their tagline) â€Å"fifteen minutes long, because you’re in a hurry, and we’re not that smart†. Sometimes, it’s a discussion on a particular topic between the hosts, and sometimes they have a guest to interview. It’s a very informal, chatty show and some episodes are more focused than others – but if you want something fun to listen to while you’re doing the dishes or folding the laundry, it’s a great choice. Some of the episodes are really specific (e.g. they have one on writing Characters Who Are Smarter Than You Are and they did several on space travel recently), so it’s well worth a dig through their very extensive archives to see if they have something that tackles the exact question you have about your novel-in-progress. #7: The Self Publishing Show (Mark Dawson and James Blatch) Frequency: weekly Average length: 50 minutes Transcript available: yes Best for: self-publishers On this podcast, Mark Dawson – a highly experienced and successful self-publishing novelist – and James talk to various authors and experts about different aspects of self-publishing and marketing. Each episode has both video and audio, and they’re nicely produced: while Mark and James are chatty and friendly, the focus is always on drawing out lots of detailed information from interviewees. The episodes cover a range of different topics, from the nuts and bolts of things like cover design and using Facebook live, to more big-picture ones like The Entrepreneur Mindset. Each episode includes show notes with â€Å"this week’s highlights†, so you can take a look at a few in the archive and decide which ones would be useful to listen to. There are occasional â€Å"Masterclass†episodes, where Mark (interviewed by James) talks about a particular topic in detail: Masterclass: Amazon Ads – What’s Working Right Now is a good example. #8: Writers on Writing (Barbara DeMarco-Barrett) Frequency: weekly Average length: 55 60 minutes Transcript available: no Best for: fiction writers focused on their craft This podcast is a radio show that offers a more literary take on writing, talking to authors about their books, process and craft (rather than covering topics like self-publishing and entreprenurship). They have some impressively big name authors like Liane Moriarty appearing as guests on the show – you can find a list of upcoming guests here. As well as talking to authors, they invite on editors and literary agents: for instance, they had LA agent Betsy Amster on in December. So if you’re looking for help with cover letters or insights into the publishing world, this could be a great podcast for you. There aren’t any transcripts, and the show notes are very brief, but do have a dig through the archives as the show has some consistently interesting, detailed episodes – think of them a bit like attending a talk at a writing festival or conference. Podcasts can be an easy way to learn about specific topics or to virtually hang out with some great writers while you’re getting on with the more mundane tasks in life. Try some of the ones on this list, or share your own favourite writing podcasts with us in the comments. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? 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Sunday, November 3, 2019
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 78
Assignment - Essay Example Under the Article 112, the military personnel the use, possession, manufacturing and distribution of illegal and controlled drugs or substances is prohibited. Marijuana has been classified as one of the drugs, which no servicemen are supposed to use or be in possession within the barracks (Shanor & Hogue, 2013). In the case of PTV Smokey, it was clear that he had contravened the provisions of article 122. He was not only caught using marijuana, but he was also in possession of it. For this reason, he is liable for prosecution in the martial courts. His case is admissible, in the sense that the act itself has grounds in the military laws. However, the manner in which the evidence was gathered may lead to termination of the case, as explained below: Like the civilians, the military are protected by the Fourth Amendment constitutional provisions (Shanor & Hogue, 2013). Under this, ‘unreasonable searches or seizures’ are not allowed. Any evidence gathered through this illegal means is inadmissible in the court martial. Critically analyzing the case of STV Smokey, it is clear that the Platoon Sergeant did not have a search warrant that would have facilitated his search and seizure of marijuana. The whole process was flawed, including the way he forced himself in the premises of the suspect. Under the MRE 314 and 315, it is made clear that the Bill of Rights also applies fully to all the military officers (Laurence, 2010). This means that they enjoy the rights to privacy just like the civilians. STV Smokey was right when he informed Platoon Sergeant that he had violated his rights to privacy by forcing himself in the house. This was irrespective of whether there was need to check the possession of the drugs. Prior to obtaining a search warrant, the investigating officer must prove that there is indeed a probable cause. This refers to the grounds upon which the search has to be conducted. The case provided, there was enough ground for
Friday, November 1, 2019
Why was the scopes trial important and what do you believe schools Essay
Why was the scopes trial important and what do you believe schools should teach today about the subject Explain your reasoning - Essay Example In addition, the trial revealed the conflicting sides of America to unparalleled American people in the form of fascinating drama that was experienced through radio communication (Elliot 203). The trial was a huge controversy that unfortunately surrounded teaching evolution in the school setting. Apart from the importance it served in the American history, some of its ideas can still be taught in schools. The major argument put across by the ACLU stated that it is prejudice for schools to teach solely the creation theories. However, I believe creation science should be taught in schools because; by definition, a liberal education requires any issue being aired fully, meaning that truth from any source need not to be feared. Basing on another academic reason, creation science in Scopes trial should be taught because academic freedom allows a teacher to present any view he or she believes is essential to clarify a
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